AK's Cannabis Cookbook

i find it interesting that you had problems with the rice krispy treats, you must have used a very green butter because I usually sell those before anything else, I would try fruity pebbles next time, it makes for a better flavor and wash your butter before cooking with it. You are the second one who left a bad review on the apple butter bars, I guess not all my recipes can be hits. Thanks for your feedback and pull you dick out the dirt.
Going to try the cheesecake and wings this week.

Youve inspired me my friend. Ive made my own garlic bread that was incredible, The flavor of the butter actually goes good with the mashed garlic. Made some great pastas.

You've already given alot to this site with this thread. I think you could easily have a hit book and help the cannabis community as a whole. I say you look into it.
It was probably something on this end rather than the recipe. The butter was about 3 weeks old and I was afraid it was going to go bad before I got to use it. The wife didn't have a full box of rice krispies so she sub'ed something else, not sure what. This is a great thread and thanks again for your contributions!!
ahhh old butter, when you make butter after it has been washed and cooled, re melt it and portion it out with measuring cups, then freeze it, it will be good for about 6 months. Remember butter is animal fat and goes rancid pretty fast if not kept covered or wrapped. And I would love to make a book but I just do not have the start up capitol. Maybe some day.
sup AKGrown just wondering im looking to make a whole bunch of edibles soon and wondered what your opionion of using ghee instead of regular butter was? its higher fat content but having never tasted it was wondering if it would have any great effect on the taste of the edibles?

am gonna have a crack at brownies flapjack and rocky road biscuits!
well, ghee is not claryified butter, well it is but a classic ghee is the clarified milk fat from a cow then left to ferment for 24 hrs in a warm place i.e above the oven etc... I do not nessecaryly say to use clarified butter but you can, there is NOT a higher fat content but, just no milk solids. I actually like reg butter as the milk solids impart and extra richness to the dessert in question.
You know what budder is? If so how about melting some down into some butter? Would this work? I only wanna make buffalo wings for one person.
Tellem about Plugra butter AK, thats my fav. The cheese thing sounds bitchen! I'm thinking some cannabis feta, ripe tomatoes, a nice balsamic....oooo & some roasted yukons. I got the munchies big time. Thx for the ideas!
I am always here to help and yes you could melt budder into butter, about 1/2 gram for one batch of wings, you could skip the butter and mix it straight into your hot sauce, that is if you like a spicier wing.