Al Gore


New Member
No, I'm from England. Ours is called the Human Rights Bill. The difference with ours is that it changes every year. It causes riots every year.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
No, I'm from England. Ours is called the Human Rights Bill. The difference with ours is that it changes every year. It causes riots every year.
Our constitution was written by our "founding fathers". It was written to protect the people from the government. It basically explains your american rights. The right to bare arms, freedom of speech, yada yada. Well what they have taken so far is the right to privacy. The bush administration has made wire tapping phone calls legal after the 9/11 scandal. I believe my government set 9/11 up to cause chaos and panic in the minds of the people. So if we are scared of something we will be more comfortable when the government controls us. They slipped in the phone tap law when everyone thought it would be a good idea to listen to the arabs that we all believed were terrorist. Anyways the courts have ruled against it now but the CIA has appealed and is still using the wire taps. Until it goes through the appeal process they are going to keep doing it. And its basically illegal what they are doing.
Another right that we have that most people dont know is the right to question our government. When the people believe that the government is doing wrong they have some legal paperwork they do but basically the government has to answer the questions or the people dont have to pay taxes until they get an answer. Or some shit like that. So basically if the government does wrong the people dont have to pay them anymore. It is supposed to be in the constitution to govern the government. Right now there is like 4 questions out there about 9/11 and the illegal invasion of iraq. The gov is still giving the run around and prolly will until bush is out of office. Its pretty fucked up. The bush's run the country and have for many years. Grandpa bush supplied metal to hitler back in the day. Bush sr. was in charge of the cia back when Reagan was president. And reagan was just basically a spokes model for our government. Its amazing how filthy rich the fuckers are. They have been filling their pockets for a long time now. I am sure that the people that run the Bush's will keep their "family" in power. Money will make sure it happens. I know it will never happen but I wish one day we would get a good president that did look out for the people and quit trying to take over the world and worried more about taking care of America. Right now I think we are looked down on from all the other countries for our barbaric and greedy ways. Its sad.

To answer the question. No, I have never read the entire constitution. I have read your basic rights but thats as far as I got. I wasnt interested when I had the chance. I think most other people think that we are free and our government is the best ever blah, blah. So why learn history or try to change anything. We are comfortable and lazy so who gives a shit. I think thats the typical young persons thought. Its just something we have been brain washed into believing. I guess. It all starts from the school books.

I think Vired was making a good point guys. We bitch and whine about things and we usually dont have half a clue what we are bitching about. We need to read more about history in general.


New Member
I agree, we all should read more. The trouble with history is that you have to read between the lines, don't take it at face value because that too has been written biasedly.

We need to be careful what we believe.

The only difference between good and evil in history is that good always wins. If the Third Reich had won WWII history would teach that the Allieds were evil.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
I agree, we all should read more. The trouble with history is that you have to read between the lines, don't take it at face value because that too has been written biasedly.

We need to be careful what we believe.

The only difference between good and evil in history is that good always wins. If the Third Reich had won WWII history would teach that the Allieds were evil.

No doubt. You are so right man.


Active Member
Can one of you ... yes, even one of you point out the "Constitutional Rights" that we have lost under the Bush administration? Have any of you read the Constitution?

I have read the Constitution. All of it. Several times. George W. Bush, and in fact every other modern president, violates it routinely. Here's an article that details just some of Bush's violations of the Bill of Rights Bush’s War on the Bill of Rights by Anthony Gregory

Presidents and Congress all violate other parts of the Constitution, as well, doing things like passing ex post facto laws and issuing inflated paper currency, which is illegal under the Constitution.

For you who live outside the US or who live in the US but don't know history, the Bill of Rights is 10 articles that were required to be added to the Constitution to guarantee that the rights of the people and the states wouldn't be crushed by a powerful central government.

As to Al Gore, the subject of this thread, he's a notorious liar who says whatever he thinks will make him popular. He's been a laughing stock in the US ever since he claimed he invented the internet. He's looking popular again with greens because of his global warming movie, but he's still just a politician. He is also, like Bush, a mental mediocrity and a spoiled child born to a class of the political elite. We're not supposed to have a class of born aristocrats here, but Bush and Gore both belong to one.

Bush, Gore, it doesn't matter. They're all just politicians and the only thing they want is power and influence. Not one of them would end the UNCONSTITUTIONAL federal drug war (speaking of parts of the Constitution Bush and all the rest of them have violated). Not one of them would stop violating the Constitution.


Active Member
LOL, that's because they're indefensible. They run the world's biggest protection racket, but that only makes them bigger gangsters than all the rest. Like mafiosi that burn your store down when you don't pay for their protection, politicians usually cause most of the evil shit they say they need to protect us from.


New Member
Chalcy ...

You and I have a lot in common, Bro. :)

I have a copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights for the old Soviet Union. Believe it or not, they had a lot more rights enumerated in thier documents than we do in ours, by far. The difference is, our Founding Fathers recognized that our Human Rights were bestowed upon us by our Creator and not by government bureaucrats. Therefore, government bureaucrats and politicians cannot take our rights away. Granted, they run rough-shod over our rights by passing unconstitutional laws like the Drug War for example. BUT ... we have a way to change that. We have the right to a jury trial, judged by our peers. So, when one is being tried for a NON-violent drug crime, it only takes one juror to "vote" not guilty to have a non-conviction. I, for one, never turn down jury duty for this exact reason. I pray for the day that I'm serving on a jury and the government is trying a peaceful marijuana grower. The government will not get a conviction, because I will vote to not convict. There may be eleven other jurors in the room who want a guilty vote, but that twelfth juror holding out for a not guilty verdict will be me. This is exactly what happened and caused alcohol prohibition to be overturned. The government just could no longer get convictions in bootlegging cases. So, the moral of the story is ... don't ever make up an excuse to turn down jury duty. The founders put that right into the Bill of Rights for this very reason.



Active Member
im sure this post is gonna come off as being offensive to someone and i say thats good because i feel thats what people are forgetting about politics someone is always gonna hate the outcome. But more importantly lets note that no one will ever truely be happy by any outcome in politics in this century because it has lost its purity. when the constitution was written the ideal politican was a farmer, someone who didnt need to be a politican but did it to ensure the rights of counrtymen in there community. i would love to believe that all, shit i would settle for a tenth of politicans, truly care for their constituants, face the facts america they dont. they are to concerned with whos in the majority and for the few that do care if they act outside your party,on behalf of their constituants, good luck getting reelected a perfect example is joe liberman from ct. President bush is the right guy in the right place 9/11 wasnt put together in a week a month or a year it was thourghly thought out and executed over a long period of time and this simple spoken southern who at that point in his term had spent more time in texas than in washington got to be the posterboy of american unprepairedness. that shit you guys look up on google about the money and whos to blame and who knew, it hurts me to hear people bicker about that shit i live in nyc i watched it happen i saw the actuall damaged it caused and knowing who didnt do what isnt ever gonna reverse what happened. you want an example how this is all getting way out of controll the us patriot act look it up skim through it next time your baked and ask yourself if thats what america is about."They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
.How can any of you be shocked by the greediness of americans its what this world runs on its capitalism at its best its what we teach our children everyday "go to school get a good job make lots of money live the way we tell you its the best"
The problem isnt in reading the problem is in the teaching every year school children are taught lies upon lies about everthing from the noble discover christopher columbus who butchered an entire race in north america haiti, and cuba all the way to the civil rights movement. And lets not forget the alamo (the texas war 1835-36) which was fought for the right to own slaves no other freedoms just slavery. Dont blame bush soely its not just his fault alot of people are responsable for the sad state of current affairs.
if youve actually read this entire post i apologize if its alittle incoherent but it is 4 am and i just got home from work and please get angery get angrey at me get angrey at your government because "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism"-Thomas jefferson
:peace: shotty


New Member
So what are you trying to say? That George Bush is noble? That a simple, illiterate man just happened to be in the right place at the right time? Aren't you forgetting who this simple, illiterate man's father is.
Knowing who did what is exactly what we need to know, it may not reverse things but at least we know. It makes it harder for them to do it again.

You are a perfect example of a robot, well you're more of a cyborg as you seem to have some nous about you. You appear quite prepared to believe what they tell you through the media. When it tells you to feel sad, you do, likewise happy, angry, like a certain person, dislike another etc.

Until you can see through their deceptions you will always be blinded by the subliminal media.

What makes you think Christopher Columbus was noble? Probably watched a couple of films i take it. I'd say that in those sort of times noble is a word that couldn't be attatched to anybody. So he wasn't a murdering rapist then?

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism? LOL. I've thought long and hard on this, read it over and over again. Dissent has nothing to do with patriotism, dissent is going against an ideal not a country. Dissenters don't give a... about the country, they're dissenting against The New World Order and it's intent on making all of us like you Shotgunrab.


Active Member
well i guess sarcasim is lost through internet posting i despise this administration and it was 4 in the morning and i hadnt had a smoke yet next time ill put quotes around "noble"
Dissent means to differ in opnion not to hate a country or go against new world order. when thomas jefferson said that he was talking about america and the idea of democracy and the ability for someone to acknowaldge someones differing opnion and how thats truely the idea of freedom and democracy

:peace: shotty

P.S. im not a robot

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Lol, someone should bring up religion in this thread. Those are like the two things you cant talk about on message forums. Religion and politics.


New Member
You are so right, I've often remarked myself at how difficult sarcasm is to read. Also too, remarked on how different my perceptions are when I haven't had my medicine. I apologise Shotgunrab, maybe i was a little too quick to jump. I've re-read your post, using a different tone, and i think I see where you're coming from. It's my fault for being an out and out Anarchist.

by the by, when I said 'going against'... I was talking in terms of disagreement, ergo the definition of dissent. I know exactly what dissent means and I believe I used it in the right context. Dissent is a very, very broad word.

P.S. I know you're not a robot. I said cyborg. LOL. Only joking, sorry about that offensive post I wrote it first thing in the morning. It usually takes me 2 or 3 spliffs before I start functioning properly.

P.P.S. Widow's right, bring on religion.

c hris

Active Member
Yeah well heres some religion, i saw this post on skunkmag. According to the writer of the article some ppl are finding sanction to "annoint" (smoke weed) under religious freedom rights or something like check it out if u want and remember JESUS SAVES (and he smokes a joint before he saves)!!!

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Yeah well heres some religion, i saw this post on skunkmag. According to the writer of the article some ppl are finding sanction to "annoint" (smoke weed) under religious freedom rights or something like check it out if u want and remember JESUS SAVES (and he smokes a joint before he saves)!!!

I think you are talking about this.

My friend is a member. I dont know if its bs or not. I guess it could help. I would have to tell the fuzz I was growing for the entire church. lol.


New Member
As in when you don't exist anymore. This, for many people is a difficult concept to accept. But still... that's just tough. if you've ever been knocked unconscious before then you have experienced death.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

IMPOSSIBLE.. unless you have a "false understanding" of whom "YOU" are... all false understandings are fleeting.. impermanent

Actually.. if you have any UNDERSTANDING of who "YOU" are, it is NOT correct.... the mind can not understand ... "I"

If this does not make sense to you, try this.. try sitting still and just quiting... just sit... give up.. react to nothing.. DON'T react to any thoughts or any circumstances in the outer world.... just breath... become your breath... do this for 10 minutes every morning for 1 week.. it is very difficult and less than 1 percent of 1 percent of the worlds population has the will power and the ability to watch their OWN mind for 10 minutes... and NOT react...

you will get a glimmer.. of eternity if you can do this practice for 1 week.... or if you have balls of steal and are ready for LOVE.. just give up completely NOW.. GIVE up reacting FOREVER... and eternity will be yours forever.. and you will see the true meaning of death... rather than your "understanding " of the word death..

Death is the opposite of Birth... Birth is the opposite of Death... Nothing with an opposite lives in eternity...

BUT LIFE is forever...
