Alabama just banned abortions.

Going to be years before it wends it's way through the courts and by then you 'Mericans might have sanity restored to the government and a less right wing Supreme court.

It's amazing, and scary, how quickly the US is regressing back to the 'good old days'.

Nothing a good war with Iran won't fix. ;)

Going to be years before it wends it's way through the courts and by then you 'Mericans might have sanity restored to the government and a less right wing Supreme court.

It's amazing, and scary, how quickly the US is regressing back to the 'good old days'.

Nothing a good war with Iran won't fix. ;)

I'm not convinced America is going to be able to turn things around. Historically, this trend only reverses due to war, collapse or revolution.
No, if the state finds out a woman was pregnant and are not anymore, they can proceed with a criminal investigation. I believe under the law they can convict the woman of manslaughter, if not murder.
It's a fucked up law. A lot more details will come out about this. Hopefully sooner than later. Still, anybody who chooses to not carry the fetus to term and without the means and ability to leave the state to get an abortion, they are out on a limb.
Going to be years before it wends it's way through the courts and by then you 'Mericans might have sanity restored to the government and a less right wing Supreme court.

It's amazing, and scary, how quickly the US is regressing back to the 'good old days'.

Nothing a good war with Iran won't fix. ;)

With this kind of Republican legislation being passed, a war with Iran is the only way Republicans MIGHT manage to stay in power. I'm not sure even that would work.

Only a few years ago, people were ignoring the anti abortion loonies because they didn't believe they would do something like this. Not anymore.
Proof governments give ZERO fucks about human rights, let alone women’s rights.. very disheartening.

(Actuslly what am I saying..? Unless ur a politician humans have NO rights, except to eat sleep work and die) ...and we barely have a say in that either
Not government ...REPUBLICANS
It's a fucked up law. A lot more details will come out about this. Hopefully sooner than later. Still, anybody who chooses to not carry the fetus to term and without the means and ability to leave the state to get an abortion, they are out on a limb.

hey what better way to raise taxes to funnel up to the 1% by taxing the unborn?
Oh... republicans aren’t part of congress? Sorry I mistook them for a political party - ie part of government.

that's because they play games on their phones:

Is this a factual statement?

He's been arrested several times for the crime. A woman that he brutalized showed up here to talk about it. I know his name and it's in newspaper articles where he's named in the arrests. I can pm links to you if you want. The guy is a trust fund baby and doesn't even need the money. He beat and whored a woman for fun and profit.
It's a fucked up law. A lot more details will come out about this. Hopefully sooner than later. Still, anybody who chooses to not carry the fetus to term and without the means and ability to leave the state to get an abortion, they are out on a limb.
when the wind blows the cradle will drop.
Perfect example of the fucked up world we exist in where MEN make decisions about something they will NEVER have to go thru!!Fucking PIGS!!
Reading that has completely changed my mood for the day:(
tell that to Alabama's woman governor who signed it into law after about 5 minutes of contemplation.
southern conservatives version of small government, so small they legislate inside of the womb.
Alabama voted and signed by the governor a law that makes abortions illegal. If a doctor is caught performing an abortion, even if it's a 2-week old embryo, he is convicted of murder with a sentence of up to 99 years. If a woman decides to leave the state and get an abortion she could spend 10 years in prison. There is no exception for rape, incest, mental health, or IQ. A man could literally rape a mentally handicapped child and she would be forced to carry to full term even if the doctor knows she will need a Cesaerian, as long as the doctor deems her body fit enough. The only loophole is if the female's health is in imminent danger.

If some sicko rapes your child and she becomes pregnant, and you make over $23,000, you will be forced to pay for her medical bills. Not only medical bills but her therapy, homeschooling, and her prenatal care. Quite possibly her funeral after she kills herself. You can then give the baby to the state.
This bitch is TRULY A FUCKING IDIOT....the got damn doctor will get 100 fucking years for performing the abortion.. the rapist gets 5 years and out in 18 months... while this lady has to take care of a kid... so what they are saying is GOD PLANNED THIS... WOW FUCK ALABAMA PREJUDICE ASS RED STATE..this shot is all about MONEY...People playing THE LORD... Christians judging... the bitch is too old and can’t see devilment at all...I bet they still hanging & lenching there... WEAK ASS PRESIDENT WEAK ASS GOVERNORS ... = Weak ass state... Glad they got they ass stumped in football..:spew: