i have a social alcohol problem.... i CANNOT go out and have a few drinks... if i go out to drink somewhere, i dont leave until i am smashed... normally when they are closing the bar/club and escort my drunk self out.... but i have the opposite problem if i drink at home... i CANNOT get drunk at home.. cant even drink 3beers in one night... after wrecking my wifes car drunk recently, i vowed to never step foot in a bar without her, cause with her there, i wont get drunk either...
but im one of those guys like your neighbor when i get a full tank... yelling, belligerent, stupid, and almost violent... i dont like the drunk me, and neither does my wife... another thing that made me stop is my son... when i came in from my 7mile hike from the accident, i was going through the house on a tirade, yelling, kicking holes in doors, etc.... and even though i was piss drunk, i can still remember how scared my son was of dad... it makes me tear up right now just picturing his face and the fear that was in it.... that is a horrible feeling i would rather not have to have experienced... alcohol is the devil; but the devil is big business, never gonna get rid of it in human society.... sorry for the long post, had to share....