Alcohol Tincture

Yeah I get it, schwag in - schwag out. I wasn't trying to make it into something better than it was to start. I was hoping to get a similar number of doses from the tincture as I would from Vaping. It doesn't look like it will make that mark. It will work for a dose on the go or for times when vaping is not practical or undesirable. Overall, I think the experiment was successful for me even if the final product wasn't all I had hoped. I'd like to get a little personal grow going soon and improve the quality of the starting product ;-) Then, I would just need to improve the extraction technique and I'll be golden!

P.S. I baked the ground bud for 5 minutes at 325F as described in the initial post. I had believed that this step was to decarb the product, is that not correct?


You're converting thc-a into active thc
so hobbes what do you think about using a coffee filter to filter again after doing the rough strain with cheesecloth?
well for the warm method there's lots of extra stuff in it and it'd be nice to know that I was getting only soluble stuff ya know. just wanna know if he has some actual experience on this.
I have read the information which you have mentioned here on Alcohol Tincture. And I am really knew something new after Reading this Alcohol Tincture Post. I was totally unknown from this Alcohol Tincture. And came to know after reading your this Alcohol Tincture.
uhmmm what?

i can't speak for hobbes but in my experience i've found that the coffee filter is nice (especially if you want to make sure it is completely smooth) but not mandatory, you know??? it doesn't do much else but take out all of the little bits, the best way i've seen to do it is to premoisten the coffee filter (with water) so that it does not soak up your tink...
well I used the coffee filter and it took out a shitload of sediment. the tincture I made looks straight black!!!!

3 weeks warm method, used a shitload of small buds with like 1.5 grams of hash ;)

will upload pic shortly
my warm method tincture!!! it is DONE!!!

made from small buds of 5 strains!!!, with about 1.5 grams of scizzor hash on top of that....

it came out RED when you shine a light on it, black without!

so I took about a 2 ounce shot of this shit mixed in with a bunch of juice, drank it all down and god damn I almost had a whitey, it was SO fucking powerful... the looks are NOT decieving on this stuff :D

will definitely be using the warm method as my main method in the future, this shit is off the hook.
Ya that shit will pucker your asshole up, liquor is always nice to have close by if you take too much and begin to freak out

That shit will level it out
I highly doubt drinking more alcohol will even you out after taking too much tincture... I was borderline dizzy from taking too much, I know for a fact more alcohol would just make this worse...
the aclahol will take away the severe paranoia that can happen when too much tink is taken

like you know how they call it liquid courage,

the fuckedupness you are feelng from the tink is not due to the alcahol unless you never drink and have an exreamly low tolerance. all the feeling is coming from the weed. infact if you start drinking before the tink actually hits you, it makes you more happy go lucky rather than, zoned out and quiet / paranoid

im higher schooled in this because I am highly sensitive to paranoia. at point in my life it got so bad where i couldnt even smoke weed anymore unless I was already drunk or I would just freak out in social situation or even if I was alone i would convince myself I was having a heart attack.

I new it was all in my head cuz it never happend to me if I smoked after drinking.

I had a kid take a 1/2 shot of my super strong tink. We were pros at the time taking like 2 shots of very power tink so i didnt think it would mess with him. but he had low tolerance all he could do was lay on my couch freaked out for like 3 hours.

he wouldnt take my advice and take a regular shot of alchol cuz he was a afraid it would just fuck him up more and he just had a terrible night.

but the truth is it sounds crazy but alcahol is the antidote for weed overdose. I know this from years of trial an error on myself and my friends.

I gave my new g/f tink last month for the first time ever. She was freaked out so bad that she went upstairs to hang out alone cuz she was so noid and stuff. I was teetering the edge myself and chilled happily downstairs by myself too.

anyway, i went upstair and gave her a few shots and she felt better, I had to take a couple too as I was getting a little freaked.

But I can see where you are coming from if you dont drink often, shit like 2 beers will get you buzzed.

Ive since a while back got on medicatin for anxiety and now im fine when i smoke weed. I dont need to use alcahol as a crutch anymore but still use its powers when im off the wall on GreenDragon.
How long did the two ounce dose last? I posted earlier about doing 20ml and someone said that seemed like too much. My 20 ml adventure lasted eight hours with most of it being relaxed almost tranquilizer buzz, with about two hours being the frantic/ADD kind of buzz. I do love this stuff. It will be my go too method when traveling. Seems a lot less risky than smoke smell and paraphenallia when no privacy.
the aclahol will take away the severe paranoia that can happen when too much tink is taken

like you know how they call it liquid courage,

the fuckedupness you are feelng from the tink is not due to the alcahol unless you never drink and have an exreamly low tolerance. all the feeling is coming from the weed. infact if you start drinking before the tink actually hits you, it makes you more happy go lucky rather than, zoned out and quiet / paranoid

im higher schooled in this because I am highly sensitive to paranoia. at point in my life it got so bad where i couldnt even smoke weed anymore unless I was already drunk or I would just freak out in social situation or even if I was alone i would convince myself I was having a heart attack.

I new it was all in my head cuz it never happend to me if I smoked after drinking.

I had a kid take a 1/2 shot of my super strong tink. We were pros at the time taking like 2 shots of very power tink so i didnt think it would mess with him. but he had low tolerance all he could do was lay on my couch freaked out for like 3 hours.

he wouldnt take my advice and take a regular shot of alchol cuz he was a afraid it would just fuck him up more and he just had a terrible night.

but the truth is it sounds crazy but alcahol is the antidote for weed overdose. I know this from years of trial an error on myself and my friends.

I gave my new g/f tink last month for the first time ever. She was freaked out so bad that she went upstairs to hang out alone cuz she was so noid and stuff. I was teetering the edge myself and chilled happily downstairs by myself too.

anyway, i went upstair and gave her a few shots and she felt better, I had to take a couple too as I was getting a little freaked.

But I can see where you are coming from if you dont drink often, shit like 2 beers will get you buzzed.

Ive since a while back got on medicatin for anxiety and now im fine when i smoke weed. I dont need to use alcahol as a crutch anymore but still use its powers when im off the wall on GreenDragon.

certainly possible it will help with paranoia... but when you're feeling intense borderline head spin, more alcohol will only make it worse, theres no way you could ever convince me otherwise. I do agree that it could help paranoia, but I don't get paranoid no matter how high I get so that isn't my problem..

btw this tincture I made 1/2 ounce of it will fuck you up, almost too much..
well, everyone has different experiences, that is why you titrate the dose...

if 1/2 oz is too much try one tablespoon (3 tbl in an fluid oz: kinda), if that is too much try one teaspoon (3 tsp per tbl), if that is too much start with a one ml eyedropper, and see where it takes you...

everyone: is different, makes theirs just a little different, takes it for different reasons, likes/ dislikes different things...

i personally like the alcohol tink better in a mixed drink, but some folks just put a few drops under their tongue, or make it with glycerine...

everyone is allowed to experience their own experience in their own way... and that is a good thing...
well, everyone has different experiences, that is why you titrate the dose...

if 1/2 oz is too much try one tablespoon (3 tbl in an fluid oz: kinda), if that is too much try one teaspoon (3 tsp per tbl), if that is too much start with a one ml eyedropper, and see where it takes you...

everyone: is different, makes theirs just a little different, takes it for different reasons, likes/ dislikes different things...

i personally like the alcohol tink better in a mixed drink, but some folks just put a few drops under their tongue, or make it with glycerine...

everyone is allowed to experience their own experience in their own way... and that is a good thing...

yeah I was merely saying how strong it was ya know. I know all about how to titrate dosages, its often quite overwealming when you're in the discovery phase though.
i heard that... usually when i'm in discovery, i like to set up the bubble bath and soothing music on the ipod so i can cocoon if necessary... mostly even if i take a wee bit too much it doesn't last more than 4 hours for me... which is alright, plus if i'm really lucky, i can sleep it off...
yeah that's the one thing that sucks about taking too much, its actually hard to sleep... too many things fuckin with your head
well, everyone has different experiences, that is why you titrate the dose...

if 1/2 oz is too much try one tablespoon (3 tbl in an fluid oz: kinda), if that is too much try one teaspoon (3 tsp per tbl), if that is too much start with a one ml eyedropper, and see where it takes you...

everyone: is different, makes theirs just a little different, takes it for different reasons, likes/ dislikes different things...

i personally like the alcohol tink better in a mixed drink, but some folks just put a few drops under their tongue, or make it with glycerine...

everyone is allowed to experience their own experience in their own way... and that is a good thing...

Wouldn't it be better to titrate up? Start with a small dose and work up? I hate the spins!