Alcohol Tincture


I did this in attempt to dull the everclear sting... instead it just seperated the
resin that was previously dissolved in the alcohol... im now left with a weak
tincture with globs of dark oil floating around and settling on the bottom...

Is there anything I can add to the mix to re-dissolve the oil?

Or should I evaporate all the liquid and try re-dissolving in pure alcohol
without watering down?"



Yes, I do this to get the exact result you mentioned. No worries, you're going to be even happier with your tincture in a few hours.


If you do an alcohol extraction you get a lot of the terpins and chlorophyll that make your tincture
taste like ass water, dan discovered a great way to remedy this.

Resin (witch contains the THC) is alcohol soluble but not water soluble. If you either:

1. Add more water and Boil off the alcohol while leaving the water (<100C)

2. Add copious amounts of water to your tincture

There will be too little alcohol % to hold the resin (THC) in solution and the resin will float until
the percentage of alcohol gets small enough that the resin is heavier per volume than
the alcohol-water solution. The resin will drop to the bottom of the jar.


I find this a bit strange since alcohol is less dense than water and the resin should sink quicker in a high alcohol % solution than a low alcohol % solution. Perhaps because alcohol is a solvent for resin, but the phenomina seems counter intuitive.

Anyone else get this? Your alcohol tincture evaporates off a bit and the resin that comes out of solution floats around, then if you add more water or boil off the alcohol it sinks?


When you have most of the alcohol evaporated add some more water and put the
jar in the fridge for a couple of hours. The resin will settle to the bottom. Drain off the
water into another jar, leaving only the resin.

Make sure the foul tasting water and alcohol are gone, add a small amount of
down the side of the jar so you don't mix up the dissolved resin and gently rinse. Dump the foul water into the foul water jar. Put the foul water jar back in the fridge and repeat until you get no resin residue on the bottom of the jar.

Now the fun part.

1. To your good resin jar - add your choice of solvent: glycerin or alcohol.
2. Shake or use a single beater mixer, until you have a solution clear of residue.
3. Enjoy.

Ya done a real good thing Dan! ;)

ps if you want to get rid of the alcohol sting go to your local pharmacy and pick up a
100 ml bottle of glycerin for $3.50. Glycerin is a sugar alcohol and will dissolve the resin.
Look above and to previous pages for recipes and tips.


Radical! This helps a lot! Thanks Hobbes! In the future, is there anything i can add to my tinctures thats not straight alcohol to help with the everclear sting? Something that wont seperate the resin from my mix? Or am I better off sticking with straight everclear??? Thanks again!

Also, do you do this intentionally to purify your tinctures? Or am I better off doing this as the first step by soaking my shake before I extract to remove impurities?

So I just poured the alcohol/water mix into another jar and evaporated the liquid off and got a tiny bit of hash oil... I then added straight everclear to my jar caked in resin, heated it a little... and wha-la! All the resin dissolved nicely and its much stronger now with a better taste! So, the chlorophyll and nasty stuff is still in that hash oil I got from the liquid then, right? Also, if I still wanted to use alcohol for my tinctures but add some filler so it doesnt sting as much, could I use glycerine like you metioned? Or should I go one way or the other?

Thanks for taking the time to respond!
Wow Hobbes, that is a lot of info to digest. :mrgreen:

I've been making alcohol tinctures for a few months now, but for some reason I always ignored glycerine. :dunce: My biggest problem with tinctures has always been that I just don't like alcohol very much. So glycerine should be perfect...if I can find any around here. I searched walmart last night with no luck. I'll check the drug store next. Any suggestions as to what it would be located near in the drug store? I don't like asking for help finding it, because the first question they always ask is "what are you using it for?" Any suggestions on how to answer that question?

Thanks for the great "how to", +rep as soon as I spread enough around to get you again.
"is there anything i can add to my tinctures thats not straight alcohol to help with the everclear sting? Something that wont seperate the resin from my mix? Or am I better off sticking with straight everclear?"

Hey Dan!

I'd go with glycerin - it's a cannabis resin solvent and sugar alcohol. I've done a couple of jars with a mixture - disolving the resin in 150 proof alcohol, reducing until small amounts of resin fall out of solution in resin, add glycerine.

If I were to do an alcohol extraction then wanted a different medium I'd reduce the alcohol tincture and drain off the excess, then use glycerin only with the resin. Tastes much better and as you found - you can add less medium and get more potent tincture.

As well, I've read (uncomfirmed) articles claiming that glycerin is absorbed sublingually into the blood much quicker than alcohol, and the cannaboid absorbtion rate is close to 90% compared with 40% for alcohol.

"do you do this intentionally to purify your tinctures?"

I use to but now I use the kief from my Ice Water extraction, washed and concentrated. Much better taste, you can make it as potent as the glycerin will hold the dissolved resin in suspension.

"Or am I better off doing this as the first step by soaking my shake before I extract to remove impurities?"

Everclear will dissolve the resin much quicker than glycerin, and you can add enough glycerin to make the tincture potent, and it will taste better. For me I'd absolutely do it, but some people might find the extra work not worth the effort.

Has anyone has trouble with this method? Less potency? Changing the effects of the tincture?

"the chlorophyll and nasty stuff is still in that hash oil I got from the liquid then, right?"

The chlorophyll and terpins are water soluble so they will stay in solution in the water after the alcohol has been reduced. The trick is to get enough water mixed in to keep all the unwanted junk in solution - before reducing - so the foul tasteing particles don't settle with the cannabis resin at the bottom of the jar. If this happens you transfer that garbage to your new tincture.

"Also, if I still wanted to use alcohol for my tinctures but add some filler so it doesnt sting as much, could I use glycerine like you metioned? Or should I go one way or the other?"

I would go with Glycerin, but reduce the alcohol solution and get rid of the terpins/chlorophyll first.



"Any suggestions as to what it would be located near in the drug store?"

In the section by the cough medicine, band aids.

"I don't like asking for help finding it, because the first question they always ask is "what are you using it for?"

Tell them that your throat is sore from smoking so many joints and you want to take a few drops of glycerin to sooth it.

Pharmaceutical grade Glycerin is used on sore throats, cuts, anywhere that moisture is needed. Excellent multi purpose product.

Don't worry about them asking, and if they do -

"Sore throat, I want my remedy natural"

"My girlfriend has a sunburn and her mother told her that glycerin will moisturize the burn."

"Just show me where the fucking glycerin is asshole."

I usually use number 3.


the glycerin we use is just vegetable glycerin, not nitroglycerin.

"Glycerol is a chemical compound also commonly called glycerin or glycerine. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that is widely used in pharmaceutical formulations. For human consumption, glycerol is classified by the FDA among the sugar alcohols as a caloric macronutrient. ... The glycerol substructure is a central component of many lipids. Glycerol is sweet-tasting and of low toxicity."


"Just show me where the fucking glycerin is asshole!"

HaHa, go with that one! Its not like your buying the shit to cook up meth, right? They wont think twice about it... also glycerin is used in liquid light shows with water, food coloring, and an overhead projector... ya know all those crazy multi-colored light shows that bands started doing in the 60's? Yup, just tell em' your trippin' out some friends at a party with it!:-P Ha, ive actually been looking for some for that very reason!:-P

SO....glycerin is colorless, odorless, and tasteless then, right?

You could use a glycerin extract topically then, right?

Thanks again for taking the time HOBBES! Great Thread!

P.S. Im kinda new here, do I need to post a certain amount of times before I can add +rep for people? You'll get some for sure when I can Hobbes!!!
"do I need to post a certain amount of times before I can add +rep for people?"

I dunno.

"You'll get some for sure when I can Hobbes!"

Please no. I do these threads as a repository of all the web research I do, everyone adds by posting information or asking question that direct my research in areas I may never have thought of venturing. I learn more from researching to answering peoples' questions than from thinking up ideas of my own.


Well thanks anyway... I started another thread asking for help on this topic and got a short response that wasnt nearly as helpful as yours... And the respondee was saying he better get some +rep for his response...? So I figured thats what people were hoping for by responding, instead of just doing it to help someone out... Anyways, me telling you thanks is all the +rep you'll get from me then!
I find it hard to believe that I haven't plagiarized Subcool's tincture recipe yet, I'll fix my oversight now.



Glycerin tincture 101
I wanted to do a step by step on making no alcoholic tincture and a report on my first batch. I want to thank Kareem who turned me on to this amazing medicine and who guided me through my first batch.

I used 2 ounces in this 2 quart jar and just covered the weed by a few inches with Glycerin.

Lets walk through the process.

This is the final product and let me tell you this was made with pure buds of OV, JC and JTR and it will get your attention!
Ok first we take some food grade Glycerin

Some nice chopped bud or shake this is from seeded plants of JC,JTR,SQ,and Urkle



Next we want to make sure the jar is dry and clean

So I fill the jar loosely and add lots of kief on top.

The stuff settles very slowly so keep topping it off.

It will take a few days to soak all this up and I just leave it alone during this first period.



So I turned the jar each day for 60 days working it 3-5 minutes every morning and after 60 days you get this.

I will use a french press next time as the bags were a bit messy but very effective. I don't use this 190 bag making bubble so it came in handy.

Tip make sure to twist the top shut so leaf doesn't drip into the final tincture and you have to strain it twice.

I am sorry about these shots my hands were covered in THC bearing Tincture and I took these with my elbow.



Last step is to heat the open jars at 150 for like 10 minutes to evaporate any moisture I am still working on this last step.


These next words are from My patient and almost made me cry!! - Subcool


"Taking Tincture My Way & Medicinal Effects Exp
erienced These tincs are great.

And yeah i reckon they could be some of the best meds for migraines. As in Migraines, normally once you feel it, your body will be diverting blood away from your stomach and to your head. This is why many pain killers simply do not touch a migraine. The med just doesn't get digested.

But with the tinc, the THC is getting absorbed into the blood stream via the mucus membrane, hence the reason when you keep it in your mouth for longer, and brush your teeth your absorbing THC a lot quicker and much more efficiently than if you simply eat it.

With the addition of clove oil you have a perfect tooth ache remedy. Even seams to work on apses, but only on pain of course, you would still need antibiotics and or lancing."


"This morning, I didn't take Tincture

I tried to keep the bong hits low, to see how my body would respond.
Yucky, I'll say. First my heads seems to be just a little slower, (its always hard for me to think), my housework seems harder to finish; I start o.k., but then my energy just goes away. I'm beginning to feel shakey and nauseas. My non-cancerous Fibroid (fatty) tumors are reminding that they are there.

All of this is just after about 22 hours without full med treatment. 2 - 3 days, and I would be in my own world again, because of the pain that would return. But tonight I will be taking Tincture, and wake up feeling just fine. MzJill & Subcool told us when we received this treasure, that not everybody feels the Medicinal Effects, of Tincture. Perhaps its not the right method of delivery for them. I do not feel 'High', or 'Druggy', from Tincture. I only feel a relief from Migrane Headache pain, and a decrease in shaking. I do feel a warm, calm feeling, of over-all well being.

Thank you again, MzJill & Subcool, for introducing me to Tincture. I love it! Comfy in the Mist!




Where do I find Food Grade Glycerin?

Usually baking section of groceries store, health food store (watch out for the hippies), or get pharmaceutical grade glycerin at the drug store in the band aid or sore throat section. You can get 100ml bottles of glycerin for $3.50.

This is NOT nitroglycerin!

It's a vegetable extract that is sweet, hardly effects insulin production, is used in icing sugar. Can be used as a hydrator for sunburns & cuts, to sooth sore throats, as a sweetener in your coffee or in a fish slurry as an industrial lubricant.

If you're nervous of asking for some say ...

"I want to use it instead of sugar because I read on the internet that it has a very small effect on insulin compared with sugar."

(ie won't make you fat - do not go near diabetes, don't make them concerned.)

And you did read this on the internet. And it does have a very small effect on blood insulin levels.


What Are the Benefits of Vegetable Glycerine?

Vegetable glycerine is a compound that comes from vegetable oil, usually palm or coconut. It has strong humectant properties, meaning it is able to retain moisture. It is clear, colorless and very sweet. Because it is soluble in water and alcohol, natural and easily produced, it is beneficial for manufacturing purposes and is one of the most common additives in a range of products from cosmetics to food. There are many benefits to vegetable glycerine.


General Skin Care

There are many anti-aging benefits when using vegetable glycerine. Its excellent moisturizing properties aid in keeping skin looking young and healthy. Retaining moisture is vital for keeping skin in its best condition. It also draws oxygen into the skin, which is beneficial for anti-aging as well. There are many factors that cause dry skin and accelerate aging, and vegetable glycerine is an effective agent against these elements. It can be used in face washes and moisturizers.



Vegetable glycerine is hypoallergenic, and people suffering from acne can use this product without worry that it will aggravate their condition. Vegetable glycerine is also very antibacterial and aids in preventing breakouts and keeping pores clear. It also can speed healing of present acne lesions. It is not inflammatory and will not irritate skin like many other products with harsh chemical ingredients


Skin Conditions

Eczema and psoriasis are two skin conditions marked by infection, irritation and itching. Many moisturizers used by people with normal skin conditions are either ineffective or can aggravate the condition. Vegetable glycerine is a very pure, nonirritating substance and can ease the discomfort of these conditions. Its antibacterial properties can also protect the skin from infection. It is best in its pure form for these conditions. Using a typical store product that contains it as just one of many ingredients will not have the same effect. Do not use it on infected skin that is weeping or oozing.



Even though vegetable glycerine is a carbohydrate, it does not have a large effect on blood sugar and can safely be used by people using insulin. Its sweetening and moistening properties make it a useful ingredient in many types of foods. Vegetable glycerine is also a natural preservative.


Herbal Preparations

This substance is a powerful solvent and is useful in preparing herbal remedies. It can be used in place of alcohol when extracting the compounds from plants. In addition, its sweet flavor can make herbal preparations with unpleasant tasting herbs more palatable.


Hair Care

Vegetable glycerine's moisturizing properties are beneficial for hair as well as skin. Dry, brittle hair will benefit from using hair care products made with it. Direct application of the oil can be extra powerful. If someone suffers from a dry, flaky scalp, rubbing vegetable glycerine into it can alleviate this irritation. This can be particularly beneficial for African-American women who tend to have these types of hair issues. In addition to its moisturizing properties, it also strengthens the hair and makes breakage and split ends less likely.


Great info Hobbes. I did finally find some glycerine. I had to try 4 different stores, but the big walmart in the next town had it.

I will try mixing up a small batch later this week.

I looked all over the internet, and it seems like there isn't much choice but to wait the 60 days or so. I found lots of people that were unhappy with the results of trying to speed up the extraction by using heat. I think every success story I found had at least a 30 days wait time, most were closer to 60 though.

I'm about to harvest a gh "church" this week, I'll make sure to set aside a few grams for my tincture.

Grinch I believe you can use a pressure cooker instead of an autoclave, the difference between the two is:

"An autoclave is a pressure cooker of sorts, an autoclave is much faster ... The difference between a pressure cooker and autoclave is that a pressure cooker first heats up and then slowly builds pressure after you cap it. By doing this it takes more time for the internal temperature to reach what it's supposed to. (pv/nr=t) "

Adding some water to the bottom of the pressure cooker (tincture mixture in a steel cup) to help the steam build quickly might help since it's the pressure we want.

I'm going to use an electronic pressure cooker with some water added and the tincture cup in the strainer insert to keep it off the P.C. bottom while the pressure and temperature increase. A poor man's autoclave, 'cause those things are bloody expensive!


The difference between a pressure cooker and autoclave is that a pressure cooker first heats up and then slowly builds pressure after you cap it. By doing this it takes more time for the internal temperature to reach what it's supposed to. (pv/nr=t)

A pressure cooker ran properly at 15 psi for 2 hours will definetly sterilze your grains with high success. Just make sure you cook it at least 60-90 minutes and you shouldn't have problems.

An autoclave on the otherhand instantly goes to the pressure you set it at and begins the heat cycle. This acheives proper internal temperature more quickly and allows for shorter 'cook' cycles. Throw in 6 bags of grain, shut a door and press start. These are a lot more pricey but sure are nice.

IMO: you should do yourself right and buy an All American pressure cooker. These things are bullet proof. Make sure to get at least a 15qt, I would reccomend the AA921 which is 21 quarts(150$ on egay used). If you're feeling ballzy, AA makes a 44qt pressure cooker. Thats a lot of spawn!"
(note: probably the smallest model for us)

