Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has a New Rule

The problem. With the socialist left is they act like children..they want everything free..without having to work for it..the entitled little morons
The problem. With the socialist left is they act like children..they want everything free..without having to work for it..the entitled little morons
There are a lot more rednecks on welfare than anybody else. Just saying. The liberal east and west coast with their strong economies are putting food on the tables of white rednecks who for some reason want to starve and do without medical care.
That Cortez bitch is stupid


Why do you keep getting smacked upside the head with rocks?
I do believe he is

Trump is going to drive this country into Occasio Perez's arms where she will create the right winger's socialism of their dreams. Serves them right for being so obstreperous.


the backlash against trump is gonna be so extreme that we won't settle back to a mildly liberal pragmatist like obama, we're gonna go full blown ocasio-cortez and rub their noses in it as we go

the backlash against trump is gonna be so extreme that we won't settle back to a mildly liberal pragmatist like obama, we're gonna go full blown ocasio-cortez and rub their noses in it as we go

nothing would make me happier then to piss off white evangelicals.

i hope the county goes hard left, fuck them....
It won't because the majority of Democrats accept corporate/PAC money
Causal Fallacy
The Causal Fallacy is any logical breakdown when identifying a cause. You can think of the Causal Fallacy as a parent category for several different fallacies about unproven causes.

One causal fallacy is the False Cause or non causa pro causa (“not the-cause for a cause”) fallacy, which is when you conclude about a cause without enough evidence to do so. Consider, for example, “Since your parents named you ‘Harvest,’ they must be farmers.” It’s possible that the parents are farmers, but that name alone is not enough evidence to draw that conclusion. That name doesn’t tell us much of anything about the parents. This claim commits the False Cause Fallacy.

Causal Fallacy
The Causal Fallacy is any logical breakdown when identifying a cause. You can think of the Causal Fallacy as a parent category for several different fallacies about unproven causes.

One causal fallacy is the False Cause or non causa pro causa (“not the-cause for a cause”) fallacy, which is when you conclude about a cause without enough evidence to do so. Consider, for example, “Since your parents named you ‘Harvest,’ they must be farmers.” It’s possible that the parents are farmers, but that name alone is not enough evidence to draw that conclusion. That name doesn’t tell us much of anything about the parents. This claim commits the False Cause Fallacy.

Your logic is flawed and your conclusions incorrect due to a terminal case of confirmation bias.

You insist that millions of dollars in (legalised!) bribery somehow don't affect our political system.

That's just laughably silly.
Your logic is flawed and your conclusions incorrect due to a terminal case of confirmation bias.

You insist that millions of dollars in (legalised!) bribery somehow don't affect our political system.

That's just laughably silly.
Not sure what you are responding to. I simply am pointing out that what @Padawanbater2 said is a fallacy. Progressive(TM) Democrats aren't going to populate a majority of the seats of congress because too few of them ran for Congressional office. One must run for an office before they can win it in an election.

To remind you of what Pad said:

It won't because the majority of Democrats accept corporate/PAC money

Nothing. Absolutely nothing kept Progressives(TM) from running. Yet only a few did and fewer won. What is hypocritical about the above statement and your inane defense of it, is the hue and cry made by you and Pad when a PAC told Tillemann, a self described Progressive(TM) who was running for a congressional seat in the CO 6th district, they wouldn't give him money.

The converse of Pads statement is true: There were plenty of progressives such as Lamb in the PA 13th district who won and also refused corporate PAC money.

So I'm just using Pad's false statement as a teaching moment to help you and others understand and hopefully correct your faulty thinking. Pad made a conclusion of causality that was not the cause for the cause.
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