Here is some stuff that made the News lately. Making the News, means it was seen by enough independent observers to not be written off immediately as kooky.

And this one I have to admit is very weird. Skip to 2:05 minutes and see for yourself.

Something comes up out of a forest in this aerial shot. It is morphing its shape and doesn't look very easy to fake, at all.

Mylar balloons are fascinating, eh? Especially as their altitude increases and the gas inside expands.

I agree with that about 50 mylar balloons. The next video shows a really sad clown walking out of the woods. At the beginning of that video it showed what looked like a ufo/uso.
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Yeah, I have Gimp.... free photoshop like. Have you ever used a photo editor? I think we also need to understand another point. Sure there is a sucker born every minute. But, there is a P.T. Barnum born every minute just to take advantage.

I almost got scammed the other day, and come to think of it maybe she was a space alien. :)
Never used a photo editor. I would be more interested in a reverse photoshop. How did you almost get scammed?
Scammed? Oh just more stupid women tricks. Another conversation for another sub-forum. :)

Photoshop is reverse Photoshop. By applying filters and using contrast techniques and such, you can more easily spot the alterations and layers.

To put it bluntly, there are a lot of fake photos out there and Photoshop is the go-to tool used to create them. A few things are given; photos in magazines are always photoshopped. They’re made brighter or darker to suit their purpose among other changes but how do you tell if a photo has been tampered with if it isn’t in a magazine? Here are three very simple ways to check the integrity of a photo. (list of ways in the article)

Another tell-tale of a doctored photo is that when the reduced quality technique is used, you will notice that quality is not reduced uniformly. Areas that have been photoshopped will appear in lower quality most times.


So you take you photoshop or a clone like GIMP and examine the photo, magnify it, filter it, etc.

Notice the curves in the wall panels. This gal's got boobs and no hips. So, give her hips
and the wall too. But, who is looking at the wall? :)
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Notice the curves in the wall panels. This gal's got boobs and no hips. So, give her hips
and the wall too. But, who is looking at the wall? :)

Gravitational Lensing?

I'm not a rapper

We are being bombarded with subliminal messages such as "OBEY", "CONFORM", "MARRY AND REPRODUCE", "CONSUME", "WATCH TELEVISION" and
"SLEEP". It is through this thought control that the aliens have this world tied up and neatly packaged for its own manipulative uses, to further themselves at the expense of the meek, mild and the lowly sufferers of a job less and hungry world. This is the battle of self-awareness and mans struggle with a reality check that has these alien beings. They Live You Sleep; where will your consciousness take you when the sleep is washed from your eyes. Welcome to the real world.
Never heard of tin eye. I just use google images for search. What means, reverse image search?
Never heard of tin eye. I just use google images for search. What means, reverse image search?
Its a way to find original content. You copy and paste an image into a search bar and if its been shopped it will show you what website it came from and the original pictures
Everything I've posted from secure team 10 (the alien logo videos) and third phase of moon are known hoaxers. My bad I get drunk and run out of material. What pisses me off are people trying to exploit this. I have never seen my ufo in a video or a picture. We need to identify fakes and show the real ones as ufologists.
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People trying to corrupt truth is what people do. It is the history of the world. It is why we developed Scientific Methods of Observation to rule out corrupted thought.

I was really into Crop Circles, and I still think the early circles were not man-made. There were distinctions between the hoax of breaking the stalks with a board or bending them severely, etc. The early circles had biological indications that seemed to say, it suddenly grew that way. It was altered somehow. The early circles had growth nodes as if they were cut and then grafted at 80 degree angles.

A govt experiment? Who knows, now? The Idiots of Man took over. They are the longest surviving, self initiated Cult of humans and by far the most dangerous to truth.

IAC, we know there is more than science can explain and that is why we have keep explaining or not. And we know there can be Others. We have found their planets. Subscribers&utm_campaign=2e91a21b73-UA-2235360-4&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_65b67362bd-2e91a21b73-91265109
One thing we never hear about is something I just realized. It really explains a lot.

- Why don't the Aliens contact us?
- Why are we just now seeing them since 1946?
- Why are they experimenting with animals, cruelly and hastily?
- Why take their time with humans, but catch and release so many?

Answer: They are us. We are studying ourselves, either from a distant planet that we are from originally or they are from here originally and went there, during the Pre-Cambrian or something.

IAC, we are the Grays? From another Multi-verse dimension? Humans but altered by the varieties of Spacetime effects? It would explain a lot.
The answer to the first question is they have. The answer to the second question is, they came here long before 1946 I'll refer you to the book of genesis chapter one and Ezekiel (holly bible).