Everything is in the bible even dinosaurs job chapter40 verse 15.Biblical Reference? OK.
south america. You can find more pictures of Akhenaton with a google search. His wasn't the only strange thing about himDidn't the Egyptians "shape" skulls, kind of like how Japanese women were put through foot-binding?
Or maybe I'm confusing the American civilizations of old? I knew someone did it, though.
Anyone want to explain this?
At any point could you see the structure or was it just a light?I was driving 1972 with my Cali cousin in Lithonia, Ga. We chased a UFO, I asked you came all the way from CA to chase a UFO? Having read all the ufo stuff in highschool was pretty sure it was not a stealth (no sound) crop spraying helicopter blinking lights on spray boom aware we were chasing it making 90 degree turns to the horizon and back then down
155 to I-285 in only direction you could not follow ? So there is no Alien thechno? But that is just my testimony as to why we were following blinking lights at 10pm!
Many sightings have been documented pre '47 - some by very credible witnesses.
credible witnesses.?? I am as credible as anyone else as I never even saw MJ until someone threw the tops of a bag of weed, smoked the leaves? in the drive way of the Payless Gas station I worked third shift in 1974. So 42 years later my cousin David was there: something about 2 witnesses in the same car.
I built C5s at Lockheed the joke was: Boeing planes must flap to fly! Saw a training video why Carrier Pilots do not fly C5s, hit the runway hard enough the Wings on a C5B WILL FLAP!! So driving paper routes hearing stuff I could never find the source of, years earlier chasing a UFO I have no choice but know I heard and chased something. Yes, I saw the save the whales StarTrek how many years later was that?
I know this has nothing to do with alien stuff, but its right up there with the unknown and i thought it might put a "wow" in your day if you belive it,,,,ok here we go,,,,,,i was in a phone box and i put some money in the slot and more money came out, i thought ," that's strange" so i put some more money in and more money came out of the coin return slot i thought " huh whys is it doing that" and it suddenly dawned on me i was dreaming, that's why more money came out every time i put some in, because i was dreaming,???
THIS STORY WOULD BE ALOT EASIER FOR ME TO UNDERSTAND IF IT WASNT TRUE!! Have a nice day , and don't think about it too much , leave that burden to me? Thanks for reading, have a nice day,,![]()
O!I'm not quite sure what most of this means, but thanks! I'll start reading up.
Something like the Red Stripes on the side of Planes! If you do not know: Do not Be Here if the Engine or Propellers Fail Shrapnel ZONE! VTOL aircraft have a RPM limit so Propellers do not fly apart. check out the C130 Prop-jets? I built the engine control quadrant right before I was laid-off.I'm not quite sure what most of this means, but thanks! I'll start reading up.
No. That is a lucid dream, my friend. Ekanari....Soul Travel.
Directed dreaming is something to practice. One technique I use is, when you know you are dreaming, bring your hands up in front of you. Now, just keep you hands in view. That is you in your dream being you.
With practice, it is said one can become completely Lucid in their Astral Existence.
Lets be civilized and help each other through this journey. aliens didn't become so advanced by bickering over differences they became advanced by having a hive mindset (all thinking alike and getting the job done).
I seen something up close 50 feet away max. it was large and metallic looking with very large rivets or at least appeared to be rivets in the back Im assuming it was the back. It looked like it was put together from triangular panels. It had wings but they were very small maybe 2ft around the edges. . It looked like two spoons put together but flat in the back red light in the back super bright spotlights in the front. the top and bottom had a rounded very smooth look. it was a delta or wedge shape. Flying anywhere from 80 to 5 mph It was matching my speed perfectly. I felt like it was reading my mind. It flew dead center over the place that I was going like it knew whare I was going. Why would it fly sideways in front of my car as i'm going down the road? No noise no propulsion that I could see. Not a helicopter ,airplane or hot air balloon. It was about 30 feet long ten feet high and 15 feet wide wing to wing (very small wings) and looked heavy(made of metal). I don't really know shit about physics but I would think you would hear something out of it not dead silence.
Its the only way to get anything done. Currently we have all company's competing against each other and trying to be the man. Now if all said company's pooled together and weren't as greedy they could make some real breakthroughs. For example what if Tesla and Edison were buddies and shared ideas. maybe it wouldn't have taken 100 years to come up with led or florescent light bulbs.BORG is late StarTrek. all thinking alike is boring!
Why would we want to have a hive mind? I prefer being my own person, with my own free will.Lets be civilized and help each other through this journey. aliens didn't become so advanced by bickering over differences they became advanced by having a hive mindset (all thinking alike and getting the job done).