Well-Known Member
Did they ask you in polite Klingon? Or was it telepathically through an electric outlet?
Vegh electric 'eS Daqvam, qaStaHvIS ghegh tlhIngan.

Did they ask you in polite Klingon? Or was it telepathically through an electric outlet?
Vegh electric 'eS Daqvam, qaStaHvIS ghegh tlhIngan.
Aliens can see our FUTURE if they are far enough away from earth, and if the aliens are moving at a fast enough speed TOWARDS our planet.
Aliens can see our PAST if they are far enough away from earth, and if the aliens are moving at a fast enough speed AWAY from our planet.
Time is an illusion.
What do you guys think?
They cant prove any of that.
It felt like they were reading my mind.I have a new theory:
Aliens can see our past and our future.
Aliens can see our FUTURE if they are far enough away from earth, and if the aliens are moving at a fast enough speed TOWARDS our planet.
Aliens can see our PAST if they are far enough away from earth, and if the aliens are moving at a fast enough speed AWAY from our planet.
So, because the aliens can see our past, and more importantly, our future, they might know whether they should make contact with us or not. It might be inevitable that we make contact with the aliens, but they might be able to know how to be go about making contact, because they can see our past and future.
I have no idea how far into the future the aliens can see, but it could be into the distant future when I am the King of the world!
Maybe, because the aliens can see into the future, the aliens know what our future is going to be before and after contact with the aliens.
And, also, there could be a bunch of alien ships that are moving towards and away from earth, so they can continue to monitor our every move in the past and the future.
Time is an illusion.
If the aliens can see our past and our future, they might be able to KNOW whats best for our world?
What do you guys think?
They cant prove any of that.
This reminds me of what my earth science teacher was talking about back in the day. I still don't believe it but that doesn't mean I can't be convinced. seems like if it were real the iss would be doing it. can you find some current testing from nasa or another reputable source? my pc is slow we have some real bad weather right now and I'm not getting a very good signal.They seem to have not only calculated it, but experimentally shown it. Those aren't cellphones they're strapping into those bucket seats.
I imagine Cosmonauts did similar experiments with their space-lab, back in the day, too. If one gets 40ns whipping across the Atlantic, what's 6 months at 40x the altitude, going 7 km/s relative to the Earth ?
t' = t (1- {7E3/3E8}^2)^(1/2)
==> ~0.272E-9*t difference , but that is a very rough estimate.
(v/c)^2 itself is ~544E-12
over 180 days it comes out to ~4.23 milliseconds !!
It may not seem like a big number, but it is experimentally falsifiable. I'm also not including gravity in that equation, but I don't think it matters in this instance, IIRC. Do you really doubt it, or are you playing the role?
This reminds me of what my earth science teacher was talking about back in the day. I still don't believe it but that doesn't mean I can't be convinced. seems like if it were real the iss would be doing it. can you find some current testing from nasa or another reputable source? my pc is slow we have some real bad weather right now and I'm not getting a very good signal.
Cool man i'll watch it right now. Check out these twoSteven Greer Presents Contact Disclosure, The Final Sequence - Time For Truth - Sirius Movie
Was probed once in Dusseldorf...lets talk about and witness your opinions, videos and personal accounts.