Good one dude! Maybe the spooks just chased me with a hologram and shined a light in my face. And the government used an electromagnetic mind control device to induce fear. I don't know what to think about it. This thing looked solid and heavy to me. I got a good look at the back of it. It looked like it was put together in pieces. Triangular and maybe diamond shaped metallic panels.
Good one dude! Maybe the spooks just chased me with a hologram and shined a light in my face. And the government used an electromagnetic mind control device to induce fear. I don't know what to think about it. This thing looked solid and heavy to me. I got a good look at the back of it. It looked like it was put together in pieces. Triangular and maybe diamond shaped metallic panels.
I didn't post it in reference to you or any experience you had. But I felt, considering the subject matter, it was appropriate to share. It is something to keep in mind, at least.
If you saw something, and can rationalize it simply and soundly, how can I argue against it unless I can falsify it? I certainly do not possess great knowledge in the realm of military technology.
We have a culture of shams. And when our pilots report UFO, it is very circumspect, and so is Center.

But, elsewhere such as Japan, they have a different culture, more honest in a way. The most interesting reports, I find are from Japan. There, maybe 6 or 7 pilots will report the same object over a 1/2 period and hundreds of miles. Here they would be munged by Center into 6-7 reports of weather balloons and clouds and such. And so we never see the correlation.

Worth a look at Japan UFO sightings. And then turn to Soviet Russia. Apparently they had an active program to try to shoot them down, and many say they succeeded.
We have a culture of shams. And when our pilots report UFO, it is very circumspect, and so is Center.

But, elsewhere such as Japan, they have a different culture, more honest in a way. The most interesting reports, I find are from Japan. There, maybe 6 or 7 pilots will report the same object over a 1/2 period and hundreds of miles. Here they would be munged by Center into 6-7 reports of weather balloons and clouds and such. And so we never see the correlation.

Worth a look at Japan UFO sightings. And then turn to Soviet Russia. Apparently they had an active program to try to shoot them down, and many say they succeeded.
What is stopping you, my son?
Are you all the sudden a believer now?

UFO Crash Reported in Manitoba Denied by Canadian Forces

In response to reports this week of mysterious lights over Jackhead Reservation in Manitoba, Canada, a possible UFO crash into Lake Winnipeg and military forces on snowmobiles pulling a large disc out of the lake, a spokesperson for the Canadian Forces said it was just a military training exercise. Really?

On the night of Wednesday, February 18, reports began appearing on social media of lights over Lake Winnipeg. These were followed by Facebook posts by a Brent Mancheese:

UFO crash reported on the Jackhead reserve in Manitoba, Canada. Apparently the Canadian Military have vehicles lined up on north shore. They are threatening anybody who tries to take pics…lots of eye witnesses. Thur is round object being hauled across the lake being pulled by snow mobiles and bombardier … Something was seen going down by 8 fishermen they reported it…why would they not let the media know if it was a plane crash.

Trucks and police vehicles arriving at site of crash

Another report had some bad news about one witness with a camera:

Apparently a disc shaped craft was seen crashing through the ice on the lake, at least one person got photographic evidence but has since been detained by the Canadian military.

Ah, the Canadian military. According to Lt.-Col. Paul Davies, commanding officer 38 Territorial Battalion Group, about 150 military personnel were at the frozen lake taking part in Exercise Arctic Bison 2015, a training program for dealing with emergencies in harsh environments. Emergencies like a UFO crash? Not so, says Davies.

There’s no aliens, just my friends in the air force who are out there helping us on this exercise … that was not a UFO …

So what was it? Davies said it was an airplane with quick takeoff capabilities.

From a distance it may have looked like it was going straight up in the air, but it wasn’t.

An airplane taking off from a frozen lake? What about the crash? What about the disc? What about the photographic evidence? What about the witnesses?

What really happened at Lake Winnipeg this week?
I think I would have to experience something first hand. I worked at Edwards AFB in California for several years as an experimental aircraft electronics technician, mainly retrofitting avionics builds. I have seen a lot of weird shit, but no aliens yet. I have no doubt that aliens do exist, just never seen one, and I'm not sure they would be interested in us much.
For anyone that thinks this is bs google project bluebook. Not gonna lie i didnt read the whole thread so it might have been explained but basically the government investigated UFO reports for something like 30 years lol, so if it was experimental planes people were seeing why waste the time? And most crop circles are hoaxes and you can tell. The real ones are electrically magnetized, perfectly symmetrical and usually carry a message or image of sacred geometrical.

From the info ive gathered there seem to be more then one species thats been visiting the planet, which kinda backs up why theres so many variations in craft, and now that were so advanced and weve been able to backwards engineer this anti gravitational tech, im sure more and more craft are human in origin.

And honestly the reason some of you will never see one is because you dont believe. When you close your mind off from possibilities your closing youre mind off from reality, you know the old saying anythings possible :D. But ill end this post with some pics i took from a video i got last year ;) but im always seeing strange lights in the sky or lights i think are stars and then i look at them and notice theyre just slowly moving in a line.

Oh also look up dr steven greer. He only gets info from credited sources and has a lot of good videos on the disclosure project!


Saw this thing in my backyard and filmed it with a decent camera that was capable of 1080p hd. the vid i got all the pics from is on YT if u wanna msg me for it, but whenever i zoomed it would like shapeshift so it looks different alot and i edited the pics to get differnt looks when i was bored one night.



First pic edited


And this is what it would look like when i zoomed in as much as i could while keeping it in focus. I inverted the color on this one too to show more details.