Well-Known Member
Not very. I do recall a Spider Woman, but can't remember just what she did.
Okay, I saw the turtle so that's why I asked
Not very. I do recall a Spider Woman, but can't remember just what she did.
Turtle island is a good visual, but I'm more used to Creek mythology. Their creation story is that the Creator put the turtle in charge of the other animals kind of like a straw boss. He led each of them to do their part in turning the world from a dark, swampy place with no clean water, land or air, into the world we know today. The ducks would dive down and get mud and grass to plant. The beaver used his tail to pack it. The turkey used his wings to dry it out. The hawk and eagle flew back and forth through the thick clouds to make a path for the sun to shine through. Each animal did his part, with the Creator instructing the turtle, then the turtle making sure it got done. But it went to the turtle's head, and he got really bossy. All the other animals went to the Creator to complain. His punishment was to take the turtle's voice away. He is the only animal in the woods without a voice.Okay, I saw the turtle so that's why I asked
our biggest problem is arrogance.
we think because we need vehicles they need em too if they exist.
humans are the crown of the evolution?
Why are our eyes so bad then?
why we dont have 360 degree view?
why we dont have a falcons zoom optics?
why why why?
The truth is we are just pretty heartless but intelligent lil parasites not even sharks on land.
humans are terra`s Virus.
Only a Virus can be compared to us. thats the only living being on earth that also ultimatly will kill his foodsource by the damage caused to it.
dunno since what time stupidness can be a marker for the crown of the evolution.
maybe our planet was payed by rats and they are the real scientists. or cats
Technologies we possess today would easily suffice to hide their presence from is; non reflective radar absorbent surfaces are damned hard to spot against the darkness of space. If it's kept cold it would be even harder to pick out.
They wouldn't need to get close, either; we leak RF emissions like nothing else for light years around; they would have a good idea of what we're up to just by having a listen.
they aren't in all stages of evolution at the same time because the successful changes displace the unsuccessful ones, and the carriers of those genetics die off. the more successful "evolutionary adaptations" keep spreading their genetics. the changes can be so small that you would have to be a scientist to be aware of them, changes in tooth or beak size and shape, slight changes to better deal with environmental challenges, changes within their bodies that aren't apparent at all from observation. there can actually be several stages of evolution going on at once in the insect world, where things happen quicker. a new adaptation comes along, the ones that carry it are more successful, but they don't displace the more unsuccessful immediately, it may take several generations for the better mutation to out compete the "worse" one...Why are all species not in all stages of evolving at all times?
Adaptation = real
Evolution = forget about it
I freely admit I've seen more than one UFO, to put it mildly. However I also have a pretty good sense of when others by what they say and I suspect you've seen a UFO, am I correct?
Successful changes = adaptation like I said above
.. if evolution was real it would be perpetually ongoing and in both directions
they aren't in all stages of evolution at the same time because the successful changes displace the unsuccessful ones, and the carriers of those genetics die off. the more successful "evolutionary adaptations" keep spreading their genetics. the changes can be so small that you would have to be a scientist to be aware of them, changes in tooth or beak size and shape, slight changes to better deal with environmental challenges, changes within their bodies that aren't apparent at all from observation. there can actually be several stages of evolution going on at once in the insect world, where things happen quicker. a new adaptation comes along, the ones that carry it are more successful, but they don't displace the more unsuccessful immediately, it may take several generations for the better mutation to out compete the "worse" one...
well, i appreciate that.Rodger I owe you an apology. I stated a while ago on another thread that I thought you were AKA that shit-sniff potato of a troll with a similar first name, but after reading you for a while I realize that on your worst day you couldn't sound as asinine and juvenile as that puke, so again I apologize for that and I no longer believe it's true.
no, it would NOT be going in both directions. evolutionary changes occur in response to changes in environment. if the average temperature rises a couple of degrees, that requires a better circulatory system, less body hair, better sweat glands...unless the temperatures drop significantly for a long period of time, there would be no biological reason to change why would evolution go both ways? ever?
and evolution IS perpetual. We're all evolving right now...and so is every species alive. we constantly change, the changes are just so small and take so long that to us it seems we're all the same.
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I thank you for your gracious acceptance.
I guess 'alien tech' is the right thread for this, I took this picture earlier this year..
.. anyone?
no, it would NOT be going in both directions. evolutionary changes occur in response to changes in environment. if the average temperature rises a couple of degrees, that requires a better circulatory system, less body hair, better sweat glands...unless the temperatures drop significantly for a long period of time, there would be no biological reason to change why would evolution go both ways? ever?
and evolution IS perpetual. We're all evolving right now...and so is every species alive. we constantly change, the changes are just so small and take so long that to us it seems we're all the same.
you're assuming that the "stages" would be apparent. that we're talking about something like a generation of people being born with tails....that's not the case, the changes are tiny, and incremental. and they do exist at the same times, sometimes, until the new, more successful mutation out competes the older, less advantageous model. how would you be aware of the fact that some people have a slightly more efficient circulatory system? but those people survive better, they're able to keep themselves cooler in hot weather, they're able to work longer and harder before they tire, their new circulatory keeps their brains cooler, so it can slowly become even more convoluted...Perhaps 'going both ways' was a poor choice of words, let me try to clarify :
the previous, or several previous steps of evolution would also be present, as would the next step going in the forward Direction (according to evolution dogma, as it's always on-going)
Surely someone has to say it's a bird or a plane (or maybe it's Superman)?
- No input on the actual alien technology in the picture above??
I'm sure somebody knows better than me what it is, cuz I only took the picture?
you don't know what that is, or you wouldn't be asking.Perhaps 'going both ways' was a poor choice of words, let me try to clarify :
the previous, or several previous steps of evolution would also be present, as would the next step going in the forward Direction (according to evolution dogma, as it's always on-going)
Surely someone has to say it's a bird or a plane (or maybe it's Superman)?
- No input on the actual alien technology in the picture above??
I'm sure somebody knows better than me what it is, cuz I only took the picture?
you don't know what that is, or you wouldn't be asking.
before you claim something to be "actual proof" of anything, you might want more than one fuzzy picture to stake the claim on. it could be an alien ship....or it could be a surveillance plane of some kind, or it could be two seagulls fucking in flight.....till you have a better idea what it is, it's not "actual proof " of anything except that you own a camera...and you could have copied and pasted it's not really proof of anything