I know it, your preaching to the choir bro, but I'm not really trying to say that here, maybe in another thread but I feel its a little abstract for this particular thread. I've mentioned a few 'alien' technologies that I've personally seen in this thread, although I haven't stated that yet either, I've only defined them as 'alien' to this point, not spiritual
-good luck!

Edit: to say that there are defacto Nut and Bolt things, usually called UFOs but their technology is so Advanced that not only can we not comprehend what they are, we cannot even see them if they don't want us to.

Many faiths describe Miracles; however most if not a vast majority of these Miracles are in reality some type of advanced technology being seen and misunderstood by humans. The great majority of us, if we do see something of this nature, will misunderstand it even today.

There are also direct spiritual interventions, legitimate miracles, in my opinion. However I'm not completely sure that even these are not some type of technology.
You ever read into the nephelime?
AI is one of the things that scare me. why wouldn't a vastly superior mind try to guide our development, at the very least? what would it take to convince a powerful AI that we're a problem, that the world would be in harmony if we were removed from the equation?
and why do we need it? computers can do what we ask of them now, without a personality (why should a machine have a personality when most of the people using one don't?) .
AI isn't needed. it's a toy that can turn around and kill the entire race if not handled properly, and people NEVER handle things properly
AI is one of the things that scare me. why wouldn't a vastly superior mind try to guide our development, at the very least? what would it take to convince a powerful AI that we're a problem, that the world would be in harmony if we were removed from the equation?
and why do we need it? computers can do what we ask of them now, without a personality (why should a machine have a personality when most of the people using one don't?) .
AI isn't needed. it's a toy that can turn around and kill the entire race if not handled properly, and people NEVER handle things properly

What would a self-actualized AI think?

What would be its 'moral' code? (Would it even have a moral code? Would its moral code be as basic as what it decides is right and wrong?)

Would all AI have the same moral code?

Would it become a living entity ?

Would it redefine what humans consider life?

  • what if this self-actualized super-mega AI already exists?

What if this AI was advanced enough to create a vast simulation?

Would the entities existing in this AI's vast simulation even know they were in it?
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plural noun: morals
  1. 1.
    a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece of information, or an experience.
    "the moral of this story was that one must see the beauty in what one has"
    synonyms: lesson, message, meaning, significance, signification, import, point, teaching
    "the moral of the story"
  2. 2.
    a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.
    "the corruption of public morals"
    synonyms: moral code, code of ethics, (moral) values, principles, standards, (sense of) morality, scruples
    "he has no morals"
why would a machine intelligence have any "morals" ? morals are taught to you by our parents, friends, and what is accepted by society.
machine intelligence would have none of these experiences to teach it.
i would imagine that it would judge things based on what is better for the whole, and we haven't been good for "the whole" for a long time.
plural noun: morals
  1. 1.
    a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece of information, or an experience.
    "the moral of this story was that one must see the beauty in what one has"
    synonyms: lesson, message, meaning, significance, signification, import, point, teaching
    "the moral of the story"
  2. 2.
    a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.
    "the corruption of public morals"
    synonyms: moral code, code of ethics, (moral) values, principles, standards, (sense of) morality, scruples
    "he has no morals"
why would a machine intelligence have any "morals" ? morals are taught to you by our parents, friends, and what is accepted by society.
machine intelligence would have none of these experiences to teach it.
i would imagine that it would judge things based on what is better for the whole, and we haven't been good for "the whole" for a long time.

Translate morals as:

The Guiding Principles the AI decides that it's creations live by.

Now that that's out of the way, to my other questions.. lol

  • what if this self-actualized super-mega AI already exists?

What if this AI was advanced enough to create a vast simulation?

Would the entities existing in this AI's vast simulation even know they were in it?
so what if it were? can't tell the difference, so makes no difference to me. no one knows whats beyond death...if anything.

What about people who've already died?
Near-death experiences it's called, although there's nothing near about it, dead is dead (I think he's about to figure it out Jimmy?)

  • There's a huge difference! The created entities that live according to the AI creator's policies get specific rewards, the others get what the AI has told them is store in for them (not complicated)

.. hold on a minute, humm, seems I've heard a similar scenario someplace before??

(Also I disagree with where you assume individuals learn morals; I suppose some or even most of that could apply however, I assure you none of my morals come from any of the sources that you've cited. But that's a small point that I'm not interested in discussing further)
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you learn morals, as well as many other things, from watching how the people around you respond to things. if your parents are racist, you have a much higher probability of becoming one yourself.
if you parents aren't racist, and have multicultural friends, that's whats normal to you.
if your parents aren't religious, and don't go to church, then chances are you aren't, and don't.
people have a negative reaction to some things, so those things eventually become "immoral"....they disturb society in general, and aren't acceptable in polite company.
a long time ago, everyone wandered around pretty much nude. then once people started staying in one place for a while, they had time to make clothes, and time to make them not only serviceable, but attractive. more people started wearing them, and people got used to it. now the nude person is not acceptable in public. no one is surprised at the equipment, we've all seen it before, but it's still somehow shocking...
"morals" aren't inborn, they aren't magic, they're the result of the attitudes of the people we live among, and our own life experiences.
what about the people who have already died? as far as i know, none of them have successfully made it back to tell the rest of us whats there.
i get your parallel between your scenario and christianity, just don't understand where you're going with it.
there either is a Creator, or there isn't. i tend to lean toward there being a creator, but i don't think he's nearly as interested in us as many of us would like to believe.
if we're an experiment, he can't intervene in our daily lives, or the experiment is ruined.
if we aren't an experiment, then we were created for some purpose, but for all we know, our purpose might be the equivalent of goldfish in a tank, just something to entertain our maker in idle moments.
if we're the result of a galactic accident, then i guess we'll all just sleep for a long long time.........