
Actually you and Skunk are both correct about the layers on the Stealth. There are actually 2 that are applied; the first is white and helps fill the seams, then the second is the black that we all see. I don't think it has to be re-applied after EVERY use, but it does need it. Maybe this method was indeed derived from alien technology, but not perfected yet. Perhaps they haven't figured out EXACTLY how to replicate the chemical composition of the materials that a "UFO" is made from. I have read in several different places that an element that does not even exist here on Earth was found to be in the makeup of the alien materials from Roswell.
Yup, every mission. I watched the film Stealth, shit movie but it passed some time.

A lot of technology starts out as theory, this then takes a few years to test before it is introduced. I believe that had we got hold of advanced technology we'd be a lot further ahead, like actually being able to build a spaceship capable of transcending galaxies.

We still have a long way to go, if only some aliens would land and lend us a hand.
Yes the Germans did engineer the rocket engine..I'll give you that, but they did not come up with the sleek aerodynamic design of the SR71 or the Stealth. The US just incorporated the rocket engine into what they have reverse engineered. Give them a few more years and they will figure out the anti-gravity propulsion system(if they haven't already).

Hold humans can develop a new type engine but couldnt come up with a shape of a plane? You dont give people credit for much, E.

And...when radar was introduced and used by the military....immediately started on how to evade a radar (thats logical). If the knowledge was gained from reverse engineering alien technology (I feel crazy just typing that)....then why would it take so long to actually have a plane capable of radar evasion? Either way....once again....the likely is being ignored and the unprovable is being touted as "the way it happened".
Yup, every mission. I watched the film Stealth, shit movie but it passed some time.

I believe that had we got hold of advanced technology we'd be a lot further ahead, like actually being able to build a spaceship capable of transcending galaxies.

We still have a long way to go, if only some aliens would land and lend us a hand.

OK well there you go--every mission. I haven't seen a documentary on the Stealth for some time now, so my memory has faded(damn side effects)!

The problem is figuring the shit out. Just because we have it doesn't mean we fully understand it.

I wish they would!
Hold humans can develop a new type engine but couldnt come up with a shape of a plane? You dont give people credit for much, E.

And...when radar was introduced and used by the military....immediately started on how to evade a radar (thats logical). If the knowledge was gained from reverse engineering alien technology (I feel crazy just typing that)....then why would it take so long to actually have a plane capable of radar evasion? Either way....once again....the likely is being ignored and the unprovable is being touted as "the way it happened".

What I'm getting at here, you guy's, is how FAST it came about. I don't doubt that the human race could invent all this stuff, I'm just sayin we had some help.

It took them that long to perfect the technology so they could actually put it into use.

I'm not ignoring anything you guy's say as you both are fairly intellegent, and furthermore my ideas about aliens are not, in my book, the EXACT way everything has happened. I just think that the evidence for all this is overwhelming, and cannot be ignored!
What about all the sightings of the loch ness monster? Some people will do whatever they can to make the unreal become real, this includes making up stories and hoaxing photographs.

Let's not forget the masses of evidence that has been debunked. People caught in their outright lies. Why do they lie?
One more thing leads to another...the the cart/carriage/ the car. Technology builds upon itself. Each step is usually fully understood and mastered before anything can be added on to that.

As we all the last 100 years technology has taken off to the point that our understanding of the technology is behind the development of new things. Why? Because we have computers now. They do the calculations in minutes thatwould take a man/woman years calculate. So we dont fully understand everything we have.

Back in the day of the carriage...If you asked someone how it worked, they could explain it....they understood the technology. Nowadays...ask someone how an IPod works...they have no idea. Technology is developing faster than we can understand it....but that has nothing to do with aliens (IMO).

That has more to do with computers. Now I know you arent gonna say computers are an alien technology too.

And usual this one of our healthy discussions. My disagreement is only that. I still think you're one of the coolest on this site. So dont take offense to anything I say. Its just my opinion.
What about all the sightings of the loch ness monster? Some people will do whatever they can to make the unreal become real, this includes making up stories and hoaxing photographs.

Let's not forget the masses of evidence that has been debunked. People caught in their outright lies. Why do they lie?

I agree Skunk, there is ALOT of bullshit out there, but I have been researching this subject since I was 10. You have to weed out all of that to get to the few credible reports.

Why do they lie? Hell I don't know, popularity, attention, there could be a thousand reasons people lie. It's these people that fuck it for everybody, and make non-believers like you and Bloodshot(no offense).
I belive there are aliens out there because there are so many other suns and there will be planets around them, 1 of them has got to be like earth. I dont think any have come to earth though...... id like them to
In a sense...our computers do alot of inventing for us....and anything foregin...not indiginous considered alien.

So...aliens are playing a role in human development/lach of....computers.

(And think of what I can come up with if I were tokin and not at work)
And, Skunk....just last week a "new" Nelly sighting/taping was reported. Havent seen it. But I mean cmon....these damned dinos have a life span of like 100 years. All without being you smell that?....Smells like BULLSHIT!!
I tried to plus rep you guys, but it won't let me. Don't worry it's coming---you guys are always good conversation and healthy debates:bigjoint:
I find, no plane to plane a bigger jump than plane to plane.

Like the invention of the steam train and the first electric train. One follows the other. What is truly amazing is the first invention of the steam train, the electric one is just a natural advancement.

Our current technology runs out in 2020. Things will be at their smallest, there's even talk of having some of this nano-technology inserted into our clothes. Intelligent clothes that will dry themselves and do all sorts of other amazing things.

Hopefully by 2020 we'll have discovered the capabilities to build even smaller as this is the key to our future. Understanding particles on the minutest of levels. Imagine the strength of glass, or metals we could forge with the ability to strengthen on these levels? Space travel, and planet colonisation will be just around the corner.
I have to say that I agree with most of that Skunk. I don't doubt that humans are capable of ingeneous inventions. The Wright Brothers first flight was indeed a milestone for mankind, as was the Russians first trip into space. But I still believe that we had a little help with the nano technology, superior air power, and integrated circuits.You must understand however that most of this alien technology we are FAR from understanding, but what we have deciphered we have put to use. Think of it like this: what if you went back to the 1800s with a cell phone or a television? It would take the scientists of that era a while to figure that shit out, you see what I'm saying?

and oh yeah............
POST #420!!!!!!!