
We could really use their help now that the sun is getting hotter. Like a mass evacuation to mars would be a good start.

Supposedly...and I can't stress that enough....we are alot closer to this than anyone thinks.

well the current president is there for a electoral fraud, im not sure about calling him my president
Are you talking about George Bush or Vicente Fox?

Back in the 80's your president, Ronald Reagan invested billions of dollars into a programme named Star Wars. I believe these were satellites equipped with lasers that would fire upon anything we wanted them to as they came towards our atmosphere. Funding ran out and the project was closed down. Or was it? I've never believed that after so much money spent that they decided to just forget the whole thing, I believe they accomplished their goal and wanted to keep it quiet.
Your absolutely correct in assuming they finished this. There's no way in hell we (the US) invested all that time, money, and effort just to abort something that the USSR did not agree with.
What's in my head at the moment is the mars ice caps. They would have been spotted years ago, if they were there. Now they are there, did we put them there, or is it a natural occurence of the sun getting hotter? The latter meaning, that because of the sun's heat generation Earth will naturally become uninhabitable very quickly, while mars will do the opposite.

I'm suspiscious though of those beagle missions. With the technology we have today it wouldn't surprise me if we are responsible for those ice caps. It wouldn't surprise me to see mars generating an atmosphere closer to ours.

Ever seen mars? It looks just like Earth from down here. It becomes visible in our skies around late feb' early march, I think. A lot of people mistake it for the moon, even though it's daylight.
Man I could go on for hours about all the shit I've read about Mars.

Supposedly we sent an entire crew to Mars sometime in the early 90's. It was a joint effort between all the countries involved in the international space station. Supposedly their fate was the same as the rover, and Russias' Phobos.....dissapeared without a trace. I've even read stories that video transmissions were recieved showing the astronauts being wiped out by some kind of Reptilian race of aliens. I'm not going to drone on about all the shit I read from the UFO community, but you get my drift.

I don't know how credible this is, but like you said, those ice caps were not there before, so whatever the case may be, someone or something has been messing with Mars' atmosphere. If the suns' temperature has changed enough for ice caps to form on Mars, I think we would definately be feeling a drastic increase (this coming from someone who lives in hurricane
If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. Citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?
If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. Citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?
They is probably worried that the aliens may give some good weed to the citizens and make them think for themselves:mrgreen:
If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. Citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?

Come on Ernie, 1969? You guys (americans) have been paranoid about aliens for years. A spoof news reel had you all screaming, running for the hills.

I bet they could do that again today in your country and get very similar results.

This alien thing is just the same as belief in a creator, in fact I'm sure i've heard (read, whatever) you jig-saw the two together before.

I believe there are alien life forms, you only need to look in the very depths of our oceans to see that. Life survives where it had been hereto believed it couldn't. I just don't believe they've visited this planet, nor that they'd have the technology to do so. If they did have TECHNOLOGY, this takes much resources, you only need to look at our planet to see that.

What would we do if we came across some aliens that were less advanced than ourselves? Now I realise that these aliens you speak of are not us, but we speak for the majority of life forms on this planet. We all behave the same. That's a billion different life forms that behave the same way... It doesn't make any real sense that these aliens you speak of (with the technology to build flying saucers, and kidnap people for experiments) are anything but the same as us. The evidence points towards this, and if this were the case, then these Aliens would take over our little society and teach us all how to live properly, just like we'd do.

Almost forgot, how's it going Ernie?:finger:

lol, You know that's a joke.:-P:weed:
Come on Ernie, 1969? You guys (americans) have been paranoid about aliens for years. A spoof news reel had you all screaming, running for the hills.

I bet they could do that again today in your country and get very similar results.

This alien thing is just the same as belief in a creator, in fact I'm sure i've heard (read, whatever) you jig-saw the two together before.

I believe there are alien life forms, you only need to look in the very depths of our oceans to see that. Life survives where it had been hereto believed it couldn't. I just don't believe they've visited this planet, nor that they'd have the technology to do so. If they did have TECHNOLOGY, this takes much resources, you only need to look at our planet to see that.

What would we do if we came across some aliens that were less advanced than ourselves? Now I realise that these aliens you speak of are not us, but we speak for the majority of life forms on this planet. We all behave the same. That's a billion different life forms that behave the same way... It doesn't make any real sense that these aliens you speak of (with the technology to build flying saucers, and kidnap people for experiments) are anything but the same as us. The evidence points towards this, and if this were the case, then these Aliens would take over our little society and teach us all how to live properly, just like we'd do.

Almost forgot, how's it going Ernie?:finger:

lol, You know that's a joke.:-P:weed:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...that was actually a "useless bit of trivia" I found on the internet. I just wanted to throw it out there and see what kind of responses I got.

I have to agree with the ocean life thing. I was watching "Blue Planet-Seas of Life" the other night, and was absolutely dumbfounded over the life forms that live near the thermal vents at the deepest parts of the oceans. Don't remember all the details now (damn side effects), but you should check it out...very, very interesting.
Main Entry: ar·ro·gance
Pronunciation: 'er-&-g&n(t)s, 'a-r&-
Function: noun
: an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...that was actually a "useless bit of trivia" I found on the internet. I just wanted to throw it out there and see what kind of responses I got.

I have to agree with the ocean life thing. I was watching "Blue Planet-Seas of Life" the other night, and was absolutely dumbfounded over the life forms that live near the thermal vents at the deepest parts of the oceans. Don't remember all the details now (damn side effects), but you should check it out...very, very interesting.

I have. i've watched many documentaries like that... i'm always amazed too. But it helped me tie in Darwins theories very nicely. Some life-forms evolve and move up in the ocean. Some even go backwards (maybe to rethink their evolutionary processes), as though their evolved form isn't quite good enough and they need to go back and change it.

The proof of evolution, of alien life even, is clearly evident in the deepest part of our oceans.
I have. i've watched many documentaries like that... i'm always amazed too. But it helped me tie in Darwins theories very nicely. Some life-forms evolve and move up in the ocean. Some even go backwards (maybe to rethink their evolutionary processes), as though their evolved form isn't quite good enough and they need to go back and change it.

The proof of evolution, of alien life even, is clearly evident in the deepest part of our oceans.

that explains our government. :mrgreen:
To put it quite simply, there "has" to be something else out there. I'm not saying they are as intelligent as us, nor am I saying they have visited us. However, with an ever expanding universe it would be utter ignorance and arrogance to believe that we are a "special case" in the view of evolution. (Don't believe in evolution? Creationism doesn't disprove this case, especially with the findings in the 50s-60s that organic molecules could be formed under extreme conditions found on forming planets.)

I believe that God, or whatever higher power you wish to attribute creation to - though omnipresent and all powerful - created the universe like one of us might go and buy an aquarium and fill it with different kinds of fish. Perhaps God did do all the things religion tells us he did, or perhaps God just needed a "science fair project." But either way - to say that an all powerful being created us as a special case and a special being is just the human mind needing to find a reason for life and death.

But back to the original topic - Aliens. Can we be sure they exist - no. Is the possibility extremely feasible? - yes.
To put it quite simply, there "has" to be something else out there. I'm not saying they are as intelligent as us, nor am I saying they have visited us. However, with an ever expanding universe it would be utter ignorance and arrogance to believe that we are a "special case" in the view of evolution. (Don't believe in evolution? Creationism doesn't disprove this case, especially with the findings in the 50s-60s that organic molecules could be formed under extreme conditions found on forming planets.)

I believe that God, or whatever higher power you wish to attribute creation to - though omnipresent and all powerful - created the universe like one of us might go and buy an aquarium and fill it with different kinds of fish. Perhaps God did do all the things religion tells us he did, or perhaps God just needed a "science fair project." But either way - to say that an all powerful being created us as a special case and a special being is just the human mind needing to find a reason for life and death.

But back to the original topic - Aliens. Can we be sure they exist - no. Is the possibility extremely feasible? - yes.

Creationism ties itself into evolution these days, BECAUSE IT HAS TO. Creationists long lambasted Darwins theories, now as more and more evidence to support his theories come to light, creationism has been losing its grip on the masses... so just like it incorporated rock music to capture the minds of the youth, creationism now likewise incorporates evolution.

Trouble is, evolution does not listen whatsoever to creationism. Life did not start from a multitude of different lifeforms... it started from one single strand of protein, and an easily adaptable environment. All life is related, all life is the same... we just grew differently.

The god you are searching for is merely a catalyst for the birth of the universe. Your gods real name is The Big Bang.
I dont claim to know of a "God" I just find it within my natural mind to believe in a higher presence. Do I believe he said humans are humans, fish are fish, weed is - I think if there was a higher power involved he just gave everything the bump to get started. Hence the "Science Fair Project" :-p