
Otherwise, I accept both freely, that is until somebody can explain how matter in the universe started off in one tiny ass spot and then just suddenly boom. I mean dont get me wrong yea I accept it happened....I just saying, what made the matter to start with? But back to aliens lol
I think this is just a really fucked up and deformed person, but its trippy as hell:

YouTube - E.T Capturado Pela Nasa - Part1=

This is actually a music video! I found out more about it today; it's pretty fuckin cool too. Here is the entire video:

Rubber Johnny

Here is some history on it:

Rubber Johnny is a six-minute experimental short film and music video directed by Chris Cunningham in 2005, using music composed by Aphex Twin. The name Rubber Johnny is drawn from a British slang for "condom" as well as a description of the main character, which explains the title sequence. The DVD comes with an art book, containing stills from the film, as well as conceptual drawings, photographs and more.
The concept for Rubber Johnny came from Cunningham imagining a raver morphing as he danced. The idea evolved to the present film, in which Johnny (played by Cunningham) is an isolated deformed (possibly hydrocephalus) teenager kept on a wheelchair and locked in a dark basement with his chihuahua. Given his situation, he spends his life imagining all kinds of musical psychedelia to entertain himself.
The film was originally intended to be a 30 second TV commercial for the Aphex Twin album drukqs, using the track "afx237 v7". However, Cunningham grew to like the concept more and more and decided to expand the concept into a longer length (the original commercial remains in the film in an altered form.) The film was shot partially in infrared night vision on digital video. The film's music is "afx237 v7 (w19rhbasement remix)", a remix made by Cunningham; the credits music is "gwarek2", also from drukqs.

Read more here:

Rubber Johnny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Roswell Crash Anonymous Letter

This letter was sent to Art and arrived on April 18, 1996. Along with this letter were pieces of various metals and electronic style components.

April 10th, 1996
Art Bell
P.O. Box 4755
Pahrump, Nevada 89041-4755

Dear Mr. Bell,
I've followed your broadcasts over the last year or so, and have been considering whether or not to share with you and your listeners, some information related to the Roswell UFO crash.
My grandfather was a member of the Retrieval Team, sent to the crash site, just after the incident was reported. He died in 1974, but not before he had sat down with some of us, and talked about the incident. I am currently serving in the military, and hold a Security Clearance, and do NOT wish to "go public", and risk losing my career and commission. Nonetheless, I would like to briefly tell you what my own grandfather told me about Roswell. In fact, I enclose for your safekeeping "samples" that were in the possession of my grandfather until he died, and which I have had since his own estate was settled. As I understand it, they came from the UFO debris, and were among a large batch subsequently sent to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio from New Mexico.
My grandfather was able to "appropriate" them, and stated that the metallic samples, are "pure extract aluminum". You will note that they appear old & tempered, and they have been placed in tissue-paper, and in baggies for posterity.
I have had them since 1974, and after considerable thought and reflection, give them to you. Feel free to share them with any of your friends in the UFO Research Community.
I have listened to many people over the years discuss Roswell and the crash events, as reported by many who were either there or who heard about it from eyewitnesses.
The recent Roswell movie, was similar to my grandfather's own account, but a critical element was left out, and it is that element which I would like to share.
As my grandad stated, the Team arrived at the crash site just after the AAF/USAF reported the ground zero location. They found two dead occupants, hurled free of the Disc.
A lone surviving occupant, was found within the Disc, and it was apparant, it's left leg was broken. There was a minimal radiation contamination, and it was quicky dispersed with a water/solvent wash, and soon the occupant was dispatched for medical assistance and isolation. The bodies were sent to the Wright-Patterson AFB, for dispersal. The debris was also loaded onto three trucks which finished the on-load just before the sunset.

Grandad was part of the Team that went with the surviving occupant. The occupant communicated via telepathic means. It spoke perfect english, and communicated the following:
The Disc was a "probeship" dispatched from a "launchship" that was stationed at the dimensional gateway to the Terran Solar System, 32 light years from Terra. They had been conducting operations on Terra for over 100 years.
Another group were exploring Mars, and Io.
Each "probeship" carried a crew of three. A "launchship" had a crew of (100) one-hundred.
The Disc that crashed, had collided with a meteor in orbit of Terra, and was attempting to compensate it's flight vector, but because of the collision, the inter-atmospheric propulsion system malfunctioned, and the occupants sent out a distress signal to their companions on Mars. The "launchship" commander made the decision to authorize an attempted soft-landing on the New Mexican desert. At the same time, the inter-atmospheric propulsion system had a massive electrical burn-out, and the Disc was soon virtually helpless.
There was another option available to the occupants, but it involved activating the Dimensional powerplant for deep space travel. However, it opens an energy vortex around the Disc for 1,500 miles in all directions. Activating the Dimensional powerplant, would have resulted in the annihilation of the states of New Mexico, Arizona, California and portions of Mexico. Possibly even further states would have been affected.
Thus, the occupants, chose to ride the ship down, and hope for the best. They literally sacrificed their lives, rather than destroy the populations within their proximity.
The Dimensional powerplant was self-destructed, and the inter-atmospheric propulsion system was also deactivated, to prevent the technology from falling into the hands of the Terrans. This was done in accordance with their standing orders in regards to any compromise with contact experiences.
Grandad spent a total of 26 weeks in the Team that examined and debriefed the lone survivor of the Roswell crash. Grandad's affiliation with the "project" ended, when the occupant was to be transported to a long-term facility. He was placed on-board a USAF Transport aircraft, that was to be sent to Washington, D.C. The aircraft and all aboard disappeared under mysterious and disturbing circumstances, enroute to Washington, D.C.

It may interest you that three Fighter aircraft, dispatched to investigate a distress call from the Transport experienced many electrical malfunctioning systems failures, as they entered the airspace of the transports last reported location. No crash or debris of the Transport was ever found. The Team was disbanded. Well, I realize I have likely shocked you with this bizzare and incredible account, and seeking to remain "unknown" likely doesn't do anything for my credibility And the metal "samples" only will likely add to the controversy.
But, I know you will take this with a "grain of salt", and I don't blame you, Mr. Bell.
I just hope that you can understand, my reasons and my own desire to maintain my career and commission.
I am passing through South Carolina with an Operational Readiness Mobility Exercise, and will mail this just prior to this Exercise, possibly from the Charleston area.
I will listen to your broadcast, to receive any acknowledging or confirmation, that you have received this package.
This letter and the contents of the package are given to you, with the hope that it helps contribute to discussion on the subject of UFO Phenomena.
I agree with Neil Armstrong, a good friend of mine, who dared to say, at the WHITE HOUSE no less, that there are things "out there", which boggle the mind and are far beyond our ability to comprehend.
Sign me, A Friend

Roswell Crash Letter: From Art Bell's Web Site

2nd Anonymous letter:
Second Anonymous Letter To Bell
JFK last speech

My fellow Americans, people of the world, today we set forth on a journey into a new era. One age, the childhood of mankind, is ending and another age is about to begin.

The journey of which I speak is full of unknowable challenges, but I believe that all our yesterdays, all the struggles of the past, have uniquely prepared our generation to prevail.

Citizens of this Earth, we are not alone. God, in His infinite wisdom, has seen fit to populate His universe with other beings -- intelligent creatures such as ourselves.

How can I state this with such authority? In the year 1947 our military forces recovered from the dry New Mexico desert the remains of an aircraft of unknown origin. Science soon determined that this vehicle came from the far reaches of outer space. Since that time our government has made contact with the creators of that spacecraft.

Though this news may sound fantastic -- and indeed, terrifying -- I ask that you not greet it with undue fear or pessimism. I assure you, as your President, that these beings mean us no harm.

Rather, they promise to help our nation overcome the common enemies of all mankind -- tyranny, poverty, disease, war.

We have determined that they are not foes, but friends.

Together with them we can create a better world. I cannot tell you that there will be no stumbling or missteps on the road ahead.

But I believe that we have found the true destiny of the people of this great land: To lead the world into a glorious future.

In the coming days, weeks and months, you will learn more about these visitors, why they are here and why our leaders have kept their presence a secret from you for so long.

I ask you to look to the future not with timidity but with courage. Because we can achieve in our time the ancient vision of peace on Earth and prosperity for all humankind.

God bless you.
and btw I do believe in Aliens... only for one reason.

I've seen them with my own two eyes. As a kid I would go to the mountains in Mexico where my family had a cabin. Seeing UFO's was almost sorta common, turned into a little fun activity while over there. SItting on the balcony at night looking at the sky. I was always scared shitless. I remmeber one time in broad day light I saw two flying saucers really close to the ground. I asked everyone around me and they all said they were flying saucers. It sounds real wierd now but back then I was just a little kid and had no reference point on what I was seeing. I shoulda taken pictures...

btw, I wasn't like 4 or 5 more like 10 or 11, so I knew what I was seeing.
Yea I read it... but I looked at some of the other postings on that 2012 website and the more I read the more they seemed a bit far fetched... maybe I'm just not fully informed on the whole "star people" thing. It is interesting though...
Did you look at the link for the speech?
I did look and i have to admit that no one knows what is true and what is not and anyone could say that he was going to say anything in all reality.
However nothing would surprise me and i remain open minded.

The main thing that niggles me about this supposed speech is that it states that these aliens will help us get rid of diseases and war etc. but it would seem to me that we have even more war and disease than ever before.

So either the aliens lied,JFK never said any of it or everything went pear shaped somehow,because this planet is far from peaceful and disease free to say the least:blsmoke:
I did look and i have to admit that no one knows what is true and what is not and anyone could say that he was going to say anything in all reality.
However nothing would surprise me and i remain open minded.

You are right one knows for sure. I am not a firm believer in the fact that JFK was indeed going to give this speech, just thought I would throw it out there for all to see.:blsmoke:

The main thing that niggles me about this supposed speech is that it states that these aliens will help us get rid of diseases and war etc. but it would seem to me that we have even more war and disease than ever before.

So either the aliens lied,JFK never said any of it or everything went pear shaped somehow,because this planet is far from peaceful and disease free to say the least:blsmoke:

I could write a whole freaking book on the supposed why's and why nots of this. If a person is TRULY interested in this subject, and wants to investigate/understand the matter, you can watch this:

YouTube - UFO contact Alex Collier interviewed by Rick Keefe (1 of 12)

It's a 12 part series that lasts about 2 hours. Like I said...IF you are TRULY interested in the subject, have an open mind, and want to understand where we stand in this big that.
You are right one knows for sure. I am not a firm believer in the fact that JFK was indeed going to give this speech, just thought I would throw it out there for all to see.:blsmoke:

I could write a whole freaking book on the supposed why's and why nots of this. If a person is TRULY interested in this subject, and wants to investigate/understand the matter, you can watch this:

YouTube - UFO contact Alex Collier interviewed by Rick Keefe (1 of 12)

It's a 12 part series that lasts about 2 hours. Like I said...IF you are TRULY interested in the subject, have an open mind, and want to understand where we stand in this big that.

You can be sure that i will watch all 12 of them later on this evening,i am very interested in AOOTO(anything out of the ordinary).
If you feel this way you should write an ebook and get it published online.
If you do this let me know and i promise to purchase a copy:blsmoke:
I got one experience on the balcony of my family's cabin in Mexico which solidified it for me. It was very late and we were all looking at the stars and using a flashlight to make "signals." When all of a sudden these three beams of light came in a triangle shape and it was coming closer and closer until it was almost like daylight with brightness, all the while they held on to the triangle shape. The weird thing is no one (there was about 15 family members there) said a word. We were all just staring. It seemed to come up to us then suddenly all three lights dispersed into different directions and eventually left completely... that's when all of us starting screaming, kids started crying... it sounds so fake and surreal now that I think about it... I have never told these stories really and I have no clue why... When people ask me if I believe in aliens I just say yea, and don't say anything else... Seems weird now. it would seem like it would have changed my life or something but it just seemed normal because I was a little kid.
I got one experience on the balcony of my family's cabin in Mexico which solidified it for me. It was very late and we were all looking at the stars and using a flashlight to make "signals." When all of a sudden these three beams of light came in a triangle shape and it was coming closer and closer until it was almost like daylight with brightness, all the while they held on to the triangle shape. The weird thing is no one (there was about 15 family members there) said a word. We were all just staring. It seemed to come up to us then suddenly all three lights dispersed into different directions and eventually left completely... that's when all of us starting screaming, kids started crying... it sounds so fake and surreal now that I think about it... I have never told these stories really and I have no clue why... When people ask me if I believe in aliens I just say yea, and don't say anything else... Seems weird now. it would seem like it would have changed my life or something but it just seemed normal because I was a little kid.

Kinda like this:
Triangle UFO flap in Belgium

UFOS at close sight: The Belgium flap videos

New UFO Wave Hits Belgium - UFO Evidence
You can be sure that i will watch all 12 of them later on this evening,i am very interested in AOOTO(anything out of the ordinary).
If you feel this way you should write an ebook and get it published online.
If you do this let me know and i promise to purchase a copy:blsmoke:

Wow I missed this post. Did you ever watch the series?
More interesting material:

Up Close With The Aliens: The Keepers

This is a video of the inside life of the Alien Grays: exactly what they are doing here, what their mission is, how they look, how they act and an inside glimpse of their tremendous mental powers and the abductions. Jim Sparks has been with them a countless number of times and recounts in great detail everything he has seen. This is an amazing preview of the Alien life, that is here and working.

Each vid is around 10 minutes long
Pt. 1

Pt. 2

Pt. 3

Pt. 4

Pt. 5

Pt. 6

Pt. 7

Pt. 8

Pt. 9
Wow I missed this post. Did you ever watch the series?
Nope i only watched a couple of them and as always i was left wondering if the guy was in his own fantasy or if it was just in fact so fantastical and strange that even if it were true i would not believe it unless i saw it with my own eyes.
Was an interesting watch though and i will have a look at some of those other links you left later on:blsmoke:
as always i was left wondering if the guy was in his own fantasy or if it was just in fact so fantastical and strange that even if it were true i would not believe it unless i saw it with my own eyes.
Was an interesting watch though and i will have a look at some of those other links you left later on:blsmoke:

It is indeed strange. Just imagine if what he says is the blows me away. I will say that this guy is very reputable within the UFO community.

The other links are not quite as deep as the level to which Alex Colliers takes it, but it is another fascinating account of alien abduction.
Sorry to butt in here guys... I do come in peace, and this is after all my thread...:mrgreen:

Do you really believe this is real? Now, I'm not asking because I doubt myself... I just really want to know, if you honestly believe all this. I'm not asking for evidence, just total honesty. Is there not a doubt in your minds that Aliens have visited this planet? Honestly.