
hey dropa stone... check out the SUmerian culture... on the radio program Coast to Coast AM, basically everyone stole their creation myths from them... and the best part is... they dont dilly dally and make up bullshit they say a race of ppl came from space and genetically modifed them and taught them stuff... plain and simple... what religious book says that? and BTW... they knew all the planets existed and way more about the solar system and galaxies than we did just a 100 yrs ago... so hmmmm

What's up man, yeah I'm familiar with the Sumerians and their culture. I used to have an online subscription to coast to coast and I listened to that show all the time years ago. Unfortunately we don't have any radio stations around here that carry coast to coast. So if I wanna listen I have to have a subscription.

I am an alien. Although none of you will beleive it, and to explain it would be difficult, i did not originate on this planet, and to make a long story short my mind is imprisoned on this earth in a human body. I will be here until the universe dies and this planet collapses into dust.
Rush, "Xanadu"

"To seek the sacred river Alph
To walk the caves of ice
To break my fast on honey dew
And drink the milk of paradise...."

I had heard the whispered tales
Of immortality
The deepest mystery
From an ancient book. I took a clue
I scaled the frozen mountain tops
Of eastern lands unknown
Time and Man alone
Searching for the lost--Xanadu
Xanadu--To stand within the Pleasure Dome

Decreed by Kubla Khan
To taste anew the fruits of life
The last immortal man
To find the sacred river Alph
To walk the caves of ice
Oh, I will dine on honeydew
And drink the milk of Paradise

A thousand years have come and gone
But Time has passed me by
Stars stopped in the sky
Frozen in the everlasting view
Waiting for the world to end
Weary of the night
Praying for the light
Prison of the lost--Xanadu
Xanadu--held within the Pleasure Dome

Decreed by Kubla Khan
To taste my bitter triumph
As a mad immortal man
Nevermore shall I return
Escape these caves of ice
For I have dined on honeydew
And drink the milk of Paradise
There is no arguement for creation by God. All of the stories in all of the religious books around the world are just that, stories, used to produce strong morals and values. Obviously religion is not working, so why not try something else?

-As I said before, I believe that the main point that should dismiss all religious beliefs is the fact that there are so many religions out there. There's gotta be at least 20 religions if not much more with over a million followers, each one saying that their God is the real one and if you don't worship him that you go to hell (How selfish can you be?!). JUST BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU'VE BEEN TAUGHT FROM DAY ONE. If you were taught the little mermaid instead do you think you would feel any different? NOO!!! Everything that you percieve is affected by your perception of reality.
There is no arguement for creation by God. All of the stories in all of the religious books around the world are just that, stories, used to produce strong morals and values. Obviously religion is not working, so why not try something else?

-As I said before, I believe that the main point that should dismiss all religious beliefs is the fact that there are so many religions out there. There's gotta be at least 20 religions if not much more with over a million followers, each one saying that their God is the real one and if you don't worship him that you go to hell (How selfish can you be?!). JUST BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU'VE BEEN TAUGHT FROM DAY ONE. If you were taught the little mermaid instead do you think you would feel any different? NOO!!! Everything that you percieve is affected by your perception of reality.

This is where you are wrong. I was never taught anything about religion of any kind as a child. As a matter of fact I only heard criticism of religion. But here I am now a God loving Christian. I have witnessed many grown men that had previously denied the existence of God, fall to their knees and ask Gods forgiveness. The fact that there is so many religions is due to the Devil being very clever. He continuously tries to find ways to lead us astray. He reveals half truths and gives just enough insight into certain subject to make people follow them.
This is where you are wrong. I was never taught anything about religion of any kind as a child. As a matter of fact I only heard criticism of religion. But here I am now a God loving Christian. I have witnessed many grown men that had previously denied the existence of God, fall to their knees and ask Gods forgiveness. The fact that there is so many religions is due to the Devil being very clever. He continuously tries to find ways to lead us astray. He reveals half truths and gives just enough insight into certain subject to make people follow them.
So that's your evidence, that grown men that previously didn't believe in a god changed their mind? Wow, compelling. <yawn>

BTW, when you were a child not learning about religion, did anyone happen to try to teach you logic and reason?
What you think are aliens are actually hyper dimensional beings. They are all around. They are outside of our visual spectrum. Some of the malevolent beings feed off of negative human emotion. Historically thet are what could be considered demons.
Anyone that doesn't believe in life on other planets, is missing quite a few brain cells. Even if you believe that life started in tidepools and we crawled out of the swamps and eventually walked on two legs (why are there still apes on this planet if we descended from them), you would almost have to agree that with billions of planets out there, there could be life on them. Now take the fact that the universe is billions of years old, is it not possible that on another planet somewhere in the universe, an intelligent species evolved, or was created some time before our world was habitable, and these beings having millions-billions of years head start on us, could have the capacity to visit our world. I'm sure they're curious about us like we're curious about the dinosaurs, plus we're much more interesting because we have shit to blow things up and maybe cause a catastrophe in the universe. If you don't believe in extra-terrestials, you must be brain dead. Of course the powers that be, don't want you believing in such things, how dare we think there might be some being more intelligent than our leaders. Nope I've never seen one, although to be honest, on a two year sabbatical in the wilderness of Arizona, I saw quite a few U.F.O.s, remember what a UFO is: an unidentified flying object, I saw a few that did things that no known terrestial object could achieve.

Why would the emergence of a new species mean the previous one no longer exists? I mean by this logic you should only have "Life: the final version". Sounds like you are the one missing a few brain cells.

And the limitation of visiting across the universe isn't a matter of technology. It's more fundamental than that, we are restricted by the laws of nature.

Also the energy required for interstellar travel makes it totally illogical that anyone would ever use it as a resource gathering mission. The time and energy required are staggering. It will never ever happen. We will most likely never visit another star, and im 100% certain we will never visit another star that has intelligent life. Nor will they visit us.
What you think are aliens are actually hyper dimensional beings. They are all around. They are outside of our visual spectrum. Some of the malevolent beings feed off of negative human emotion. Historically thet are what could be considered demons.

I've often thought that they could possibly be amongst us but on a different plain. Now this is just a theory of mine and I'm not particularly sold on the idea it's just an Idea. What if they could be with us but say only one second or even less in our past tense. They would be here but we would never see them. Ever watched these ghost hunter shows where there investigating ghosts. What if they are actually the aliens they investigate.

Just some random thoughts of an old stoner.
Why would the emergence of a new species mean the previous one no longer exists? I mean by this logic you should only have "Life: the final version". Sounds like you are the one missing a few brain cells.

And the limitation of visiting across the universe isn't a matter of technology. It's more fundamental than that, we are restricted by the laws of nature.

Also the energy required for interstellar travel makes it totally illogical that anyone would ever use it as a resource gathering mission. The time and energy required are staggering. It will never ever happen. We will most likely never visit another star, and im 100% certain we will never visit another star that has intelligent life. Nor will they visit us.

An advance civilization a billion years ahead of us could very well have figured that out already. They also may have figured out how to travel through worm holes, bend space and time to there advantage. Maybe there is intelligent life out there that has a space station orbiting a sun that provides enough power to make that kind of stuff happen. That's what kills me about our race, some just can't come to the realization that this could be possible. Just because our feeble little minds can't figure it out doesn't mean a more advanced civilization hasn't.
An advance civilization a billion years ahead of us could very well have figured that out already. They also may have figured out how to travel through worm holes, bend space and time to there advantage. Maybe there is intelligent life out there that has a space station orbiting a sun that provides enough power to make that kind of stuff happen. That's what kills me about our race, some just can't come to the realization that this could be possible. Just because our feeble little minds can't figure it out doesn't mean a more advanced civilization hasn't.

You make it sound as if any feat is possible given enough time and intelligence. My point was the opposite; I don't think any amount of intelligence or time is going to help you overcome the barriers of nature.
You make it sound as if any feat is possible given enough time and intelligence. My point was the opposite; I don't think any amount of intelligence or time is going to help you overcome the barriers of nature.

Ahh come on guy! Surely you're not doubting your own species? Our technology is at best, only really 300 or so years old, and we've done some amazing things since then!

Take into consideration that man can very easily, manipulate his surroundings and environment. Moving mountains or forests, capture lightning in the lightbulb, wiping out entire cities of people to name a few.

Not to mention the internet, how any amount of information or images you could ever want or ask for, from ANYWHERE in the world, can be found in less than a second.

We have expanded our lifespan, and have machines that can see the human body inside and out, and can do everything the human body can do, do for the body (life support.) I mean hell, we're CLONING shit for cryin out loud haha...these things would be considered magic, say 1000 years ago.

Now take that pace of technology and take it millions if not billions of years doesn't seem to far fetched to me. :-?
You make it sound as if any feat is possible given enough time and intelligence. My point was the opposite; I don't think any amount of intelligence or time is going to help you overcome the barriers of nature.

So what makes you an authority on the barriers of nature? With enough time, comes more intelligence. With more intelligence, comes the ability to possibly overcome the barriers of nature as we know it in our present time. Do you know everything is to know about space and time? Our top scientists haven't even begun to scratch the surface about the universe around us. So who's to say anybody is an authority on natures barriers. With the given knowledge that our best scientists have, it's just their best guess.

To other advanced civilizations we haven't even left the womb yet. They probably think of us a Neanderthals carrying around big stick. It's time to open your closed mind and think outside the box, instead of living in one.

So take a nice bongsmilieget all :eyesmoke:and ponder on that for a while.

Oh and have a nice day :bigjoint:
I've smoked plenty of bong rips and pondered a lot of things. The argument that some technology we have today would have seemed "magic" to someone back in the day doesn't really mean that anything we consider "magic" now is equally as likely to happen given time. Yes a lighter would have seemed "magic" to them, but that's because they had NO CLUE about what was fundamentally going on. The science behind a hand held lighter is easy to explain, and fits well within the laws of nature. Nothing magic about it. Traversing galaxies at greater than speed...that's and entirely different story. With the lighter they just had ignorance, just the absence of how that worked or would attribute it to something supernatural. It's not like someone from that era understood what was going on and said a hand held lighter would violate the laws of nature (and actually BASED it on what they DID know). That's the difference, we do have a great deal of understanding about the world today.

I don't think we will achieve interstellar travel because of the vast distances involved. I think the speed of light has been confirmed more than enough for my liking, I believe it is the cosmic speed limit. The only way it would ever happen is like someone said, with wormholes, or somehow creating a short cut through space via some similar mechanism. Again the limitations of this are staggering and I don't think we will ever achieve it, let alone with ability to move entire space ships through it, let alone with enough accuracy to put us where we want.

I don't think we will ever achieve teleportation or time travel for the same reasons. It's not because of some lack of understanding about the universe, quite the opposite. We don't have all the answers or understand 100% how the universe works but we have a damn good idea and I don't think it will allow any of these scenarios.