
Are you trying to tell me airplanes and cellphones didn't come from aliens? I understand people made them but It had to be done with alien technolegy
I agree. You are discounting the contributions of many great discoveries leading up to the inventions that YOU say could not have happened without aliens. Is it just cellphones and TVs or all devices that use radio transmissions and semiconductors? When exactly did we get the knowledge? Roswell? If so, then that discounts any discovery that predates that time, right? So how do TVs fit in again?
aliens have been coming since Egypt and Montipeachu they had crazy tech which we have slowly released...reverce enginered like they made a crappy telograph then a shitty phone then a cordless phone-because if they gave you an Iphone in 1920 you would've freaked out..the same with cloning people..they've been doing it they just told you they could do sheep so you wont freak out someday when they release clones
Are you trying to tell me airplanes and cellphones didn't come from aliens? I understand people made them but It had to be done with alien technolegy
NOOOOO>. So you go talk to the guys that invented cellphone microchips and storage chips, and the small light pixels that make up the image on the screen, and the guy who put it all together and made a cellphone and tell them what you just said and see what they say. ALIEN TECHNOLOGY (technology that we cannot create on this planet ourselves) is, well, nowhere to be found on this planet. I can go halfway with you and say that thousands of years in the past civilizations were probably visited by aliens and were given thechnology to help them advance. But today? No. Maybe in some Special Access Programs in the government that we will never find out about, but until then the general population does not have any direct contact with alien technology.
Our government did not take alien technology and what you call REVERSE ENGINERE it so that we would have shittier technology and advance slower. You are WAAAAAY over estimating the selfish self-centered politics who make up our government today, doing nothing but what is in their best interest. Not to mention that if an alien civilization came to earth they must be thousands, probably hundereds of thousands of years more advanced than us. Do you really think they still have fucking cellphones. Do you think they still even use any of the type of materials used in our products today such as metals and plastics and general elements? No. No. No. No. They understand quantum physics and then thousands of years past that. We cannot not even imagine in our head the type of technology that they have and the scale that it is at.
aliens have been coming since Egypt and Montipeachu they had crazy tech which we have slowly released...reverce enginered like they made a crappy telograph then a shitty phone then a cordless phone-because if they gave you an Iphone in 1920 you would've freaked out..the same with cloning people..they've been doing it they just told you they could do sheep so you wont freak out someday when they release clones

Umm.. source please?
I agree. You are discounting the contributions of many great discoveries leading up to the inventions that YOU say could not have happened without aliens. Is it just cellphones and TVs or all devices that use radio transmissions and semiconductors? When exactly did we get the knowledge? Roswell? If so, then that discounts any discovery that predates that time, right? So how do TVs fit in again?

Hitler and WWII had UFO people think they only crash in the USA???

So that's your evidence, that grown men that previously didn't believe in a god changed their mind? Wow, compelling. <yawn>

BTW, when you were a child not learning about religion, did anyone happen to try to teach you logic and reason?

I was not trying to give any evidence of anything. Do you always have to be a dick. I think that if people believe that there is enough evidence to support creation via aliens then there is equal scientific evidence of creation via God. I think that the two studies are really one in the same.
I was not trying to give any evidence of anything. Do you always have to be a dick. I think that if people believe that there is enough evidence to support creation via aliens then there is equal scientific evidence of creation via God. I think that the two studies are really one in the same.
You would be correct. They are both bunk.
I was not trying to give any evidence of anything. Do you always have to be a dick. I think that if people believe that there is enough evidence to support creation via aliens then there is equal scientific evidence of creation via God. I think that the two studies are really one in the same.

Nice signature, truth! Country is nothing but hypocrite's...
Hitler and WWII had UFO people think they only crash in the USA???


Dude, I want to point out two things I noticed just reading this post;

1. You're speaking in absolute terms, as if the stuff you just said is already well known fact. That's a problem. Especially when you're trying to convince someone who doesn't already share the same opinion. It comes off as intellectually snobby, above everybody else's knowledge.

If a UFO crashed - anywhere - it would not remain a secret, I assure you.

2. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" - again, intellectually snobby. Genuine, well thought out questions about UFO's get you places, this shit gets you nowhere.

I'm interested in the proof you have that confirms your statement that "Hitler and WW2 had a UFO crash".

Also, seriously, just consider what you are proposing for a second, think this through, what the movies tell you couldn't possibly ever happen because it just doesn't make any sense.

Aliens - presumably, much more advanced than our current technology as they'd be invading us or "visiting us", and when I say "much more advanced", I'm talking on par with Star Wars type levels, light speed if not faster travel, warp drives, cloaking technology, super advanced forms of fusion energy sources, etc. crazy shit like that... - travel the almost incomprehensible distances of interstellar space just to get to Earth and crash land. What? Seriously, what the fuck? That doesn't sound retarded to you? That would be like Europeans crossing the entire Atlantic Ocean and crash landing on the shores of America killing everyone on board...

lol No. You would not know if a small vehicle crashed out of the sky. And there are thousands of reports of UFO sightings they are just not in the media and YOU choose not to believe them. That doesn't mean theyre not there.
lol No. You would not know if a small vehicle crashed out of the sky. And there are thousands of reports of UFO sightings they are just not in the media and YOU choose not to believe them. That doesn't mean theyre not there.

Conveniently skipped over the entire rest of my post where I brought up Tysons point about traversing the void of interstellar space only to crash land on Earth...

That makes perfect sense to you?

..nothing to say about the European analogy?

OK then...

Dude, I want to point out two things I noticed just reading this post;

1. You're speaking in absolute terms, as if the stuff you just said is already well known fact. That's a problem. Especially when you're trying to convince someone who doesn't already share the same opinion. It comes off as intellectually snobby, above everybody else's knowledge.

If a UFO crashed - anywhere - it would not remain a secret, I assure you.

2. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" - again, intellectually snobby. Genuine, well thought out questions about UFO's get you places, this shit gets you nowhere.

I'm interested in the proof you have that confirms your statement that "Hitler and WW2 had a UFO crash".

Also, seriously, just consider what you are proposing for a second, think this through, what the movies tell you couldn't possibly ever happen because it just doesn't make any sense.

Aliens - presumably, much more advanced than our current technology as they'd be invading us or "visiting us", and when I say "much more advanced", I'm talking on par with Star Wars type levels, light speed if not faster travel, warp drives, cloaking technology, super advanced forms of fusion energy sources, etc. crazy shit like that... - travel the almost incomprehensible distances of interstellar space just to get to Earth and crash land. What? Seriously, what the fuck? That doesn't sound retarded to you? That would be like Europeans crossing the entire Atlantic Ocean and crash landing on the shores of America killing everyone on board...


That's good stuff man, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson becomes a comedian. Funny stuff at that. The only problem I have with that is, most scientists and astrophysicists will deny anything that they can't see, touch, smell or taste. Another problem I have with your post is that if we were being visited by aliens, its that you can't base you assumptions on a cpl of well documented UFO crashes. Think about it, let's just say we've been visited a thousand times by extraterrestrials, now out of a thousand times you would have to consider that one or two might have had some sort of a mechanical failure at one time or another. Remember, they travel vast distances to get here and more likely than not, your gonna have some ware and tare on the vehicle that got you here. Just like right here on earth, people fly everyday and from time to time they have a mechanical failure leading to fatal crashes. Who says aliens are any different? Just because they are more advanced than us doesn't mean they can't have a bad day.
That's good stuff man, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson becomes a comedian. Funny stuff at that. The only problem I have with that is, most scientists and astrophysicists will deny anything that they can't see, touch, smell or taste. Another problem I have with your post is that if we were being visited by aliens, its that you can't base you assumptions on a cpl of well documented UFO crashes. Think about it, let's just say we've been visited a thousand times by extraterrestrials, now out of a thousand times you would have to consider that one or two might have had some sort of a mechanical failure at one time or another. Remember, they travel vast distances to get here and more likely than not, your gonna have some ware and tare on the vehicle that got you here. Just like right here on earth, people fly everyday and from time to time they have a mechanical failure leading to fatal crashes. Who says aliens are any different? Just because they are more advanced than us doesn't mean they can't have a bad day.

Did you watch that clip? Right at the beginning Tyson talks about how people go from "it's a UFO!" to "it's an alien!" without any evidence. Our minds are designed to work this way - argument from ignorance.

The "U" in "UFO" is the most important part, Unidentified. That's all it means. So why do you automatically jump to "it's an alien from another planet!"? What makes you think that? There is just not enough evidence to definitively say it's aliens.
Have you watched any videos I've posted, especially the NASA ones? Unidentified means unknown and I'm well aware of that but how can you discredit the evidence I've laid out to you. They may be unidentified but to me they appear to be under intelligent control. Furthermore if it was our government that has this technology I'm sure they wouldn't have kept it a secret this long and if they are, why. Also did you watch any episodes of season 1 Ancient aliens? That series gives the best evidence to date that we have been visited by extraterrestrials for thousands of years. It's my personal belief that they have shaped us and our civilization for a long long time.

I love debating this kind of stuff. I'm 40 years old and have been investigating this topic for the past 25 years and by no means do I consider myself an expert I'm just well educated on the topic at hand. When I was 18 me and my best friend at the time went to Texas to score some herb. We both had just got our tax refund checks and had a connection on some killer herb at a killer price and It was about a 2400 mile round trip. Anyway we're in Missouri at this point and time and headed to Texas. It was about 2 o'clock in the morning and I was driving and my friend was sleeping and we were in the part of the state were every thing is wide open and you could see for miles and miles with an unobstructed view of our surroundings. Off in the distance I seen this light and it had what I would call a strobe light and it was heading right for us. At this point is was still pretty far off and I wasn't thinking much about it, although it was getting closer and closer. Well as time went on I woke my buddy and said check this shit out. This light was approaching us pretty quick now and the light that came off this thing was like a strobe and every time it flashed it lit up the whole sky. You could see the clouds and the blue sky vividly when this light went off. Also when it went off I could barely make out the shape of this craft. It's shape was rectangular and it appeared to be the size of a football field with huge towers on top that resembled a giant floating city. By now it was very close like around 1000 yards in front and 1000 yards above us and we were both kinda freaking out, like what the hell is this thing. At the same time we were on a major highway with one car following us. I decided to slow down to keep the object in view and the car behind me slowed down too because he had to have seen it as well and we were the only two cars on the road at the time and he could have passed me at anytime but he didn't. All of the sudden this thing was right on top of us and it stopped it's forward direction and started moving in reverse like it was checking us out. Me and my friend are wigging out and wondering what the hell is this thing. So I decided to stop the car and my buddy is like what the hell are you doing. I say, I'm getting out to see what the hell this thing is. Well by the time I stopped the car and got out this thing is gone and no where to be seen in the night sky, like it just vanished into thin air. When I stopped the guy following behind us just kept going, he was probably a lot smarter than I was.

Anyway I had an experience that I can't explain and I will never forget and it's forever tattooed on my memory and I can recall it just like it was yesterday. So whatever you or anybody else has to say on this subject, I will never believe that we are not being visited by extraterrestrials on this planet. There is just too much evidence to prove that we are and have been visited and nothing to prove we haven't. So until you can prove me wrong and I doubt that will ever happen, I'll be a firm believer.
Anyway I had an experience that I can't explain and I will never forget and it's forever tattooed on my memory and I can recall it just like it was yesterday. So whatever you or anybody else has to say on this subject, I will never believe that we are not being visited by extraterrestrials on this planet. There is just too much evidence to prove that we are and have been visited and nothing to prove we haven't. So until you can prove me wrong and I doubt that will ever happen, I'll be a firm believer.
You say you can't explain it and in the next breath, claim it was aliens without evidence to support that view, and therefore, other UFO sightings must be aliens too. You go from no evidence of extraterrestrials to saying there's too much evidence and that the evidence 'proves' what you claim. Do you see the problem skeptics will have with this kind of thought process. I'm not dismissing your experience, but no where in that story you related was any evidence, let alone proof that what you saw were aliens. Now you are shifting the burden of proof back on the skeptic by saying we must prove you wrong. Sorry, but the burden of proof still lies with you and people like you that claim we have been visited.
Have you watched any videos I've posted, especially the NASA ones? Unidentified means unknown and I'm well aware of that but how can you discredit the evidence I've laid out to you. They may be unidentified but to me they appear to be under intelligent control. Furthermore if it was our government that has this technology I'm sure they wouldn't have kept it a secret this long and if they are, why. Also did you watch any episodes of season 1 Ancient aliens? That series gives the best evidence to date that we have been visited by extraterrestrials for thousands of years. It's my personal belief that they have shaped us and our civilization for a long long time.

I have not watched the videos you've posted, but I've seen the series on the History channel before. You have to understand, it is their job to get people to believe this stuff. This is a huge issue right now within the scientific community and everybody is realizing stuff like what the History channel is doing is extremely damaging to real, credible science. It's one of the main reasons the general American public is so scientifically illiterate. People hear ridiculous claims like Bigfoot or Aliens from outer space mixed with "expert opinions" and "scientific data" and automatically think it's real science.

The "evidence" you laid out to me is - as Tyson points out in that clip, anecdotal - which is the lowest form of "evidence" in the court of science. You need more than that. It isn't evidence of anything because everyone has different perceptions of reality, and all of our senses are subject to outside influences. You said you're 40 years old, so it's a good bet you've experienced at least one kind of hallucinatory substance in your life - senses and perceptions were nothing like when you were sober, right? Think of it like that, the same thing can happen when people experience emotional or traumatic events, see something shocking, etc. Our brains are powerful machines.

Anyway I had an experience that I can't explain and I will never forget and it's forever tattooed on my memory and I can recall it just like it was yesterday. So whatever you or anybody else has to say on this subject, I will never believe that we are not being visited by extraterrestrials on this planet. There is just too much evidence to prove that we are and have been visited and nothing to prove we haven't. So until you can prove me wrong and I doubt that will ever happen, I'll be a firm believer.

You can't explain it - so it must be aliens. (do you see the issue?)

You will never believe otherwise. The mindset of a fundamentalist. BIG ISSUE.

You have presented ZERO evidence.

Show me the proof that I haven't climbed Mt. Everest. When you're done, explain to me why it's my job to prove a negative, and until I do, the positive is the default position to take. You need to understand LOGIC doesn't work this way. Saying something exists is one thing, until YOU prove that thing does in fact exist, IT DOESN'T. THAT is how LOGIC works. I hate to keep capitalizing words n shit man, but this is so unbelievably frustrating, I've been dealing with this exact same issue with 4 people lately, and it just blows my mind how someone could think this way, if you just play that same line of logic out you'll see for yourself why it doesn't work. Watch...

"Trolls exist.." "no they don't.." "prove they don't.."


"Unicorns exist..." " they don't..." "sure they do, I've seen them, prove they don't exist.."


See what I mean...

When people come into a debate asking someone to prove a negative it's an early indication they haven't been in the game long. BURDEN OF PROOF is on THE POSITIVE, NOT THE NEGATIVE.

So do you have any evidence that can be tested to see if its aliens from another planet?
You say you can't explain it and in the next breath, claim it was aliens without evidence to support that view, and therefore, other UFO sightings must be aliens too. You go from no evidence of extraterrestrials to saying there's too much evidence and that the evidence 'proves' what you claim. Do you see the problem skeptics will have with this kind of thought process. I'm not dismissing your experience, but no where in that story you related was any evidence, let alone proof that what you saw were aliens. Now you are shifting the burden of proof back on the skeptic by saying we must prove you wrong. Sorry, but the burden of proof still lies with you and people like you that claim we have been visited.

Yeah you kinda took that out of context. I said I had an experience I couldn't explain. I didn't say that is was aliens or a spacecraft. It was just an experience that I nor my friend couldn't explain. I just thought it was a cool experience I had and I wanted to share it.

Although that experience did fuel my fire to learn as much as I could about the UFO Phenomenon that goes on around the world.

I have not watched the videos you've posted, but I've seen the series on the History channel before. You have to understand, it is their job to get people to believe this stuff. This is a huge issue right now within the scientific community and everybody is realizing stuff like what the History channel is doing is extremely damaging to real, credible science. It's one of the main reasons the general American public is so scientifically illiterate. People hear ridiculous claims like Bigfoot or Aliens from outer space mixed with "expert opinions" and "scientific data" and automatically think it's real science.

The "evidence" you laid out to me is - as Tyson points out in that clip, anecdotal - which is the lowest form of "evidence" in the court of science. You need more than that. It isn't evidence of anything because everyone has different perceptions of reality, and all of our senses are subject to outside influences. You said you're 40 years old, so it's a good bet you've experienced at least one kind of hallucinatory substance in your life - senses and perceptions were nothing like when you were sober, right? Think of it like that, the same thing can happen when people experience emotional or traumatic events, see something shocking, etc. Our brains are powerful machines.

You can't explain it - so it must be aliens. (do you see the issue?)

You will never believe otherwise. The mindset of a fundamentalist. BIG ISSUE.

You have presented ZERO evidence.

Show me the proof that I haven't climbed Mt. Everest. When you're done, explain to me why it's my job to prove a negative, and until I do, the positive is the default position to take. You need to understand LOGIC doesn't work this way. Saying something exists is one thing, until YOU prove that thing does in fact exist, IT DOESN'T. THAT is how LOGIC works. I hate to keep capitalizing words n shit man, but this is so unbelievably frustrating, I've been dealing with this exact same issue with 4 people lately, and it just blows my mind how someone could think this way, if you just play that same line of logic out you'll see for yourself why it doesn't work. Watch...

"Trolls exist.." "no they don't.." "prove they don't.."


"Unicorns exist..." " they don't..." "sure they do, I've seen them, prove they don't exist.."


See what I mean...

When people come into a debate asking someone to prove a negative it's an early indication they haven't been in the game long. BURDEN OF PROOF is on THE POSITIVE, NOT THE NEGATIVE.

So do you have any evidence that can be tested to see if its aliens from another planet?

I"m growing very tired of all this mumbo jumbo you keep bringing to the table. Trolls and unicorns and MT Everest, I see where that is leading but come on dude. At least I bring some tangible evidence to the table and you bring nothing except your ideals and beliefs. You say it's not your job to prove a negative? I agree but at the least you could bring something to the table that is remotely plausible to back up your claims. Your just like everybody else that can't think for themselves. You rely on the scientific community, that I guess does your thinking for you.

So do you have any evidence that can be tested to see if its aliens from another planet?
Do you have any evidence that can be tested to see that it's not.

This is a huge issue right now within the scientific community and everybody is realizing stuff like what the History channel is doing is extremely damaging to real, credible science.
The only thing that is being damaged is there ego's. They realize that they've been wrong for a long time. Scientists don't like to admit when there wrong it makes them look stupid. So they will just stick to their guns until there is irrefutable evidence proving otherwise.

I've been dealing with this exact same issue with 4 people lately, and it just blows my mind how someone could think this way
Yeah, well at least we have one thing in common.

I've got my beliefs and you have yours. Let just leave it at that. I'm sure we will have plenty of time to butt heads on this subject in the future. So in the meantime let' just consider this a stalemate.

Have a nice day.
At least I bring some tangible evidence to the table and you bring nothing except your ideals and beliefs.

Dude, I've asked you what tangible evidence you have and you still have yet to present anything tangible as evidence. All you've given us is anecdotal evidence, which doesn't equal tangible by any stretch of the word.

What ideals or beliefs have I presented?

You say it's not your job to prove a negative? I agree but at the least you could bring something to the table that is remotely plausible to back up your claims.

OK, something remotely plausible... How about math?

From the Sun to the Earth the distance is roughly 93 million miles, this equals 1AU. It takes light 8:20 +/- to reach the Earth from the sun.

The fastest spacecraft we've ever launched were the two Helios probes that studied the Sun that attained a maximum speed of around 150,000mpH (while in an elliptical orbit around the Sun, which is the only reason they reached such speeds).

From the Sun to Neptune (now the farthest planet in our solar system), the distance is 30AU.

4.05 - 4.12 hours for light to travel to Neptune traveling @ 186,000mpS

Now, physics says we can't go faster than light, not matter what technology we achieve. Don't argue with me on this because it's irrelevant to the conversation. I realize what the physicists say could be wrong, but we are both arguing from from the same foundation as it's the only model available. For you to say "they could be wrong about going faster than light" - you have to present evidence, you can't just make the claim because that isn't science.

Can we at least agree that there are no aliens, or intelligent life, within our own solar system? If you don't agree with that then I'd like to hear where you think they are, seriously. And why we haven't been able to either make contact with them or spot them definitively on telescopes or radar or something similar.

The local group of galaxies covers a 10 million light year radius. 10 million light years.

Our CLOSEST neighboring galaxy is Canis Major @ a distance of 25,000 light years away from our solar system.

It would take a person going light speed 25,000 years to reach that galaxy from Earth.

So please, explain to me how anything could accomplish that feat, why they would come, and why they wouldn't make themselves known. You think any government on the planet could keep an alien species existence under wraps if the aliens didn't want them to? Why would an alien race hide in such ways?

Answer all those questions, they're legitimate. Don't just skip over them, I want real answers.

Your just like everybody else that can't think for themselves. You rely on the scientific community, that I guess does your thinking for you.

Dropastone, I have no problem admitting when someone else is a lot smarter than I am. Scientists study this stuff for a living. They put their life's work into it, it means a lot to them. I bullshit on RIU and youtube in my spare time, it's pretty safe to say they know a little more than I do about these issues. If you don't think so, you're only kidding yourself.

The scientific community is a collective body of the WORLDS best and brightest. I am one man with a high school education and a computer... If you have credentials that compete with the worlds leading experts, then, by all means, go compete, but if you don't, why not admit it?

Do you have any evidence that can be tested to see that it's not.

I've only facepalmed twice while reading a response from someone on the internet, congratulations, you're number 3!

What did I JUST tell you in my last post man? :wall:

The only thing that is being damaged is there ego's. They realize that they've been wrong for a long time. Scientists don't like to admit when there wrong it makes them look stupid. So they will just stick to their guns until there is irrefutable evidence proving otherwise.

That's just a stupid thing to say or believe...

Scientists don't give a flying fuck about their egos. Scientists LOVE to be proven wrong. It doesn't make a person look stupid to admit when they're wrong about something, it makes them look ADMIRABLE. Smart people understand this clearly! Stupid people keep incorrect opinions because they are stupid. It's shit like that that makes them stupid people. Science and real scientists are only interested in the TRUTH. Fuck profits, fuck funding, fuck what the public might feel comfortable with, the game of science and the entire reason it exists today is solely to find the TRUTH. That is what interests the scientist.