All Of The Sudden


Well-Known Member
my plant is looking like shit which i cant be surprised about since im not using all the right stuff. but i bought black gold potting soil fox farm big bloom and got a 150 equivalent cfl and all of the sudden my plant has droopy leaves and they are real soft not crisp anymore. i started to give it 12 hours of darkness and put a fan on it and now it looks like shit. any suggestions? i dont ph test or any of that stuff so dont ask. but it has always looked good and now it looks like shit.


Well-Known Member
yeah ive watered a couple of times and was spraying the plant with the big bloom and occasionally water too


Well-Known Member
Yeh man dont spray them with nutes, and try to take it easy on the watering. They should perk up in no time, just make sure you dont water them again until they perk up. I would say it will take about a day or two, maybe less depending on lighting.

Goodluck buddy : )


Well-Known Member
ok ill do that. in the mean time im gonna germinate some more seeds now since i have a better light. try to keep the stretching down this time. i proly was killing it with the nutes because the leaves were getting yellow on the edges and getting brown like they were burnt. ill get a pic up today as i know you all like pictures. thank-you


Well-Known Member
its at least 2 months old. it was vegging very well anymore so i just thought if i could try to get just a little bud growing it would be a success for me.


Well-Known Member
dude what kind of light are you using? i have seven day old ones that are 8" and real tight nodes you are doing somthing really wrong I think it may be your lights what r u using?


Well-Known Member
I think your wasting your time man 2 months. you need to save up $100 and buy a 400watt HPS light off ebay. you plant will look like 100 times better


Well-Known Member
it was stretching and so i cut most of the leaves off and buried it down deeper and started over. it looked a lot better before i cut the leaves off. i dont really care if it doesnt turn out. im not wasting my time because i dont really expect much. im just experimenting


Well-Known Member
dude im not sure why your talking shit about this website. But anyways yeh you messed it up a bit. Its still good though. Just chill with the watering man. and I would say only use water for the next week. Water about once every 2 days or 3.

I hope everything works good.


Well-Known Member
dude who said i was talking shit? cuz i said stupid fucking website? big deal its called frustration. deal with it. the website wouldnt let me upload the pic and im not the first person to have problems. theres a few people on this website id trust info from and your definately not you. so thanks for the advice but no thanks. i took some advice from someone that didnt really know what they were talking about and this is where it got me. im not blaming anyone because ive stated from the get that im not doing everything right. just trying to get my feet wet so when i can afford everything i will have a little experience. so if you cant respect that leave me alone.


Well-Known Member
My first grow i had like 3 or 4 clf's on it and the next 3 i had like 5 on them all and it made a huge difference. The first girl blew up compared to the others. Watch out you might not want too many plants. More lights on 1 the better she goin to come out.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
That whole thing is wrong.The plant should have been close to 18 inches in 2 months and full.Its shows the over watering, nute burn, and lack of light.The cfls you have you ll need at least 4-6 to get any growth. The pot is too small and your drowning it.


Well-Known Member
wow straight to the point there filthy lol. Like you said this was only an expirment for learning i assume. So next time around i guess you will no how to do it right. It looks alot like my first plant lol. You might be lucky to get a few gramms dude. Peace BBE


Active Member
I would take it out rinse roots and replant it in a light airy soil that is only damp. If you have lights bring it in and put it under lights for 24 hours then take it back out. This worked for me. Good luck