All the raids??

It's so funny seeing this simpleton Lucius waste all his time in a forum full of weed growers trying to convince us that dispensaries are the only way to go.

Ok buddy lol.

Some ultimate ninth level trolling going on.
I can't believe that the "don't do it because it's illegal" argument is being used on a weed growing forum. I would bet that almost ALL the people on here could give two shits if its legal or not.

Just like marketing, you need to know your audience.

But still, thanks for the laughs :razz:
i heard he was the mastermind behind it and that the Coolidge Dispenssry was supplying all of the meds. They will be losing their license over it as well. Which serves them right for getting involved with a guy like Hayes.

i heard there was a Chupacabra sighting in downtown Mesa last weekend. see? i can make shit up too. man, if you spent more time on paying attention to your grow than you do trolling a low budget, NSA surveiled weed site, you might just have a case for your precious dispensary :-P
Stop trying to steer patients to shady compassion clubs that are only out to fuck the patients and that don't care if they get raided and lose their patient card.

yes folks, the most recent raid caused numerous patients to LOSE their cards. I saw it first hand.
Stop trying to steer patients to shady compassion clubs that are only out to fuck the patients and that don't care if they get raided and lose their patient card.

yes folks, the most recent raid caused numerous patients to LOSE their cards. I saw it first hand.

What are you talking about? You saw it first hand ? So what were you doing there while they were raided? The only person steering patients anywhere is you trying to scare patients to buying overpriced second rate garbage from dispensaries.
Stop trying to steer patients to shady compassion clubs that are only out to fuck the patients and that don't care if they get raided and lose their patient card.yes folks, the most recent raid caused numerous patients to LOSE their cards. I saw it first hand.
ROFLMAO! LV is like Steven Seagal...

seagal sheriff joe.jpgsegal sheriff joe lovers.jpg

or Shaq...

shaq sheriff joe.jpgshaq-cop-thumb-293x251.jpg

when they used to do 'ride alongs' with sheriff Joe and pretend to be LEO pigs.

Again for those who came in late ROFLMAO!!!
Stop trying to steer patients to shady compassion clubs that are only out to fuck the patients and that don't care if they get raided and lose their patient card.

yes folks, the most recent raid caused numerous patients to LOSE their cards. I saw it first hand.

I have a question. Aren't meds supposed to be tested and observed before being processed in our "legal" system and distributed to the patients? The reason I ask is because i have been to 4 dispensaries. All of them have wonderful set ups, a great atmosphere and friendly staff but have you seen their meds? ROFLMAO! Two out of those four dispensaries had meds worthy of my standards. Anyways, when I got home to try them out, I broke them up like I would any other medicine and what did I find?? KNATS! Not just one or two, but plenty all throughout. So this got me thinking what you have been preaching, how are clubs out to fuck us when they offer suitable medicine? Even these dispensaries that are supposed to be "for the patients" are offering un consumable medication to ill people! So now I begin to ask myself, who are the real profiteers? These guys that are wearing their asses as hats?? Announcing that they aren't millionaires yet because of these clubs and caregivers. Pffftt all I have to say is good luck to these dispensaries and their ventures. After the Feds are done with Cali they will be paying our sunny state a visit ;)

Oh and LV, one more thing, do you support $160 quarters like one of your, "for the patient" dispensaries are selling?
Lol the Feds are waiting till the summer heat dies down. You know they all wear the latest of fashions from the soldiers in Iraqand Afghanistan and they might pass out. Lol
I have a question. Aren't meds supposed to be tested and observed before being processed in our "legal" system and distributed to the patients? The reason I ask is because i have been to 4 dispensaries. All of them have wonderful set ups, a great atmosphere and friendly staff but have you seen their meds? ROFLMAO! Two out of those four dispensaries had meds worthy of my standards. Anyways, when I got home to try them out, I broke them up like I would any other medicine and what did I find?? KNATS! Not just one or two, but plenty all throughout. So this got me thinking what you have been preaching, how are clubs out to fuck us when they offer suitable medicine? Even these dispensaries that are supposed to be "for the patients" are offering un consumable medication to ill people! So now I begin to ask myself, who are the real profiteers? These guys that are wearing their asses as hats?? Announcing that they aren't millionaires yet because of these clubs and caregivers. Pffftt all I have to say is good luck to these dispensaries and their ventures. After the Feds are done with Cali they will be paying our sunny state a visit ;)

Oh and LV, one more thing, do you support $160 quarters like one of your, "for the patient" dispensaries are selling?

Saw a guy posting on FB yesterday about how he just got 2z of top shelf from a Dispensary for $525. That seems like a pretty fair shake to me fella.
Saw a guy posting on FB yesterday about how he just got 2z of top shelf from a Dispensary for $525. That seems like a pretty fair shake to me fella.

With bugs? No thank you. I will take my 2z from underground growers, get better medicine (no bugs) and maybe pay $450. Screw paying for someone else's bills instead of medicine. Can't wait to see these dispensaries fail due to lack of medicine. Lack of GOOD medicine that is. Like I said, look on every website these dispensaries are linked to, leafly, weedmaps etc. almost every review is the same...."great atmosphere and friendly staff, but the medicine is terrible." It's sad because us patients and growers know hell of a lot more about this plant then they could imagine. Majority are all profiteers looking at this as a cash cow to make a quick buck, not being a beneficiary for patients. Plain and simple.
With bugs? No thank you. I will take my 2z from underground growers, get better medicine (no bugs) and maybe pay $450. Screw paying for someone else's bills instead of medicine. Can't wait to see these dispensaries fail due to lack of medicine. Lack of GOOD medicine that is. Like I said, look on every website these dispensaries are linked to, leafly, weedmaps etc. almost every review is the same...."great atmosphere and friendly staff, but the medicine is terrible." It's sad because us patients and growers know hell of a lot more about this plant then they could imagine. Majority are all profiteers looking at this as a cash cow to make a quick buck, not being a beneficiary for patients. Plain and simple.

I just pulled up a few and the reviews didn't look like that at all actually.

They did however when I pulled up some of the clubs such as Green Thumb ($60 1/8ths) and places like Onyx (shit meds and $100 quarters).

Not sure if you guys are ONLY trying to steer people away from Dispensaries or to your clubs or Caregivers services, which I guess I can understand, however your constant attacking of Dispensaries will prove to be your demise in the end. The Dispensaries are here to stay. Most of you guys who hate them so much will be gone soon with your bedroom grows and will be back selling cel phones at Best Buy once again. The smart ones of you (very few) will have secured positions doing something you love because you were able to find a certain amount of humility.
I just pulled up a few and the reviews didn't look like that at all actually.

They did however when I pulled up some of the clubs such as Green Thumb ($60 1/8ths) and places like Onyx (shit meds and $100 quarters).

Not sure if you guys are ONLY trying to steer people away from Dispensaries or to your clubs or Caregivers services, which I guess I can understand, however your constant attacking of Dispensaries will prove to be your demise in the end. The Dispensaries are here to stay. Most of you guys who hate them so much will be gone soon with your bedroom grows and will be back selling cel phones at Best Buy once again. The smart ones of you (very few) will have secured positions doing something you love because you were able to find a certain amount of humility.

Not steering anyone away just making them aware before they waste their time. I have a feeling no dispensary owner is going to get rich quick because of all of these clubs and caregivers. That's why all these dispensary owners keep ratting out all the clubs. They are under the impression they aren't millionaires yet because of these obstacles.

I wont be going anywhere either, I am here to stay just like them. Only difference is nobody knows who I am or where my stuff is, not something I can say for dispensaries. They will get raided 10 times before I am even a blip on the radar. If you read word for word what I have been preaching you should understand I am not against a dispensary type set up, I am against giving patients shitty meds at a top dollar to make some extra coin. Be honnest, have integrity and do what's right for the patients, not your wallet!
The 2 dispensaries talkin in this thread have the best quality, and the lowest prices.... its like preaching to the choir.. LV is one of the rare dispensary owners who actually grows... (and MEDICATES... a key factor many forget to even think about).

90% of dispensary cats I've met would rather choke down a few martini's than begin to understand how cannabis is causing cancerous cells to implode. Just saying... imagine what we could all accomplish working together, but again.. this is the interwebs rofl.

He's right about the longevity thing.. we are here to stay, might as well work with us
The 2 dispensaries talkin in this thread have the best quality, and the lowest prices.... its like preaching to the choir.. LV is one of the rare dispensary owners who actually grows... (and MEDICATES... a key factor many forget to even think about).

90% of dispensary cats I've met would rather choke down a few martini's than begin to understand how cannabis is causing cancerous cells to implode. Just saying... imagine what we could all accomplish working together, but again.. this is the interwebs rofl.

He's right about the longevity thing.. we are here to stay, might as well work with us

Hey Bryan, i like you, you are a good guy. BUt LV is NOT a dispensary owner. he is lying about the fact her grows for dispensaries, ans if you look at his grow you would clearly see a lack of grow skills. Supporting his propaganda is only going to lose you support for your dispensary. people like YOU because you arent like Billy hayes or are decent and easy to talk with, you allow room for people to have differing opinions from yourself...... LV is a massive retard that lies like a congressman.
The 2 dispensaries talkin in this thread have the best quality, and the lowest prices.... its like preaching to the choir.. LV is one of the rare dispensary owners who actually grows... (and MEDICATES... a key factor many forget to even think about).

90% of dispensary cats I've met would rather choke down a few martini's than begin to understand how cannabis is causing cancerous cells to implode. Just saying... imagine what we could all accomplish working together, but again.. this is the interwebs rofl.

He's right about the longevity thing.. we are here to stay, might as well work with us
you expect growers to work with you when you are calling the cops on us. go fuck yourself!!! and LV barely uses MMJ as he has stated before. i am glad dispensaries are here they make a very easy target for the dea when the weather cools down, you have set up your 1000 plant grows and you have some cash in the bank. they are gonna come rob you get ready for it. small caregivers like most of us on here stay below minimum sentencing and stay small scale. i have talked to a few prospective dispensary owners and they dont have a fucking clue. this one guy wants to produce 50 pounds a week and he is not willing to pay more than a base salary of 60-80. does this moron even begin to understand how one would produce this much marijuana? or the implicit risks involved? these blood sucking scumbags will have a wake up call when the feds are raiding their shit and freezing all their accounts. go ahead make your million off the social security checks and savings of the old sick and uninformed in this state. just a matter of time before the feds come and steal all your money and product. and when that happens there will be no grassroots growers to supplement your supply while you are scrambling to put the fire out on your ass. and its gonna be quite a spectacle to see you trying to explain how all this weed from Cali and CO made it into your supply. in the end none of these local raids stick but you can bet your ass when the feds come to play they dont fuck around. can you say MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCING? and this does not even begin to talk about the problems you will have with the IRS. 501 c 3 bhahahahah. how is that working out for harborside?