All the raids??

The 2 dispensaries talkin in this thread have the best quality, and the lowest prices.... its like preaching to the choir.. LV is one of the rare dispensary owners who actually grows... (and MEDICATES... a key factor many forget to even think about).

90% of dispensary cats I've met would rather choke down a few martini's than begin to understand how cannabis is causing cancerous cells to implode. Just saying... imagine what we could all accomplish working together, but again.. this is the interwebs rofl.

He's right about the longevity thing.. we are here to stay, might as well work with us

No offense Bryan, because I respect you, but there are plenty more growers who have been around way longer then any dispensary will ever be. Like irieie stated, you guys are the easy targets. So to say we should work with you guys is kind of idiotic. In all reality, it should be the other way around, you guys should work with us because we have been here a hell of a lot longer then any dispensary. And sadly to say, look at the statistics. How many caregivers have been raided or shut down apposed to dispensaries? Lmao
Yeah, like Irie said, Feds don't have fun in federal court when you can't even bring up a medical marijuana defense and you are facing a mandatory minimum.

I'd be sweating big time if I had interest in a dispensary after seeing those raids go down in WA.
You guys took my "work with us" comment out of context, it wasn't a threat.... the whole fight for the 25 mile rule was to preserve the at home grower, I'm just as for the at home grower as everyone here, neither me nor anybody in my organization would ever call the cops on anyone regarding a plant. That's just not who we are... compassion club, patient, home grower, snitches get stitches, that's always how its been.

And of course you guys are right about the feds, but until they break ground here in AZ nobody knows what they are going to do. You wont find me trying to get a variance to put a dispensary closer to a school than allowed, that's for sure. I can only follow state law to a T, and hope for the best. Is it a gamble? of course it it... but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Some day I'd like to find a strain that will heal my daughters crohns, someday I'd like to have enough R&D and money backing testing, that we can actually find scientific reasoning behind WHY this magical plant works so well. Until then were just a bunch of crazies screaming cannabis cures cancer.. what a bunch of fuckin loons.. ;-)
You guys took my "work with us" comment out of context, it wasn't a threat.... the whole fight for the 25 mile rule was to preserve the at home grower, I'm just as for the at home grower as everyone here, neither me nor anybody in my organization would ever call the cops on anyone regarding a plant. That's just not who we are... compassion club, patient, home grower, snitches get stitches, that's always how its been.

And of course you guys are right about the feds, but until they break ground here in AZ nobody knows what they are going to do. You wont find me trying to get a variance to put a dispensary closer to a school than allowed, that's for sure. I can only follow state law to a T, and hope for the best. Is it a gamble? of course it it... but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Some day I'd like to find a strain that will heal my daughters crohns, someday I'd like to have enough R&D and money backing testing, that we can actually find scientific reasoning behind WHY this magical plant works so well. Until then were just a bunch of crazies screaming cannabis cures cancer.. what a bunch of fuckin loons.. ;-)
a patient i work with has my pre98 bubba kush which has been very effective for him in treating his crohns. PM me and i will let you know more info.
you expect growers to work with you when you are calling the cops on us. go fuck yourself!!! and LV barely uses MMJ as he has stated before. i am glad dispensaries are here they make a very easy target for the dea when the weather cools down, you have set up your 1000 plant grows and you have some cash in the bank. they are gonna come rob you get ready for it. small caregivers like most of us on here stay below minimum sentencing and stay small scale. i have talked to a few prospective dispensary owners and they dont have a fucking clue. this one guy wants to produce 50 pounds a week and he is not willing to pay more than a base salary of 60-80. does this moron even begin to understand how one would produce this much marijuana? or the implicit risks involved? these blood sucking scumbags will have a wake up call when the feds are raiding their shit and freezing all their accounts. go ahead make your million off the social security checks and savings of the old sick and uninformed in this state. just a matter of time before the feds come and steal all your money and product. and when that happens there will be no grassroots growers to supplement your supply while you are scrambling to put the fire out on your ass. and its gonna be quite a spectacle to see you trying to explain how all this weed from Cali and CO made it into your supply. in the end none of these local raids stick but you can bet your ass when the feds come to play they dont fuck around. can you say MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCING? and this does not even begin to talk about the problems you will have with the IRS. 501 c 3 bhahahahah. how is that working out for harborside?
Spoken like a true bitter man who wasn't able to qualify to get a Dispensary or get involved with one. Good job.
Just imagine the work involved with trimming 50 pounds each week! What a task and sight to see! On the small end of things thats 200 big plants a week and 800+ a month. Great source of new jobs at least.

What is the end result/sentencing when the feds step in? I always hear about raids, but never the outcomes.
Spoken like a true bitter man who wasn't able to qualify to get a Dispensary or get involved with one. Good job.
is that a joke. as soon as i learned more about what a number of these dispensary owners were about by talking with them, the prospect of helping these people in anyway became repulsive. all they care about is their bottom line and they dont give a shit who they use to squeeze every drop they can. the few who are in this for the medicine and the patients dont really need much help in the growing department. i am more than happy as a caregiver providing top quality meds for my patients. unlike you i did not start growing nor do i continue with the goal of getting rich and sure as hell will not slave to make someone else rich. the reason for my bitterness is the utterly vulgar behavior you and your cohorts have resorted to since your shitty overpriced meds have not sold as much as you wanted them to.
Spoken like a true bitter man who wasn't able to qualify to get a Dispensary or get involved with one. Good job.

I just want to provide for my own health and I can careless what anyone thinks about being "able to qualify to get a Dispensary or get involved with one"...

More folks need to start standing up to these issues or guess who will come and speak for us... YUP!
At least you have a MMJ system, we're still stuck in the 1930's here in England.

There is one upside to living in England, the seed stores that sell seeds and can do it legally by claiming "souvenir" purpose until laws change. Even Canada does the same thing. There is no way in hell the US Feds would let marijuana seed selling businesses operate on US soil under those claims no matter if it was the US Postal Service, United Parcel Service, or Fed Ex doing delivery. As soon as the Feds became aware of a US based marijuana seed selling business, it would get raided with lots of media exposure.

A lot of MMJ dispensaries sell seeds in the US but only in person to MMJ approved customers, there is no way they would pack seeds in an envelope and mail them to a customer, regardless if it was in-state or out-of-state. This is something that I as an American have always envied about England and Canada being able to have mail order marijuana seed selling businesses while we can't. I hope this lifts your spirit up, because this is something you have that we do not have.

This is also something that I think the US won't have for many more years to come because of the Feds stance on refusing to reschedule marijuana's schedule I classification. I do think we will see more state's follow Colorado's model of recreational legalization but ultimately , we in the US will still be dependent on places like England, Canada, Spain, and Holland for ordering different seed strains. It's very likely that even 5 years from now, those of us in the US wanting new strains of seeds will still be mail-ordering from UK based seed sellers.
Actually most of the Dispensaries are doing this. As they should be. They have heavy amounts of capital invested and these clubs give the MJ community a black eye. Fuck em.

Like that guy in Tucson, Ken Sobol, who's been pushing for the state to close clubs? The same one who was raided for having a club before he got his dispensary certificate? The same guy who was in the local papers defending the legality of said club? How many lb's you think his new dispensary has moved that were 'donated'? Do the math on their edibles and tell me that shit isn't made with mexican brick. I'm sorry dude, but the majority of dispensary owners are giving themselves black eyes and every one I've met is living in a glass fuckin house.
the politicians aren't done with us yet. they will squeeze us until they can't anymore. until then, i'll stop growing when I can't lift a 2 gallon water can anymore or they waste tax money by putting trying to put me in jail.
after trying to find any sort of outcome from any of these armed police robberies and assaults all i could find was this case where a guy shot and killed another guy while trying to sell him four pounds of marijuana. the defendant took the plea agreement. he pled guilty and was only sentenced to probation. if this does not tell you how these bullshit cases end up then wake up. this guy had no card, was selling, had well over 2.5 ounces, had and used a firearm in the commission of a felony, and shot and killed someone. the DA gave this guy a plea deal of probation. get the picture?
If some dude broke in my place, I would shoot that varmint down. He better hope he dies. If he survives i'd keep him for 2 years and beat his ass every day.
after trying to find any sort of outcome from any of these armed police robberies and assaults all i could find was this case where a guy shot and killed another guy while trying to sell him four pounds of marijuana. the defendant took the plea agreement. he pled guilty and was only sentenced to probation. if this does not tell you how these bullshit cases end up then wake up. this guy had no card, was selling, had well over 2.5 ounces, had and used a firearm in the commission of a felony, and shot and killed someone. the DA gave this guy a plea deal of probation. get the picture?

Get fucking real the kid got lucky. His age was about 19 at the time and was a mitigating factor also was he the one that was in possession of the gun? Did he snitch on the other guys involved or agree to testify? Whose weed was it? Was the sale completed? Did he have a high dollar lawyer etc etc etc etc. I believe it turned out to be less than 4 pounds as well which is a much lesser charge. What is the sentence or what will it be for the other 3 involved ?
Reality check there are thousands of people in prison in AZ over weed and to say this is how it usually turns out for large amounts is just naive.