It's good to see so many happy growers growing with cobs in this thread. It's even better seeing that the DIY spirit is alive as ever.
I wanted to stop by and share some news on Heaven Bright. A new product was launched recently called the "Skinny Mo'". You can find a photo of it in my avatar. Also, this month marks the one year mark for Heaven Bright and so there will be a month-long promotional code for anyone, which cuts 100$ of any order:
I also wanted to address a few things.
Not many people always know the full story yet attempt to paint it like they do. Back in the Summer of 2015, the 7th party cup competition went into action and Heaven Bright was listed as a sponsor for the competition. HB put up a first-generation 200W lighting fixture for a prize. As the months went by, I strayed away from RIU and focused on bettering what fixtures Heaven Bright had at the time. I returned sometime around January to be informed by the party cup host that the admins more or less took away the incentives for companies to sponsor the cup comp by muting his abilities early on to promote companies like Heaven Bright. I didn't have time to follow the lengthy cup comp process and from the host's words, took it that Heaven Bright was hardly, if at all, mentioned throughout the competition. Shortly after the host and I spoke over the cup comp details, the cup winner messaged me asking about the Mothership and if that was what he won. I attempted to enlighten him on what information the cup comp host and I had shared, including the transformation of products throughout the time the cup comp started and when it finished but couldn't get through to him, as he was just happy to have won the cup comp. At the time, I felt like Heaven Bright was being cheated because of the how the admins regulated the cup comp and reduced the company exposure that would have otherwise transpired in a previous cup comp, which undermined Heaven Bright's involvement and it's original gift offer. The cup winner and I briefly discussed an alternative gift reward, as the first-generation lighting fixture that had originally been offered back in the Summer of 2015 was not only discontinued and sold out but also obsolete. We settled on a discount being an appropriate gift reward but I never finalized on how much it would be and thus left the cup winner hanging. Looking back, I was likely overwhelmed with business and life but I left him hanging and that's on me.
Some of you know I haven't been on here in a long time and that's just because I've chosen not to be. The time off definitely allows me to reflect on past decisions that I've made and allows me to contemplate whether or not I did the right thing. The cool thing about life is that you sometimes have the opportunity to do the right thing, even after you've done the wrong thing. During my time off of RIU, I decided that I'd do what I thought was the right thing, which was to fulfill what I had offered the cup winner and so I have done so by messaging him a discount code.
I never fell off, I just fell in. Last year, there was a bunch of commotion over the design of the first-generation fixtures that Heaven Bright was offering and rightfully so, as it was not a safe design by any means. Details or no details, you upheld an honorable stance over the matter, one that I failed to comprehend at the time. It's sometimes difficult to admit defeat or that you're wrong, especially when it's something that matters to you so much. I'm just contempt that I can identify what I did wrong and change my course and am thankful that you stood up and objected that design, as individuals like you have subsequently shaped me to be who am I today and I'd like to think that is someone who is more well-rounded and knowledgeable. Thanks, dude, for being real.
I'm back