all your money are belong to us!


Well-Known Member
Reagan was just a way for the cia to get into the white house(George Bush). He probably had little to knowledge about most of what went on the entire time. More people it seems felt good about America under Reagan than any other president in my life that I can remember. Because I cant remember Kennedy.
Most people do not know that RR did not want Bush (the fricking HEAD chief in charge of the FRICKING CIA) as his VP. He was forced to accept him at the convention. Bush had no political experiance and had never run for office.

Then Hinckly, whose dad was BFF with Bush was actually at the Bushes for dinner weeks before he shot RR.

I think the USA suffered a coup when RR was shot. Bush and his cronies in the CIA took over. They kept RR doped up as a figurehead and bush set up clinton for shrub for a man who hates the USA.

EDIT Please discard message if I have already posted this in another thread

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Most people do not know that RR did not want Bush (the fricking HEAD chief in charge of the FRICKING CIA) as his VP. He was forced to accept him at the convention. Bush had no political experiance and had never run for office.

Then Hinckly, whose dad was BFF with Bush was actually at the Bushes for dinner weeks before he shot RR.

I think the USA suffered a coup when RR was shot. Bush and his cronies in the CIA took over. They kept RR doped up as a figurehead and bush set up clinton for shrub for a man who hates the USA.

EDIT Please discard message if I have already posted this in another thread
Very likely, what you said is true. Something I was reading about right before my first post. Reagan is more likely the well meaning victim than the actual heavy, more the front man than anything. What I can not seem to overlook are the connections he had with big money. The Hinkley attempt could have been a warning to him to play ball. I find that believeable and very likely. Bush however is a devil to me, I never liked him.


Well-Known Member
Reagan was a piece of shit that started the ball rolling on the cluster fuck we're living through today. Fuck Reagan and fuck his memory. He was an greedy opportunistic racist homophobic fuckwad.

I hate that bastard.
Well, Anslinger really got it going. Nixon was the next guy to push even further. Then Reagan and it seems just about every other President after have just continued on the same path.