AllDayToker's Adventure of Greener Living - HPS Perpetual Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
A couple garden shots. 8 Ball Kushs are the two on the left and the one in the back right. The one in the front right is the Black Domina x Bubblegum. They are all 48 days flowering today, so 7 weeks tomorrow. I'll throw some close-ups up in a bit.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Beech, I think they are doing pretty well. My goal this next run of 8balls and bd x blgs is to keep them lookin' super healthy till the end. I think I can pull it off with your advice you gave me.

I'm ready to chop these girls down, they need to hurry up. :lol: Really urgin' to try out the new smoke, but I am waiting till they get nice and swelled, like my Auto Purple got.


Well-Known Member
Here are some close-ups of the 8ball kush and black domina x bubblegum. Day 48 of flower, week 7 tomorrow.

8Ball Kush




Well-Known Member
Haha, the day I'm in hightimes pfft. I'd be like, "I wouldn't be anywhere without RIU forum." :mrgreen:

Thanks BW, means a lot :-) Showed a buddy of mine a couple pictures of my cellphone and he thought I took them off the internet somewhere. Made me feel pretty good :-D :lol:

my dude u need to send some of them pics to hightimes


Well-Known Member
So I finally decided to check the trichs today, just looked at the bd x blg. Seems like there is still more clear then I want, but seeing a lot of cloudy and some amber, so hopefully this girl finishes on the early side. More and more hairs are turning orange as well, but still a lot of white hairs.

I think in a few days I'll take a small test sample, see how it performs.

I haven't looked at any of the 8balls yet, so will post up on those as well. Some of those look like they are going to finish faster then others.

Also, just started brewing the microbe tea today, so I'll be feeding all the plants that tomorrow, as well as some High P guano for the flowering plants.


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  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to AllDayToker again...

Hell yeah bro!! They look super good! The 8 Ball is looking allot like the one I did in the start of my thread. Sure wished i could locate some of that Bubblegum bud you got going on there though.. :) Keep up the good work!!

Here are some close-ups of the 8ball kush and black domina x bubblegum. Day 48 of flower, week 7 tomorrow.

8Ball Kush




Well-Known Member
Thanks Dank.

Yeah I always find hairs on my flowers, I need to wear a hairnet or something when I look at 'em :-D ;-)


Well-Known Member
So just got my tea started brewing, will feed tomorrow. It's mainly just a microbe tea and not as much of a nute tea.

I do not have compost so I used 1/2 cup FFOF and 1/2 cup EWC. I then added 2 tablespoons of M, FE, and liquid seaweed. I'll let it aerate for around 18-24 hours.

I will feed this to all of my vegging and flowering plants for a microbe boost. Before I feed the flowering plants I will add some High P guano and some Bud Candy to their teas.


Well-Known Member
Well all the vegging and flowering plants got a tablespoon of rooter's myco on top and watered down with my microbe tea today. Hoping to wake up tomorrow with some overly happy plants ;-)

Just waiting for these flowers to finish up so I can move the four other vegging plants into flower. I checked the trichs on all the plants today and still too many clear and not enough amber for me. I want to wait these out but I still will need more stash in the next 2 weeks. Then I can get ready for my next round.

I think I might clone the BD x BLG to keep it around, but next round I want to move to two or three larger pots instead of six smaller pots. Looking to increase my yield so I need my root space then my 2 or 3g smart pots.


Well-Known Member
Couple quick shots of the BD x BLG day 51 of flowering.

I'm really itchin' to cut her down but I don't want to risk anything to yield. Plus I don't see enough amber trichs for my taste. She sure is swelling nicely, and really getting covered in trichs. Going to smoke a test bud I've dried for a couple days soon here in the vaporizer.



Well-Known Member
So results off the test bud of BD x BLG

When ground up, it smells exactly like sugary bubblegum, like Bazooka or the gumballs you get out of the gumball machines. Very sticky and covered in trichs. Then I loaded up the vaporizer instead of the bong. I get a better idea of the high and taste with the vape. The taste is very sweet but a hint a fruity. Reminds me of a mix of sweet BHO shatter and a slight hint of fruity pebbles. Super smooth and expands in the lungs like a biznitch :-P Really heavy on the eyes and warmness in the face on exhale, with a great numbing on the top of the head. Really happy and strong high. Medium body high, would make you sit for a little while but not couch-lock.

Going to enjoy chopping her down, glad I cloned this one.


Well-Known Member
So results off the test bud of BD x BLG

When ground up, it smells exactly like sugary bubblegum, like Bazooka or the gumballs you get out of the gumball machines. Very sticky and covered in trichs. Then I loaded up the vaporizer instead of the bong. I get a better idea of the high and taste with the vape. The taste is very sweet but a hint a fruity. Reminds me of a mix of sweet BHO shatter and a slight hint of fruity pebbles. Super smooth and expands in the lungs like a biznitch :-P Really heavy on the eyes and warmness in the face on exhale, with a great numbing on the top of the head. Really happy and strong high. Medium body high, would make you sit for a little while but not couch-lock.

Going to enjoy chopping her down, glad I cloned this one.
Awesome I would love to smoke some of that right there .......
  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to AllDayToker again.
