Almost done?


Well-Known Member
Im was going to say it looks close as shit, maybe a week or two until I read two weeks at the bottom of the pic. Looks great man, I feel like the hairs could still recede a bit more and become a lil more amberish. what strain is it?

chongo bongo

Active Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6632444 said:
ya looks super close to me maybe a week then 24 hour dark period then i think it would be straight
Why do you say a 24 he period of straight dark? What does that do?


Well-Known Member
No I dont have experience and I am not saying they are junk. I just have seen way too many problems come from Nirvana to spend my money on them. IMO they are like the walmart of the weed world.


Active Member
I have some of their northern lights going also, looking pretty good. Sometimes you can't believe everything you read, you know? I have heard it's hit and miss with them.


Well-Known Member
You are correct and I am not willing to spend my money on a miss when there are several reputable breeders that are not hit or miss.


Active Member
So I'm still thinking two more weeks on that SS.... That's probably too soon, I'm out of smoke so I think I'm convincing myself.