Alright Man Strangest Places You've Gotten High?


Well-Known Member
Well there was a time I got high at Disney land in Florida. I was high on OG kush when I went skydiving. No I did not smoke in the plane.


Well-Known Member
Oh I got a good one here it was @ a rave out in Pomona at Glass house long ass time ago it was Opium 96 the whole block around glass house was closed off and there were rooms all around the block one room was a church it had painted tapistries on the wall with some religious slogan on em and we were trippin on L&E and smokin herb, oh and the church was the drum n' bass room. Damn that makes me feel old that was a long ass time ago =(


That had to be fucking cool ^^^

Every experience is downhill after that.
Yeah-it was-and it is something I will never forget as long as I live.The hair on my arms stands straight up everytime I think or talk about it.Very exciting stuff-giggled like school girls through out the whole thing.


Active Member
inside an organ thing at a church years back, climbed on the roof and found a door up there which was unlocked and was inside this little organ room, couldent get to the rest of the church from in there just the organ shit, probly not the best of ideas but it was somewhat an adventure lol


Active Member
worked in a restaurant a LONG time ago open kitchen table full of cops about 8 feet away i kept ripping my pipe every time i got some thing from fridge under the line exhaled into large exhaust fans over stove.
hit my gpen EVERYWHERE in the grocery store, on BART, in Oracle arena, in att park, in the mall, in my in laws house :)


waked through a Casino in Atlantic City while smoking a blunt once. put it out after 2 ladies smelled it and i heard them say something about it. that was a long time ago. i didn't give a f*ck at all back then.

smoked up in a porta-potty.

walk-in freezer at a bar i used to work for.

probably a few others that i can't remember. :)


Active Member
Nothing too special. In the locker room in my high school, gym teacher walked in with some other students half way through, me and my friend immediately walked out the back door. In my high school auditorium, on a school bus full of kids, at bus stops in full view of every car driving by, etc.... Like I said, nothing too special. It's been more years than I'd like to admit since high school, and my smoking in cool places days, but I haven't really pulled anything close to those in quite a while.


Active Member
In a huge water drain that is surrounded by trees.. It looks like a giant bush.. but inside theres enough room for like ten people and some bongs..


Well-Known Member
Went to the vatican . . . got stoned in one of their toilets.
Spent the rest of the day laughing my head off at Cardinals in funny hats.
i use to do work in schools (during class time with students and teachers right there), installing network cable in ceiling. i could stand on a ladder waist high in drop ceiling with enough air being sucked up and out of the classroom thur the ceiling, i could take my pipe.load it, and burn it right there, took small hits ,asnot to cough.
worked every time.


While sitting on a General Electric 13.5 million dollar steam turbine engine in a powerplant. Just a few quick puffs, lol. Was getting paid 30 bucks an hour to puff on some herb!