For sure. I'd like to seeI've been reading alot about making your own compost and fertilizer and im starting to realize all that perfectly good kitchen waste should have been utilized

We quickly go from seeing our left over food as "edible" to "gross trash" and with some simple sorting and a little casual regular maintenance that "trash" can be worth a lot.
Especially if you incorporate worms, insect frass, green manures that fix nitrogen (like white clover), and use the ash from fires (potassium), you can go from spending a lot of money on fertilizer to almost nothing.
This is because you will need to buy phosphorus, either as chemical fertilizer, bone meal, or rock phosphate.
Unless you keep bats, then you can use their poop, which has a lot of phosphorus in it (but that's because they require foods with a lot of phosphorus, cyclic problem...).
If you are adventurous, check out your local geology and look for the rock phosphate yourself. Look for apatite or calcium phosphate.
It's all over the world.
Rock phosphate and bone meal take a while to break down in soil especially if the pH is above 5.5, but you can help it out a bit...
As I said, you can also use bone meal (calcium phosphate, similar to hydroxyapatite minerals).
To make the rock phosphate/bone meal readily available to your plants, you need to mix it with sulfuric acid, which produces phosphoric acid as the first step and this can be used in a diluted form as pH down.
Let me stop here and suggest that you shouldn't do this unless you are comfortable with the process and until you have done it a few times, take excessive precautions because all it takes is one mess up with strong acids and you will have permanent battle scars...
The reaction is exothermic, meaning it produces heat.
Always, ALWAYS add the acid to the phosphorus/bone meal, not the other way around, or you will end up with a volcano of hot acid spitting at you.
Remember a little goes a long way.
It is a good idea to add some water to the phosphorus/bone meal prior to adding the acid, otherwise it could spit as well.
Always do things like this outside (or under a fume hood), with you upwind from the reaction. Just to be extra careful, I would set it up so you have a water source and an escape route just in case the SHTF...
You can do this 1000 times with no issues, but all it takes is one screw up and you will be paying for it the rest of your life.
So don't give me this "I don't need to wear goggles because I am a real man bullshit."
I have seen people lose fingers (and noses) with that attitude and it happens so fast you can't react fast enough.
Add the acid slowly and let it do it's thing, then add more, otherwise it will boil over.
Use a borosilicate container (preferably wide mouth like a beaker) 2-3 times bigger than you think you will need.
It also doesn't hurt to put the beaker in a spill over pan just in case...
Once all the acid has been added and the mixture is done reacting and it has cooled to the point where you can touch the beaker, then little by little add in your buffering agent to neutralize the pH.
Choose something like potassium silicate, which will produce a usable end product and not baking soda which has a lot of sodium in it and will just kill your plants.
Once the acid is neutralized, you will have a very strong mixture of phosphorus and I would suggest either letting it evaporate (which could take a very long time), or use a Buchner funnel to do the same work in a matter of moments.
Whatever you do, do not evaporate the mixture without first neutralizing the phosphoric acid.
As the water evaporates, it will just concentrate the acid and the mixture will burn the shit out of you if you get it on our skin.
Then you will have a very basic (very impure) phosphate fertilizer.
You can recrystallize it, but I won't go into that because I have already probably said too much...
Look on YouTube...
Just remember the point of all this is to make yourself and others happy...
If your goal is profit, you are no better than Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, or Big Ag...
We have enough greedy bastards in this world as it is...
The organic route just takes a bit more time for everything to break down and become available to the plants.