Chris Edward
Well-Known Member
hmm banana peel ash eh... well I do go through about 1.5 - 2 lbs of organic bananas a week... so to do this I assume you would need to dehydrate the peel since I doubt all that moisture would burn well.... to get a decent amount of that I would think that would take a LOT of bananas... or maybe you are just trolling me with this and saying my mix is too complicated lol... which you may be correct! hahaha
I have thought of doing a cover drop of nitrogen fixers on my SIPs and will be making some more spoil soon so i will try this! thanks for the tip!
No, I am not trolling you...
If you are using soil and it's outdoors, by all means chop up the banana peels into small pieces and add them directly to the soil as a side dressing.
Or you can cut them up, dry them and keep them in baggies in the fridge or freezer until you have enough to use.
That's what I used to do when I could grow things outside.
In late winter or early spring, I would add a mixture of banana peels and coffee grounds that I would blend up in an old blender. I would dig a little hole off to the side of the plants and pour a bit in, then cover it up.
It has worked on every plant I have tried it on, so it's not a cannabis specific thing either.
The reason I suggested the ash, is because most of us grow indoors, and by using the ash you won't attract insects, and it won't stink as the peels break down.
The ash is mildly alkaline (weak potassium hydroxide), so you will have to add a little pH up product to balance everything out.
Just for reference, coffee grounds are mildly acidic.
As far as having enough, you will need to dry the peels then weigh them and multiply their weight by 0.40 (40%), because banana peels have around 40% potassium in them.
Then you will know how much actual potassium you have.
The great thing about growing organic is everything is connected and mostly complimentary.
Best of luck!!!