Am I growing the wrong strains? CBD for profit?

I don't understand why these warehouses aren't running all LEDs, I bet you could buy the 3590 cobs for 25-30$ a piece wholesale.. Drivers @ wholesale and build 100 lights.. The power savings and increased yield would pay itself off after 2 harvests.

Why would you go with LED's or fluorescents? Did you know it is actually cheaper to run a 250 watt HID then it is to run the equivalent of the same lumens with either LED or Fluorescent? Why would you run inferior light in a commercial grow operation? Come to think of it why would anyone even consider using anything indoors when you are legal to operate to begin with? Why wouldn't you just buy 40 acres of farm land and do only one huge harvest every year and the only thing you have to do is be a farmer and have a place to store, that still has costs too but not nearly as mush as indoors.
I don't understand why these warehouses aren't running all LEDs, I bet you could buy the 3590 cobs for 25-30$ a piece wholesale.. Drivers @ wholesale and build 100 lights.. The power savings and increased yield would pay itself off after 2 harvests.

Your price guesses are way low, and believe me when I tell you that warehouse operators have plenty to keep them busy already. Do you have any idea how many fixtures it takes to cover 1000 sq ft? Now think about the time involved in building them all!

Right now CXB3590 powered fixtures are selling for well over $100 per square foot. That's serious money for a brand new, unknown tech, and DIY won't save you half that cost. The only place COB LED is accepted as the next big thing is here at RIU.

As chip prices fall and efficiency ratings climb, this will continue to change.

Agreed that a crop or two can pay for the lights, but that initial investment is still an insurmountable obstacle for many. Gotta have the coin in hand FIRST.
What the hell did you think would happen OP with thousands of growers everywhere and them all crossing their strains only at F1? Did you think you were on to something that no one else could do with this plant and that the prices wouldn't drop? The prices will eventually go down to 10 dollars an 1/8th and all high grade as that is all everyone is growing. Most will push themselves out do to competition and pricing models because hardly anyone has taken into account costs. Big business will come in and swoop up the market because they know what they are doing with costs and profits. Asking others here what you should do is quite foolish if you ask me because why would anyone else here tell you what they are doing so they cut their own throats. Doesn't make any sense.

It's my job to help growers cut costs. I have a thread full of advice- that's widely ignored. Why? Because profits trump efficiency! They'll get a lot more interested in cutting costs when falling profits force them to. Meanwhile, plenty of smart growers have already been using methods like the ones I espouse.