tip top toker
Well-Known Member
He didn't wake up thinking he was posessed, his father told him he was, that's where the "beliefe" is coming from. And seeing things in shadows and darkenss is NOTHING new, the whoe principal of "the darkenss plays tricks with your minds" has been around for someeeee time now, and is not linked to being a loony. Niether is things like the "fingernail" or the cold legs, that's all just your subconcious and the power of suggestion. Last night i found that a spider had jsut laid it's eggs, and the bastards were everywhere in the ktchen, i killed as many as i could cus spiders, now they are the posessed devils, but for an hour or so later, any tiny itch, i'd be thinking spider spider spider spider and shaking myself down etc, nothing of the sort, just an itch and a vivid imagination.Yeah because seeing shit climbing out of a wall and feeling you might be possessed is entirely normal and not worth getting checked out psychologically.
IMO no it is not worht checking out with a psychiatrist, not in any small way.