Am I Steve?


Well-Known Member
Someone has been fucking with you. I am just another asshole with internet access. Never claimed to be anything more. Look, I understand you are buttfrustrated from getting buttmassively buttdestroyed in politics, but that doesn't mean you need to take it out on Toke N Talk.

Now go to time-out.
No you never said that, but a lot of other ppl did, so i read some of your old shit and thought it was funny, when i saw you were back in was just wanted to say what's up.
And sorry but no one here has ever schooled me in anything but growing weed.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Someone has been fucking with you. I am just another asshole with internet access. Never claimed to be anything more. Look, I understand you are buttfrustrated from getting buttmassively buttdestroyed in politics, but that doesn't mean you need to take it out on Toke N Talk.

Now go to time-out.
LOL he thought we'd be easier than politics LOL Ok I need another beer, cloner is clean and the big room flips tonight yaaaaaaaaaaah


Well-Known Member
In was told pin was a god among men, a living legend, and that I'm not cool enough to PM him
Pinworm is more like a wannabe Uncle Buck just ain't been here 6 years to amass well over 91,000 posts. Lol

Kind of amazing Uncle Buck has only been here 2 years longer than me yet I don't even have 5,000 posts or should I say sad. Lol, Any man with over 91,000 posts in 6 years must be a virgin. :)


Well-Known Member
Pinworm is more like a wannabe Uncle Buck just ain't been here 6 years to amass well over 91,000 posts. Lol

Kind of amazing Uncle Buck has only been here 2 years longer than me yet I don't even have 5,000 posts or should I say sad. Lol, Any man with over 91,000 posts in 6 years must be a virgin. :)


Well-Known Member
Actually I never seen that one but truth is Rollitup a Uncle Buck certainly ain't very smart since they are Democunts. I can say that because I ain't a Republicunt either. The left and right wing are on the same bird.
He is all you have been able to talk about for a while now. He must of worked your ass pretty hard. I am going to have to go back and catch up. Right after this quesadilla...


Well-Known Member
He is all you have been able to talk about for a while now. He must of worked your ass pretty hard. I am going to have to go back and catch up. Right after this quesadilla...
Not too much he tried to troll me and failed miserably I cyber sodomized ol Bucky. :)