Am I The Only One?


Active Member
Am I the only one who wants to have fun tonight? is there anybody out there who wants to have a cold beer Kick it to the morning light If I have to raise hell all by myself I will but y'all, that ain’t right It’s time to get it on Am I the only one who wants to have fun tonight?



Well-Known Member
Having fun is over rated...bordum is where the real action is.

oops, I thought I was still in toke n talk, my bad...not trolling your thread bud! just can't drink at 9:30am anymore...maybe sunday I'll join ya for a morning beer!...I can still do liquid breakfast on gameday


Well-Known Member
your not the only one bro!

I too plan on getting fucked up, hell.. I've already started and its not even 10am yet!

lol.. ;)


Well-Known Member
i know right wtf everyone to young to drink or something?

i know not with him i was drinking and smoking and was gonna see if anyone wanted to bullshit around lol to late now!
Around here?? yeah.. 90% of the users around here aren't even of legal age to smoke.. let alone drink. LMAO...

which, is why I keep finding myself wondering why the hell I hang out around here.. but then I answer myself with the idea that there are actually some civil people around here.. not only civil, but mature. They're rare.. but there are some older folks around here.. they're just far and in between. ;) I happen to be one of the older people... which is probably why I'm not liked around here by the kids.. they don't understand my logic.. and never will. LOL...

but anyhow, yeh.. no, your not the only one my friend.

I'm getting fruked up this morning.. AND tonight!... and again this weekend!



Ursus marijanus
Having fun is over rated...bordum is where the real action is.

oops, I thought I was still in toke n talk, my bad...not trolling your thread bud! just can't drink at 9:30am anymore...maybe sunday I'll join ya for a morning beer!...I can still do liquid breakfast on gameday
close enough ... this is Smoke&Sing. cn