Amber Trichome Controversy


Active Member
Im having conflicting opinions about amber trichs. Some people say that amber trichs give a more indica effect and cloudy trichs give a sativa effect.

But others say that amber trichs are what give the confusion from weed and sort of a weed "hangover" and that indicas effects come from the CBD not the CBN(which is what amber trichs are from what I read). So are amber trichs what give the effect of indicas or what? Im sort of leaning towards the side that they should be harvested when trichs are all cloudy and that whether it gives an indica or sativa effect is up to the strain and the amount of THC to CBD and not CBN.
This would make sense because if the bud being indica or sativa depended on the color of the trichs there would no reason to classify them as Indica, Sativa, or Hybrids...

What are your guys opinion on this? Can we have an educational debate rather than an heated argument.


Well-Known Member
Experiment and harvest when you want. Harvesting on time is about more than the color of the trics. With that being said, I shoot for clear, moving to cloudy, assuming the other signs are there.


Active Member
from what i understand from jorge cervantes' book, the amber color is the resin inside the gland beginning to break down. CBN is what the THC degrades into as the flower passes its prime.


Active Member
Well see the thing isnt about when I should harvest or how I like my buds. But more so to learn more about this topic.


Active Member
i harvested my cream caramel indica dom at something like 10 percent amber, and the high was for sure strong, but nothing like what i wanted! honestly i think if you're looking for a head high, go with sativa. if you want a couch lock go with indica never harvest under 50% amber. i won't ever harvest a indica early again just didnt do it for me.


Active Member
I like the narcotic effect so I go with 75% amber, I find the bud often packs on a ton of its weight the longer you let it go.


Active Member
Ok the THC effeminately breaks down and turns into other forms- that does not make it "Indica like" or "Sativa like", it just makes it broken down THC like. There are lots of other simple ways of thinking about it, like say pizza- Pizza is good fresh but you put it in the fridge overnight and some people will say its just as good or better. The thing is it's just different because of the oil evenly distributing and etc etc (some scientists really did a study on it..) . So does Pizza have 'ripened buds' when it's freshly cooked and hot or after you put it in the fridge? It's up to you but know if you choose the latter you are getting the altered version. BACK TO POT- if you want the pure effect of the strain, you get the triches just BEFORE they go cloudy because cloudy is the first stage of breaking down. Of course unless you are really familiar with the strain and using a clone it's too risky to go before you get a sign like a bit of cloud. If you like the altered effect where the chemicals have changed and new ones appear then go for the cloudy to amber. If you want "Indica effect"- get a Indica because breaking down a sativa's chemicals won't make CBD (which is attributed to Indica). If you want "Sativa effect"- get a sativa because harvesting a Indica too soon will still yield you the CBD in the same ratio to THC.
It's that simple.
People are confusing preference to how fresh or broken down their chemicals are with what the pure peak form of strains actually is.