Amendment 14 article 3

Let SCOTUS squirm and wiggle for the predicament Trump has laid on them,Originalist's when it suits and Precedent'ists when it suits,I want them to keep the peckerhead on the ballot to shine more light on their hypocrisy and for my own selfish reasons of fearing Haley as a last minute replacement for Pres. will have R's in the White House. I want Trump ,weakened w/ guilty verdicts and whatever vile shit spews from his mouth till Nov., and MAGA down in flames once and for all this coming fall.
Not to worry, if they disqualify him, he will have a write in candidacy and if he is the GOP nominee and disqualified then some red states will probably defy the SCOTUS and put him on the ballot anyway, they are that stupid and crazy from what I can see. Some might even pay his legal bills like Florida already tried to do. Let's see how broke he is after today it should be a big hit.
Not to worry, if they disqualify him, he will have a write in candidacy and if he is the GOP nominee and disqualified then some red states will probably defy the SCOTUS and put him on the ballot anyway, they are that stupid and crazy from what I can see. Some might even pay his legal bills like Florida already tried to do. Let's see how broke he is after today it should be a big hit.
Yeah,thanks,good points on the ballot issues,moneywise his supporters are paying (10% of political donations go to his own PAAC for legal Funding) and they will keep paying,that this self described Genius/Winner/SuperDuty Business man is fleecing supporters w/online donations w/the requisite fine print containing additional fees/terms/penaltys/etc are uh "par for the course" for a con of his ilk. There is probably a potential IRS investigation in the wings w/his online funding and PAAC's if history is any indication,ya think all this $$$$$$ coming in is on the strait and narrow w/no wink/wink going on.That said I'd love to see some jewels of the Trump "Empire" sold at fire sale rates w/no reserve in place.
Yeah,thanks,good points on the ballot issues,moneywise his supporters are paying (10% of political donations go to his own PAAC for legal Funding) and they will keep paying,that this self described Genius/Winner/SuperDuty Business man is fleecing supporters w/online donations w/the requisite fine print containing additional fees/terms/penaltys/etc are uh "par for the course" for a con of his ilk. There is probably a potential IRS investigation in the wings w/his online funding and PAAC's if history is any indication,ya think all this $$$$$$ coming in is on the strait and narrow w/no wink/wink going on.That said I'd love to see some jewels of the Trump "Empire" sold at fire sale rates w/no reserve in place.
Trump overwhelmed the legal system because it and the justice system failed to lock him and people like him up, white collar crime is not really crime if nobody busts them. He has but one ass to give and many crimes will go unaccounted for, Garland will end up giving him a pass on a lot of crimes as a practical matter. It won't matter once they get him in a cage, he won't get out again no matter how much his fans whine, bitch and threaten.
Trump overwhelmed the legal system because it and the justice system failed to lock him and people like him up, white collar crime is not really crime if nobody busts them. He has but one ass to give and many crimes will go unaccounted for, Garland will end up giving him a pass on a lot of crimes as a practical matter. It won't matter once they get him in a cage, he won't get out again no matter how much his fans whine, bitch and threaten.
OVERWHELMED,exactly what is was,combined w/a approach by the constitution writers that factored in the presumption of "common sense" and never anticipated a audacious assault by a completely unqualified candidate w/a mentality of 7 yo,coming from a spoiled brahmin background,backed by 30-40% of the pop. eating up his propaganda thru a digital,unvetted medium like starving fish in a tank. The whole genesis of this phenomenon from seed to maturity was a assault beyond their comprehension,so obviously improbable and foreign by their standards of common sense and moral decency they assumed of the electorate,that they'd never anticipate it could find fertile ground.
One of the purposes of the US constitution is to protect the minority and the country itself from the majority by setting boundaries, boundaries like amendment 14/3 that Trump clearly violated. It is just as valid as the 1st or 2nd amendment and Trump can't get out from under it unless the SCOTUS turns the interpretation of section 3 into a logical corkscrew. If they don't disqualify him the minority opinion will be devastating to the majority who want this clown on the ballot. Then there is history and the precedent it would set to weaken the country and it would be an attack on the constitution not much different than Trump's, who they would give another shot at destroying the constitution. Ignoring the constitution or deliberately misconstruing it is attacking the constitution and it can be attacked by lies as well as by deeds. Judges swear an oath to defend and support the constitution too, just like all public officials, does letting Trump off on disqualification serve this purpose?
Not to worry, if they disqualify him, he will have a write in candidacy and if he is the GOP nominee and disqualified then some red states will probably defy the SCOTUS and put him on the ballot anyway, they are that stupid and crazy from what I can see. Some might even pay his legal bills like Florida already tried to do. Let's see how broke he is after today it should be a big hit.
At the end of this vid, they talk briefly about the status of the appeal of Colorado's decision to disqualify Trump from running for Prez in that state's primary. The DC Circuit court is showing disturbing signs of waffling on affirming that decision as a stepping stone to send it to SCOTUS. The concern is that the whole thing might go back to the Colorado Court for further action. This would, of course, delay the whole thing for months. The vid skips to the end where the topic is discussed.

According to Trump's lawyers, he can because he hasn't been charged, tried and convicted of that crime.
Nobody ever was, yet thousands were disqualified after the civil war and petitioned congress over it. On this amendment there is a lot of historical documentation about the intentions of the framers and that is important to some justices.
At the end of this vid, they talk briefly about the status of the appeal of Colorado's decision to disqualify Trump from running for Prez in that state's primary. The DC Circuit court is showing disturbing signs of waffling on affirming that decision as a stepping stone to send it to SCOTUS. The concern is that the whole thing might go back to the Colorado Court for further action. This would, of course, delay the whole thing for months. The vid skips to the end where the topic is discussed.

It would be dereliction of duty and those who don't want to disqualify Trump are facing a mighty headwind of federalist society people and liberals, amicus briefs, facts and history too.
At the end of this vid, they talk briefly about the status of the appeal of Colorado's decision to disqualify Trump from running for Prez in that state's primary. The DC Circuit court is showing disturbing signs of waffling on affirming that decision as a stepping stone to send it to SCOTUS. The concern is that the whole thing might go back to the Colorado Court for further action. This would, of course, delay the whole thing for months. The vid skips to the end where the topic is discussed.

When liberal and federalist society members agree that covers a lot of the legal space in America and the people who think he should go are more competent than the people on the SCOTUS in most cases. Show and tell, justice delayed is justice denied and in this case justice and the constitution really count. It is not my opinion it is that of a spectrum of legal and historical scholars.
,I want them to keep the peckerhead on the ballot to shine more light on their hypocrisy and for my own selfish reasons of fearing Haley as a last minute replacement for Pres.
Not me. Failing to neutralize that man is dangerous in more ways than one.

If Haley takes the nomination, I give her slim chances of taking the election. All the Biden campaign has to do is quote her saying maga things, then unsaying them, then … and never let up on her inconsistency. The Haley talking today is not the Haley of yesteryear, who accepted an appointment to the Shitshow, is not whothefuckever tomorrow’s Haley will be.

“Every time someone criticizes him, he goes and makes a political attack back,” Haley said in 2015. “That’s not who we are as Republicans. That’s not what we do.”

Someone who fails this hard is easy to campaign against.

She’s crooning a message of “making America normal again”, but if maga continues to exert undue influence in Congress, what will she really do?
And if Congress goes blue, will she really assist us Democrats in undoing the policy poison since Reagan?

I trust her as far as I can throw her, and I have a notsogood back.
At the end of this vid, they talk briefly about the status of the appeal of Colorado's decision to disqualify Trump from running for Prez in that state's primary. The DC Circuit court is showing disturbing signs of waffling on affirming that decision as a stepping stone to send it to SCOTUS. The concern is that the whole thing might go back to the Colorado Court for further action. This would, of course, delay the whole thing for months. The vid skips to the end where the topic is discussed.

One thing that might give them pause. Trump was found to be an insurrectionist as a matter of legal fact, a legal finding and they are seldom overturned. If Trump is an insurrectionist, then that legally means there was an insurrection and others participated in it including members of congress. The amendment specifically mentions aid and comfort and we saw that happen on video with GOP members of congress, lots of them, not a few. It would give new grounds to perhaps disqualify some or even refuse to seat them in congress, as has been done before. A lot more will be uncovered by trials before the election.
Not me. Failing to neutralize that man is dangerous in more ways than one.

If Haley takes the nomination, I give her slim chances of taking the election. All the Biden campaign has to do is quote her saying maga things, then unsaying them, then … and never let up on her inconsistency. The Haley talking today is not the Haley of yesteryear, who accepted an appointment to the Shitshow, is not whothefuckever tomorrow’s Haley will be.

“Every time someone criticizes him, he goes and makes a political attack back,” Haley said in 2015. “That’s not who we are as Republicans. That’s not what we do.”

Someone who fails this hard is easy to campaign against.

She’s crooning a message of “making America normal again”, but if maga continues to exert undue influence in Congress, what will she really do?
And if Congress goes blue, will she really assist us Democrats in undoing the policy poison since Reagan?

I trust her as far as I can throw her, and I have a notsogood back.
If she takes the nomination even if Trump ends up disqualified, he will attack her and walk his base out of the party. He will have a write in campaign and divide the republican vote leading to a virtual bloodbath at the polls during the election for the GOP with a spilt vote right down the ballot! It would be a nightmare for the party establishment.

Much depends on if he ends up broke and of course disqualified, that might take the wind out of his sails, along with further criminal indictments in NY before the election. If he is forced off the throne, he will leave shit on the seat.
Not me. Failing to neutralize that man is dangerous in more ways than one.

If Haley takes the nomination, I give her slim chances of taking the election. All the Biden campaign has to do is quote her saying maga things, then unsaying them, then … and never let up on her inconsistency. The Haley talking today is not the Haley of yesteryear, who accepted an appointment to the Shitshow, is not whothefuckever tomorrow’s Haley will be.

“Every time someone criticizes him, he goes and makes a political attack back,” Haley said in 2015. “That’s not who we are as Republicans. That’s not what we do.”

Someone who fails this hard is easy to campaign against.

She’s crooning a message of “making America normal again”, but if maga continues to exert undue influence in Congress, what will she really do?
And if Congress goes blue, will she really assist us Democrats in undoing the policy poison since Reagan?

I trust her as far as I can throw her, and I have a notsogood back.
She already promised the faithful that she would pardon Trump, let him off for everything. Imagine the magnitude of that "crime" and dereliction of duty. If Trump is disqualified, it would be giving aid and comfort in its own right.
If she takes the nomination even if Trump ends up disqualified, he will attack her and walk his base out of the party. He will have a write in campaign and divide the republican vote leading to a virtual bloodbath at the polls during the election for the GOP with a spilt vote right down the ballot! It would be a nightmare for the party establishment.

Much depends on if he ends up broke and of course disqualified, that might take the wind out of his sails, along with further criminal indictments in NY before the election. If he is forced off the throne, he will leave shit on the seat.
Your saying this umpteen times makes it no less unlikely.
Not me. Failing to neutralize that man is dangerous in more ways than one.

If Haley takes the nomination, I give her slim chances of taking the election. All the Biden campaign has to do is quote her saying maga things, then unsaying them, then … and never let up on her inconsistency. The Haley talking today is not the Haley of yesteryear, who accepted an appointment to the Shitshow, is not whothefuckever tomorrow’s Haley will be.

“Every time someone criticizes him, he goes and makes a political attack back,” Haley said in 2015. “That’s not who we are as Republicans. That’s not what we do.”

Someone who fails this hard is easy to campaign against.

She’s crooning a message of “making America normal again”, but if maga continues to exert undue influence in Congress, what will she really do?
And if Congress goes blue, will she really assist us Democrats in undoing the policy poison since Reagan?

I trust her as far as I can throw her, and I have a notsogood back.
The Atlantic put out a good article on Nikki Haley's use of vague language to make her seem like she's talking when she isn't saying anything.

The article opens with this:

Beyond her expertly rendered deliveries, Haley’s actual answers can be mushy or even nonsensical, with strange constructions and frequent malaprops. In Manchester, Haley praised Sununu for having his “pulse to the ground” in his state and boasted that her campaign already had momentum before his endorsement “just gave it a speed bump.” At a November debate, she ordered Ramaswamy to “leave my daughter out of your voice” (as opposed to her daughter’s name out of his mouth). “We have to deal with the cancer that is mental health,” she declares in her town halls when the subject arises (mental health, not cancer).

Aside from the hilarious malaprops (the cancer that is mental health) and so forth, which are good for laughs, so, what? Her ability to say what people want to hear without saying anything means she's a good campaigner who can get both sides of an argument to think she was agreeing with them. The objective of any campaign is to win and that a "whatever it takes" attitude is necessary when the campaign hits a hard spot. All good politicians have a knack at creating a distortion field around themselves that blurs the picture so they can appear to be whatever the viewer likes to see. No good can come from listening to her when she's got that field on. But when the distortion field collapses is when we need to focus on what she says.

So what does she say at those time?

The US is not racist, government doesn’t need to tell you how to live your life.

I mean, wow, its the rugged individualist merged with a Klansman. She grew up in a small S. Carolina town, which for most with that background means she had little exposure to the larger world. Being a southerner it also means wearing that small view defiantly as a badge of honor. Knowing this, one can see it in the way she shapes her distortion field. Full of white grievances and pandering to institutional white racism. As in:

(She) has said that as president she would not play into the “national self-loathing” that she is always lamenting, “this idea that America is bad, or rotten, or racist.”

I can hear Trump's word in that line -- "good people on both sides"

Sick of it. I'm glad she's puncturing Trump's balloons but have no belief that she would be a good president.
One thing that might give them pause. Trump was found to be an insurrectionist as a matter of legal fact, a legal finding and they are seldom overturned. If Trump is an insurrectionist, then that legally means there was an insurrection and others participated in it including members of congress. The amendment specifically mentions aid and comfort and we saw that happen on video with GOP members of congress, lots of them, not a few. It would give new grounds to perhaps disqualify some or even refuse to seat them in congress, as has been done before. A lot more will be uncovered by trials before the election.
no, not really.