Americans Maintain a Positive View of Bernie Sanders

Ok, I'll tell you again about how the Democrap party is divided.

Their main job is subverting any movement to the Left in American politics.

Progress will be made when they fail.
Just saying. People who voted for Bernie also voted for Clinton, regardless of party affiliation virtually all of Bernie's supporters voted for Clinton. Virtually all Democrats voted for Clinton. There is no evidence of a split in the party based upon 2016 election exit polls. These are facts and not open to debate.

In 2018, Democrats are voting for Gillum, a darling of the Bernocrats. A lot of the same Democrats who are voting for Gillum also voted for Clinton in the 2016 primary. This is also a fact and not debatable.

Can you show me where this so-called "split in the party" made any real difference? I don't think you can.

Provide facts. Your opinion has no value.
Neither does yours.
Therein lies the difference, tty.

I'm citing facts that are valid regardless of one's opinions. It is a fact and not an opinion that exit polls showed very little crossover of votes to Trump. So, where is this damaging split? Bernie lost by a whopping large 12% margin and virtually none of his voters defected to Trump. Many more Hillary voters went to McCain in 2008 but even then not many.

I'm asking what facts can you show that validate your claim of a terrible spit among Democrats. You cite nothing but a baseless opinion.
I'll give credit where it's due; @abandonconflict was right that Bernie was a sell out.

The challenge to him is, who DO we vote for, considering that voting for the lesser of two (corporate nominated) while has brought us to where we are today?

No whining without solutions!
I'll give credit where it's due; @abandonconflict was right that Bernie was a sell out.

The challenge to him is, who DO we vote for, considering that voting for the lesser of two (corporate nominated) while has brought us to where we are today?

No whining without solutions!
The answer is too simple for you.

vote for the most progressive candidate on the ballot.
who DO we vote for

Since there's no such thing right now as a reasonable, middle-of-the-road Republican, any Democrat will do.

Even idiot left wing radicals living in a valium fog of delusions of someone else's granduer can be reasoned with to some degree.

Right wing, racist, bible beating, womanizing assholes can't.
Name a Democrat in office or running for office right now that's done anything even remotely near what Trump and his band of assholes have done.

And if the worst thing you've got is NAFTA from 1992, then that SHOULD tell you that Democrats are nowhere NEAR as bad as the fucking Republicans are.

But it wont because you're a fucking idiot hell bent on hating the United States no matter what.

And if the worst thing you've got is NAFTA from 1992, then that SHOULD tell you that Democrats are nowhere NEAR as bad as the fucking Republicans are.

But it wont because you're a fucking idiot hell bent on hating the United States no matter what.
Have another beer. You're getting cranky.
Democrats can now be trusted to sell us out, too.

I don't agree with all the moves made by Democrats, but they do have better policy in place such as programs and etc which does work in favor of the everyday American....It makes no sense to sit back and allow a group like the Republicans to remain in control/already know they want to take everything and willingly toss it to the wealthy.