An open letter...No MEME could say it better

Then git ta work building a better one young feller! That starts at the polls!

How does joining with like minded people to force others to comply with your ideas, make the country a better place? That's all voting is, a license for some people to control others and use guns against people who don't comply.

You and your ilk don't like the idiot Trump controlling aspects of your life....why would you want to impose your selected idiot on other people ?

Voting is simply a cultish ritual like a lottery to see who gets to hold the ring of power over other people. It's basically a tool of violence to at least some people, every time. Git to work running your own life and leave other people alone, thug.
Conditioning people is one of the original reasons for government (public) schools.

The idea was for people to accept the notion of obedience to authority as virtuous. When that notion is exposed as false to enough people, there will be a paradigm shift.
I guess yer glad you never went to no stink'n school fur no edumacation, I must say it shows...
How does joining with like minded people to force others to comply with your ideas, make the country a better place? That's all voting is, a license for some people to control others and use guns against people who don't comply.

You and your ilk don't like the idiot Trump controlling aspects of your life....why would you want to impose your selected idiot on other people ?

Voting is simply a cultish ritual like a lottery to see who gets to hold the ring of power over other people. It's basically a tool of violence to at least some people, every time. Git to work running your own life and leave other people alone, thug.
You sound bitter that felons like you can’t vote

Shouldn’t have raped that kid, shitbag
Speaking of not very accurate posts, post another fake quote that you think is real ya fucking retard

How does joining with like minded people to force others to comply with your ideas, make the country a better place? That's all voting is, a license for some people to control others and use guns against people who don't comply.

You and your ilk don't like the idiot Trump controlling aspects of your life....why would you want to impose your selected idiot on other people ?

Voting is simply a cultish ritual like a lottery to see who gets to hold the ring of power over other people. It's basically a tool of violence to at least some people, every time. Git to work running your own life and leave other people alone, thug.
What, an informed libertarian and anarchist like you doesn't know about ADAM SMITH? You've got some informative and fascinating reading ahead of you, many have learned at this great master's knee to their great benefit. He is old and wise.

PS: Don't wear the monkey suit outside, that red MAGA hat won't save yer ass, they'll jus think ya killed a Trumper and put ya down like a wild animal, no questions asked, yer head wouldn't look too good over the fireplace of some Hillbilly.
What, an informed libertarian and anarchist like you doesn't know about ADAM SMITH? You've got some informative and fascinating reading ahead of you, many have learned at this great master's knee to their great benefit. He is old and wise.

PS: Don't wear the monkey suit outside, that red MAGA hat won't save yer ass, they'll jus think ya killed a Trumper and put ya down like a wild animal, no questions asked, yer head wouldn't look too good over the fireplace of some Hillbilly.

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages.
I was referring to your views on the education and training of children. Please, who do you think yer dealing with here, Buck?

Oh well then. I think teaching children that bullying is wrong, while funding schools via threats of home confiscation sends a mixed and contradictory message. What do you think?
It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages.
Now yer getting it
Oh well then. I think teaching children that bullying is wrong, while funding schools via threats of home confiscation sends a mixed and contradictory message. What do you think?
Pay yer taxes or lose yer house, been that way for a long time and for good reasons too, with the consent of the electorate and with in the bounds of the constitution. Who is for Bullying? Only those who support Trump seem to approve of it.

Governments evolved over time to keep up with our social and technological development, they are the result of past lessons learned, as well as corruption, they are an absolute necessity, if ya didn't have one and a democratic one at that, you'd be somebody's slave in no time flat. The Romans had organized government and a professional army that was well equipped and fought in highly disciplined units, their enemies had no such benefits and ended up as slaves. Only when the "barbarians" organized and began to fight like Romans did the tide turn and the Romans ended up on the short end of the stick. Corruption, greed and civil war didn't help matters any, neither did emperors like Nero and Caligula who bear a striking resemblance to Trump.
Pay yer taxes or lose yer house, been that way for a long time and for good reasons too, with the consent of the electorate and with in the bounds of the constitution. Who is for Bullying? Only those who support Trump seem to approve of it.

Governments evolved over time to keep up with our social and technological development, they are the result of past lessons learned, as well as corruption, they are an absolute necessity, if ya didn't have one and a democratic one at that, you'd be somebody's slave in no time flat. The Romans had organized government and a professional army that was well equipped and fought in highly disciplined units, their enemies had no such benefits and ended up as slaves. Only when the "barbarians" organized and began to fight like Romans did the tide turn and the Romans ended up on the short end of the stick. Corruption, greed and civil war didn't help matters any, neither did emperors like Nero and Caligula who bear a striking resemblance to Trump.

So you're saying there should be an entity (comprised of people with rights you and I don't have) that can confiscate your things, a portion of your labor and threaten to steal your home in order to "protect" you from somebody who might do you harm ?

You don't see the irony of that ?
So you're saying there should be an entity (comprised of people with rights you and I don't have) that can confiscate your things, a portion of your labor and threaten to steal your home in order to "protect" you from somebody who might do you harm ?

You don't see the irony of that ?
You signed the contract, retard
So you're saying there should be an entity (comprised of people with rights you and I don't have) that can confiscate your things, a portion of your labor and threaten to steal your home in order to "protect" you from somebody who might do you harm ?

You don't see the irony of that ?
Yep, they're called governments and folks use them to organize their societies. This shit goes back to the stone age and the chief told ya yer place in the tribe and in the hunt, humans band together to face threats and accomplish goals, someone has to organize and discipline them and that means authority. Hierarchies are intuitive and natural for humans, they are deeply rooted in our evolutionary history and are as fundamental to human nature as music, song, dance, religion and trade. They are in yer genes Rob, don't fight nature, come into the light. Even monkey societies have a hierarchy, it goes back that far...
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