Anatomy Of A K-Hole

I thought I got you, you said you thought you were schitz but then you realised that was a someone else you were thinking of, which is a sign of schitzophrenia anyways right?

So basicly in this story you think your schitz you concluded your not but you are schitz after all :D

And you live happily ever after :D

Like it's one of my other personalites... one of the voices in my head is a skitzo... but not me! :) thank gosh.
where do i sign up? haha.

Man seriously went to a meningitus vaccine thing and doing that. 6 visits approx 20 min each 3 jabs. Your immune to meningitus (which is tested on 3000 people before you) and get paid around £200 for your time.

And I thought this was cool lol
so how the fuck do you all handle that horrible drip from K??

or if you get into a K hole do you not even notice it??

Brother Q
If you get the type of Product which looks like little shards ....
The trick is to break UP the compound into as fine powder YOU can.
I actually have a little Mallet that I use for this purpose.


Once the substance is finely crushed ...
As YOU Insufflate .... it will travel UP (as it is lighter in this form)
Through your nasal cavity .... coating the inner part of your lungs ... and not falling down your throat ...


From there ... it gets absorbed by blood ... and it becomes reactive ... NO drip.
Obviously this is taking into consideration that we are working with similar compound and not a variant.
Some K on the market is actually baked of from liquid .... and assumes a different physical form ... 'flake like' ... not shard like ...
In such form ... it might be adulterated .... hence I would never buy it myself. Unless it is liquid and I bake it myself to remove water.

With this method (crushing it to fine powder) I personally experience minimal drip ... U also do not loose any product ... to your stomach ... (shards will tend to wanna fall down your throat because of the weight ... hence giving you a nasty drip)


Your loving that stuff aren`t you :D

Theres a real element of comfort to that stuff and a real element of anti-depression!

Feel the anti depressive side of it yet? The anti stress anti bad thoughts part, whatever you name it :) It follows onto the next 2-3 days for me when I go over 100 in a night I think :D

I love the Anti Depressive side of it... Like i said a few pages back. I think they should open up a K line for all the manically depressed people out their...
I am ... a computer dude !
I would never own a MAC as I do not like to function withing a controlled system ... (I am always ON the outside looking IN)
I do not believe in pre-set limitations ... according to what ONE might be able to afford ... (that is the only issue I have with Apple)
I am also a Photoshop Enthusiast ...
Copy/Paste/Resize/Warp .... and YOU have anything inside those monitors .... YOU might like ... (as per the picture above)
Takes seconds ... look closer ...

If YOU would have a PC ... I would set YOU up with ALL the filters YOU might need .... Gratis
Just so YOU might develop your ART !


I take a razor to it on a glass surface these days... get it realll fine

like zero drip... works way better, more immediate.


Bump !
what are your guy's opinions on giving k to someone who is having an uncomfortable trip? for the inexperienced and experienced. it always mellows me out.
If the Tripper is un experienced ... with K ...
I do not think adding more crazy to a crazy situation ... is the way to go ever !

Yeah I tried that recently and had super strong looping for the duration of the K's effects.

I just laid down after, but it didn't bring ease to any mental anguish.
Oh I forgot to post this. It has been sitting in my 'finished documents' folder on my PC for about 6 days now.

Ellis Dee said:
This is a comprehensive report on the effects during the first trials with ketamine. For those that don't know ketamine is a NMDA antagonist, things ranging from ketamine to PCP to opiates like, meperdine and methadone, to nitrous oxide, and back again to the class called the arylcyclohexylamines. Some of these drugs, in the arylcyclohexylamine class, exhibit a response on opiate receptors often promoting 'euphoric-intent' in the user. However the drugs undesirable effects felt only at large doses are likely to deter from overuse of such substances; this is not always the case as with any drug of potential abuse.

The first experiment of the drug was performed immediately after receiving it, a visual inspection of the sugar like powder to check for finer particles that could allude to adulteration. Nothing of significance was found.

Next a reagent test was performed. 3 granules of the salt were placed on a porcelain test tray and 3 drops of the Mandelin reagent were placed in with the ketamine, confirmed by bright orange-red colour. And crossed checked with a Simon's test just to make certain it wasn't methylphendiate which didn't react to the substance; We Have GOLD!!

I announced the arrival on the board and discussed my plans for consumption briefly. I scaled 35mg and placed it on a glass picture frame and began to crush the small crystals into a fine powder, which I then split into two thin lines. One up each nostril, my left was slightly clogged.

I could feel the effect almost immediately. My woman was still sleeping so I crawled up next to her and was completely ensconced in the drugs dance and pull. My mind felt like a numb marionette, fishing lines tugging on the top of my brain. My eyes were pulled closed my something. I saw a white flash and an extreme pulsating kind of movement beyond my eyelids. I opened them and everything was still pretty dark in the room, light only entering from small cracks around the edge of the drapes. While looking at it the light seemed to get brighter and move around, its weird because that light is artificial.

I got up to brush my teeth and for the life of me couldn't find my tooth brush. My manic searching woke the one a'slumber who left the bedroom without me realizing. I went to the kitchen where she was preparing a coffee. We briefly discussed the drug and the eventual experiments. She expressed interest in consuming some immediately along side me, but I was already coming down so I said that that night we will do a good bit.

I went out for a few hours and came back to her preparing things for the evening. She had preemptively made some collard greens and bison roast which I insisted we should eat only until nourished because of the possibility of 'refunding' that food. She had set up the living room with some music and the visualizer on the projector. A few options for comfortable places to lay and sit, couch, pillow bed, hammock, beanbag, lazy-boy, and her favourite yoga mat. She also had a fruit and pastry tray like we have on LSD, at which point I sat her down at erowid for 40 minutes after we ate.

I took a shower, when I got out she had finished reading and scaled eight 25 mg lines. Unfortunately she didn't crush it. The lines were spaced enough that we could crush them in place though.

After we each took one up each nostril, 2 lines each, she said she wanted to have a shower. Which I joined her for. ;)

Immediately after drying off we each took another 2 lines and went to the living room. She decided to do the dishes and insisted I shouldn't help her, which I thought was weird but didn't want to push. I laid in the hammock and turned the lights off so the visualizer could play with my rooms 'topography'. The music was a bit loud but I heard her throw up. Wouldn't you know it, right on all the clean dishes. :D

I laid her down in the bed room, with a bucket, a damp hand towel, a cup of lemon water, and a calming CD(Day at the Beach).

I suggested a bit of weed to calm the nausea and she liked the idea. I left and came back with my rolling box. She was sitting up, over the covers with the light on. I asked what was wrong and she said she wasn't feeling sick anymore. I asked if she still wanted to smoke then she started the drip sweat and laid back down and again said that it would be a good idea. I rolled up the joint and lit it. She turned over to look at me when she smelt it and took a few good tokes on it. I had taken another 2 lines, but hadn't told her, she said want to do 2 more. I told her to wait until the joint was done and I would bring them to her.

After the joint I went and got the ketamine. I quickly made them to be back to 4 lines, she didn't notice they were two-thirds the size. Actually, if she did notice I am sure she was pleased. She definitely doesn't like to disappoint so sometimes she tries to keep up when there really isn't any need.

We took the two lines and finished the day much the same way I started it, on ketamine curled up on the same bed in a similarly dark room.

Part Two: Coming Soon.... :)
great report. im gonna have to try the shower things next time i do sum K. i wonder how crazy it would feel to get sum head while on ketamine? haha.
Ellis you are lucky with your significant other!

I'm yet to combine psychadelics and romance.

Sorry about your dishes :lol: