nitro harley
Well-Known Member
I got a book called " how to build a harley torque monster"
and a fever to do it
It should be a good runner..What compression ratio are you looking at?
I got a book called " how to build a harley torque monster"
and a fever to do it
Did seniors lose any benefits or services?
Yes or NO?
that, sir, is a shit laden crock, a misrepresention hung over still from one of many rightist lies.
do your homework.
Canndo, your left wing talking points are way outdated, the democrats have already admitted there will be cuts to medicare.
The new meme is, the cuts will be a good thing!
How a Cut Helps the Medicare BudgetTo some voters, it may sound counter-intuitive at first to think that cutting money from Medicare would improve, not weaken, its finances. But, again, this is a reduction in the future growth of Medicare spending over 10 years. And spending less is a good thing for Medicares finances as it is for most peoples.
For instance, lets say someone has a dedicated coffee budget but decides to drop a daily latte habit and instead buy regular coffee. That persons coffee budget took a big cut in spending, enabling the budget to last longer. Instead of one month of lattes, this java fan can have two months of coffee.
So does "townhall" show any cuts to benefits or services to those on medicare?
Then you are a fat lying piece of shit
Cuts to medicare or not, the ACA was not funded by funds extracted from medicare, only from useless and wasteful programs that insurance companies agreed to part with in favor of the ACA (seeing as how they wrote it, and tend to gain greatly from it no matter how it shakes out) - it is ever so tedious to have to correct the lies the right put forward, even at this late date. Kindly show me those death panels you folks were all so sure were being erected, or the 100,000 FBI agents that were being hired simply to enforce the ACA.
the right not only lies but perpetuates those lies as thought they were God's spoken truth - it is the opposite of "that was debunked".
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ChesusRice again.
You seem to reward liars by trying to give them rep on a regular basis. Frankly, your eager acceptance of even the most ridiculous lie just because you want to believe it has caused me to lose respect for you.
10:1 reverse dome pistons. It's rounded up a little. Just talked to nhrs they said I should get Andrews n4 cams. They bolt in so no worries about push rods or valve clearance. Using the stock 883 heads I gain a squish band at the price of WOT at 6500. Where it will run out of air becuase of the small valvesIt should be a good runner..What compression ratio are you looking at?
Claiming that having less funds than before means spending will remain the same is the lie here. Your dishonest attempt to pretend otherwise proves your character.
You are becoming just a knee-jerk libtard who completely disregards reality.
You seem to reward liars by trying to give them rep on a regular basis. Frankly, your eager acceptance of even the most ridiculous lie just because you want to believe it has caused me to lose respect for you.
Not to mention her avatar is a little "mannish":/
Do you even know who that is?
Not to mention her avatar is a little "mannish":/
As soon as I saw the mole on the neck, I knew who it was. But admittedly I did not pick up on it the first time I saw it. I thought Schuylaar was crazy for posting a self-portrait.
Do you even know who that is?
copy/paste from a source designed to sell the awesomeness of O'care