Well-Known Member
Doesn't seem that long ago that you steadfastly refused to admit there were any cuts at all. Now I see you atleast believe there were cuts but they are somehow magic cuts that only touch waste/fraud and abuse.
Each new government regulation is another incentive for fraud. Meaningful Use is being manipulated all over the country as I type this. Practice Managers depend on full reimbursement and have learned how to make the paperwork look "right" to collect the maximum amount. Since our new system pretty much signals the end of private practice as we were used to, the franchises are being run now by non-medical professionals and instead by professionals who learn how to work around quotas, regulations and incentives with correct documentation.
Our health care delivery system is now put in the hands of hospital corporations and insurance more so than providers. Well done dems. History will not be kind.
There are no cuts. BTW look at all the fraud busts in the last 6 months