And the noose continues to tighten..

Can a person be free and still file taxes ?

That clanging sound you can't here are the chains around your mind, slave.

Changing what you call a forcible confiscatory action to, "tax", still doesn't address whether an involuntary taking of another's property occurred or not does it ? The term that is more accurate in that instance is theft. You've been lied to, Mr. Gullible.

You never seem to get to the root problem. Here's the real question you never quite get to...Where do you get the right to determine another persons choices for them, if they aren't in the process of forcibly trying to determine your choices for you?

A person can comply with a forcible edict, when placed in duress and that doesn't constitute "agreement" it often simply means they made a concession to a lesser beating. Given a choice of no beating (not an option when gov't involved) most would choose a more voluntary approach to providing and purchasing services.

Now go drink some beer and count the quarters you didn't claim from your laundry sneaky guy you.
If the sea level rises it seems stupid to build yourself into a bowl... Just ask New Orleans.

The village idiot never disappoints; seaports are AT SEA LEVEL. It's not a coincidence.

Do you know one single solitary thing about geology in general, let alone why parts of New Orleans have been subsiding for over a century?

Nah, you just spew stupidity and hope no one notices.
Can (should) a person delegate a right they do not possess ?

Also, my philosophy does not leave everyone "to their own devices". It doesn't prohibit people from forming voluntary and peaceful associations which can solve problems...

As citizens, we DO have the right and we delegate it to government, an association to aggregate and organize the assets and efforts of nations of people.

You can't have it both ways, so get off the fence, splinter butt.
The village idiot never disappoints; seaports are AT SEA LEVEL. It's not a coincidence.

Do you know one single solitary thing about geology in general, let alone why parts of New Orleans have been subsiding for over a century?

Nah, you just spew stupidity and hope no one notices.
aaaHaaaahaahaahaaahaaaa, oh man, that's funny. I held back from replying to that because I wanted to see your reply first. The idiot's complaint is that like 400 years ago, the govmint made the HUGE mistake of building a port at the mouth of the largest river of what is now the US. At SEA LEVEL nonetheless.

Let me guess. Sea ports should be built safely away from the sea. Air ports should be built safely away from the air and Train Depots should be built safely away from .... wait for it .... Home Depot.
aaaHaaaahaahaahaaahaaaa, oh man, that's funny. I held back from replying to that because I wanted to see your reply first. The idiot's complaint is that like 400 years ago, the govmint made the HUGE mistake of building a port at the mouth of the largest river of what is now the US. At SEA LEVEL nonetheless.

Let me guess. Sea ports should be built safely away from the sea. Air ports should be built safely away from the air and Train Depots should be built safely away from .... wait for it .... Home Depot.

BWAHAHAHA! Classic! Yep, it's our fault the FRENCH built it there!

The sad truth is that if Home Depot stores actually HAD rail service, their costs would fall and it would be better for the environment.
As citizens, we DO have the right and we delegate it to government, an association to aggregate and organize the assets and efforts of nations of people.

You can't have it both ways, so get off the fence, splinter butt.

No, I DO NOT have the right to forcibly impose my will on you, nor you on me. That's called offensive force.

We both DO have the right to reject another person(s) attempts to impose their will on us. It's called defensive force.

Which part do you disagree with ?
My takeaway here is that more fresh water ending up in the southern ocean is an indicator of AGW and global climate change- and that keeping it frozen is a natural brake on the process we should all be happy to know is still working in our favor. Imagine what would happen if that brake wasn't there... Lots of people living at sea level would become climate refugees. BILLIONS of them. Even Americans!
Not all bad though can you imagine the value of my mountain land? :)
Maybe we should sue ExxonMobil for pursuing a campaign of deliberate deception, and the damages figure could cover the cost of relocating a billion people.

Even ExxonMobil couldn't afford that.
The funny thing is they are looking at the arctic because there is a lot of oil also trade will be a shorter boat trip without the pesky ice caps. The rich have been looking at global warming with a glass half full they are not going to do anything to stop it just pay into the Clinton Foundation.
As citizens, we DO have the right and we delegate it to government, an association to aggregate and organize the assets and efforts of nations of people.

You can't have it both ways, so get off the fence, splinter butt.
Not really they won't even give us medical marijuana the feds won't even consider it.
The funny thing is they are looking at the arctic because there is a lot of oil also trade will be a shorter boat trip without the pesky ice caps. The rich have been looking at global warming with a glass half full they are not going to do anything to stop it just pay into the Clinton Foundation.

Why would you support any of this?
Not really they won't even give us medical marijuana the feds won't even consider it.

'Give us'?! Get up off your knees and demand that your government serve YOUR needs! That's what advanced citizenship is all about! The voting booth is the LAST step in the process of democracy, not the first!

Begging will only get you treated like a slave, so stop acting like one.
'Give us'?! Get up off your knees and demand that your government serve YOUR needs! That's what advanced citizenship is all about! The voting booth is the LAST step in the process of democracy, not the first!

Begging will only get you treated like a slave, so stop acting like one.
Oh, we have (medical) only good if you have cancer,ms and shit. Can't grow your own have to buy from 1 of 3 dispensary's and can't shop around only the dispensary you chose.

They ain't giving us anymore they just put 5 million in the hands of the police to go after stupid junkies. I'm a long way from California.
'Give us'?! Get up off your knees and demand that your government serve YOUR needs! That's what advanced citizenship is all about! The voting booth is the LAST step in the process of democracy, not the first!

Begging will only get you treated like a slave, so stop acting like one.
Also I was thinking about the recent bill that was rejected by the Senate or whatever that they simply wanted to test marijuana to see if it can actually help with pain because of the heroin problem which most all junkies started with painkillers.
Oh, we have (medical) only good if you have cancer,ms and shit. Can't grow your own have to buy from 1 of 3 dispensary's and can't shop around only the dispensary you chose.

They ain't giving us anymore they just put 5 million in the hands of the police to go after stupid junkies. I'm a long way from California.

Call your congressman and demand universal health care. If even ten percent of our population did that, this country would be a different place.

Right now, they get away with murder because of apathy on the part of the electorate.
Also I was thinking about the recent bill that was rejected by the Senate or whatever that they simply wanted to test marijuana to see if it can actually help with pain because of the heroin problem which most all junkies started with painkillers.

Get involved.
I don't support it Hillary Clinton does Obama too why you think they have done nothing real to prevent global warming?
That's an interesting question. There has been quite a bit of obstruction in Congress to stop any action on climate change. Hillary, by the way was in the Senate for one term. Most of that time it was controlled by Republicans. Junior Senators from the minority party don't get the chance to implement big changes like that.

Are you aware that most Republicans subscribe to the idea that there is no global warming?