Another Cfl First Timer!


Once my plant grew crazy overnight and I fucked up and it touched my CFLs and I got a really bright white/yellow Patch like yours but bigger. It's from the lights and I still have those leaves on my plant cuz they are still alive.


Active Member
Your light set up is nice and should work. The yellow could be from nutes you added, I always say hold off from nutes til week 4 or 5. Keep the light close and maybe get some circulation in there. Next set should be 1 gallon pots. I would not mess with the light schedule unless you are sure what you are looking for when you prematurely go to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Tnelsonfla I do have some circulation, the box has a door that I cut into. I leave the door open a little with a fan pushing air into it. Without the fan the temps in my cardboard box get to high anyways. I kinda maxed out my current budget on lights and lamp cords. Getting paid once a month sucks! As I already mentioned I want to get a dresser or something to do this in and when I do I will will have a few built in fans for intake and exhaust. I've also decided against 12/12. I might kill off 4 of the plants here soon though. I don't need so many! I'm only here for personal use.

Redmilk, I believe it was either light burn or nute burn. Regardless it is not spreading and it has yet to be seen on any other leaves or plants. Just going to ride it out. Thanks for the information though.


I actually started a new batch of crop like 1 day before yours. I'll definitely follow this post, cuz we have a similar setup.


Well-Known Member
Decided to uproot 4 of 8, i picked the 4 that were the smallest(2 of them were still very small). The reason for this was that I can more easily manage 4 plants in the space I have. I still haven't found something to use as a grow box either, which sucks!

Here is a picture of my 4 remaining.



Active Member
My boy had the same prob its from the mirgrow organic I just took the plant out cause it was still small and flushed the soil unless you can get better soil just do that. He got an OZ off of it. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Just an update.. been 12/12 for a week now. Today two of four showed these little hairs, I tried my best to take pictures but they were fairly small to maneuver a good clear picture. Might these be ladies? Little clear thin hair type things.

Disregard the colors in my photos as I was just messing around with my camera trying to get a decent picture.girl1.jpggirl2.JPG


Well-Known Member
Does that mean male preflowers will have hairs as well? I don't believe that to be true based on what I've read but this is first time around for myself so! Anyways as of today all 4 are showing these hairs. Any idea for how I should decide which two to keep?


Well-Known Member
Long story short.. down to 1 plant that was FIM'd. Doing well. I have put all my lights around this one plant. Think the nutes I've been using may be too strong or I have a nitrogen def. Will post a cpl pics later.