Another Federal Crime by the (I) bush regime


Well-Known Member
Here some update news on the war crimes committed by the illegitimate bush regime and friends ...

Cheney says he had key role in interrogation methods

Iraqi group files 200 lawsuits against Rumsfeld, US security firms for torture
A Jordan-based Iraqi rights group said on Monday it has filed 200 lawsuits against US former defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld and American security firms for their alleged role in torturing Iraqis.
Ali Qeisi, head of the group the "Society of Victims of the US Occupation in Iraq," said the cases, relating to torture and abuse of Iraqi prisoners, have been recently filed in federal courts in Virginia, Michigan and Maryland.
Unless and until all who condoned, ordered, and signed off on the use of torture against detainees are prosecuted to the fullest extent of US law, this country's moral fiber will have been ripped to shreds in an irrecoverable way. MR WRH

My thoughts and prayers go with these folks ... I hope they will be able to find justice ...

DoJ blocking Obama team from docs on torture, wiretapping

CIA Torture Tapes Destroyed After Watchdog Concluded Methods Illegal
The CIA destroyed videotapes showing its agents subjecting high-level al-Qaeda detainees to waterboarding after the agency's inspector general issued a classified report in the spring of 2004 that concluded the interrogation methods used on the prisoners "appeared to constitute cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment, as defined by the International Convention Against Torture."

Since it invaded Iraq in 2003, the U.S. has detained thousands of juveniles---some of whom were tortured and sexually abused, according to published reports. Figures of the number of children behind bars vary. Some estimates put the number as high as 6,000.
While the criminal abuse of male prisoners at Abu Ghraib is well known, child and women prisoners held there have also been tortured and raped, according to Neil Mackay of Glasgow’s “Sunday Herald.” Abu Ghraib prison is located about 20 miles west of Baghdad.
These war criminals are so got damn sick in the head it isn't even funny ... :cuss:

That's it for now kids ... stay tune for more update of the crimes commited by the illegitimate bush regime.


Well-Known Member
This still does not address the issue of high crimes being committed by this regime ... sure we could do with out the feds ... but they are here and high ranking members are committing federal crimes. If it isn't address it will pave the way for even more serious crimes ... if that's possible.:roll:
Here, perhaps we should contrast Bush with FDR

FDR, that great Socialist Incompetent

effectively imprisoned millions of citizens of the United States, that hardly gets scratched by what Bush has done.

GR, you are overly extreme, and overly stupid.

Med, Health Insurance isn't Health Care, a real solution would be to force the AMA and ADA to stop trying to manipulate supply through their ability to recognize doctors, and through their influence on college courses, and let the colleges graduate as many qualified doctors as possible.

The problem is that there is too much demand for the level of supply that exists.

Another problem are all the lawyers that have driven malpractice premiums up so high. It is not logical for a doctor to pay $144,000+ on malpractice insurance premiums, especially when that money comes out of the pockets of people at the bottom.

The only people that are winning under the current system are lawyers, and insurance companies.

The only people that will win under the stupid nationalized health care plan are the insurance companies. Doctors, and Patients are going to get bent over and raped.


New Member
The only people that will win under the stupid nationalized health care plan are the insurance companies. Doctors, and Patients are going to get bent over and raped.
The only way nationalized health care would work is single payer and the eliminarion of any and all insurance company participation. Those employees that handled the paper work for the insurance agencies could move over to the government jobs created by the agency, but those bloated salary execs would have to go, along with all the greedy stockholders. Medical for profit is an evil and an oxymoron.


Well-Known Member
The only people that will win under the stupid nationalized health care plan are the insurance companies. Doctors, and Patients are going to get bent over and raped.
The only way nationalized health care would work is single payer and the eliminarion of any and all insurance company participation. Those employees that handled the paper work for the insurance agencies could move over to the government jobs created by the agency, but those bloated salary execs would have to go, along with all the greedy stockholders. Medical for profit is an evil and an oxymoron.
Med, you are a naive fool at times, the average Federal Employee Makes $100,000, and there's going to be "bloated salary execs" working for the Federal Government.

You're thoughts are idiotic in the extreme.

It's already been repeated nearly an infinite number of times that government does not produce anything EFFICIENTLY, EFFECTIVELY, or at a lower cost than the private sector.

Heck, the government's so ass-backwards that it's now paying companies for failing!


Well-Known Member
Here, perhaps we should contrast Bush with FDR

FDR, that great Socialist Incompetent

effectively imprisoned millions of citizens of the United States, that hardly gets scratched by what Bush has done.

GR, you are overly extreme, and overly stupid.
No ... it's you who are the stupid one ... the illegitimate bush has committed far more war crimes than FDR. He's not even close when it comes to the war criminal and illegitimate bush ... bush is imprisoning americans without trial ... illegal wire tapping ... the list is far longer than FDR:roll:


Well-Known Member
War criminal and illegitimate VP Darth cheney admits to war crimes ...

We Used To Execute People For Waterboarding War Crimes! pt.1

Cheney Admits He Personally Authorized Waterboarding (i.e., Torture)


Well-Known Member
... and as we say in the us of a ... WTF:o:shock:

More on the war criminal front ...

Hans Blix: "Cheney threatened to discredit me"

Obama & Biden To Protect Bush Administration Criminals
It’s par for the course for Obama and Biden, the men who promised “change” but in every step of their preparations for assuming office have pursued nothing but continuity, to acknowledge that they will protect criminals in the Bush administration from prosecution for authorizing torture, a complete violation of both the U.S. constitution and the Geneva Conventions.

Blix reveals the threats made by Dick Cheney before the invasion
In an interview with Aljazeera today, former Chief of the UN weapons inspectors in Iraq told the TV that he and the Head of the IAEA "Mohamed Al-Baradei" were subjected to direct threats from Dick Cheney before the war.

Here's an opinion piece ... something most Americans obviously feel ...
Demands for war crimes prosecutions are now growing in the mainstream
For obvious reasons, the most blindly loyal Bush followers of the last eight years are desperate to claim that nobody cares any longer about what happened during the Bush administration, that everyone other than the most fringe, vindictive Bush-haters is eager to put it all behind us, forget about it all and, instead, look to the harmonious, sunny future. That's natural.

Should Dick Cheney Be Hanged?
Before or after a trial?:cuss:

Happy Holidays ...
Merry Christmas!


Well-Known Member
I was torn as to whether I should start a new thread with this or put it here ... it's really an old story ... just more conformation that the illegitimate bush regime are responsible for false flag operations and war crimes ... British Foreign Secretary: Al Qaeda is Not a Real Group, Just a U.S. Propaganda Campaign
Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook says:
The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US. Cook has previously written: Is No 'Al Qaeda' says Ex UK Foreign Secretary

Here's a couple of good op-ed ...

Seasonal forgiveness has a limit. Bush and his cronies must face a reckoning
Heinous crimes are now synonymous with this US administration. If it isn't held to account, what does that say about us? criminals

There is pressure building on the incoming Obama Justice Department to somehow adjudicate the war crimes committed by the George W. Bush administration, starting at the top. The political problem is that these crimes also implicate leading Democrats, thereby rendering true justice nearly impossible.




Well-Known Member
quit whining about bush being a nazi and a criminal and all that crap

at worst, hes just a crappy president, and at best hes just an ok one. your reasoning is blinded by your political prejudice so you call for outrageous actions and get over-excited about........gossip really


New Member
quit whining about bush being a nazi and a criminal and all that crap

at worst, hes just a crappy president, and at best hes just an ok one. your reasoning is blinded by your political prejudice so you call for outrageous actions and get over-excited about........gossip really

Uhhh, you call a war that has killed between 100K and a million Iraqis, tortured thousands, left DU munitions all over the land, blown the crap out of peoples homes and infrastructure, ruined our good will all over the planet, etc. etc. A Rumor or gossip. Man you are the one blinded by ignorance.


Well-Known Member
quit whining about bush being a nazi and a criminal and all that crap

at worst, hes just a crappy president, and at best hes just an ok one. your reasoning is blinded by your political prejudice so you call for outrageous actions and get over-excited about........gossip really
Oh ... so the senate and other reports and cheney own confession was just gossip ... how fucking stupid can you be?... and quit trying to defend war criminals ... you do nothing but show you stupidity ... and lack of common sense ... the evidence is quite clear ... if you are too stupid to read ... then :finger: ...
There should be a place where we could send all the politically stupid people like yourself ... kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
quit whining about bush being a nazi and a criminal and all that crap

at worst, hes just a crappy president, and at best hes just an ok one. your reasoning is blinded by your political prejudice so you call for outrageous actions and get over-excited about........gossip really
Bush is more than crappy. I don't want to sound mean, but please,
don't be such a sheep.

Bush's "war on terrorism" is nothing other than a war on our freedom.
You know he completely eliminated our Writ of Habeas Corpus. If you
don't know what it is, go look it up. If you don't believe it, read this
quote he said.

"The consitution is just a goddamn piece of paper!"
Go figure.

He gave himself the power to declare Martial law in case of a "national crisis". Bullshit. Sorry, but Bush has to go down as the worst president
in history. I'm sick of all the propaganda bullshit coming from him and his cabinet. Thank
goodness someone else is stepping in.


New Member
Bush is more than crappy. I don't want to sound mean, but please,
don't be such a sheep.

Bush's "war on terrorism" is nothing other than a war on our freedom.
You know he completely eliminated our Writ of Habeas Corpus. If you
don't know what it is, go look it up. If you don't believe it, read this
quote he said.

"The consitution is just a goddamn piece of paper!"
Go figure.

He gave himself the power to declare Martial law in case of a "national crisis". Bullshit. Sorry, but Bush has to go down as the worst president
in history. I'm sick of all the propaganda bullshit coming from him and his cabinet. Thank
goodness someone else is stepping in.
Bush is almost gone, thank God, Hopefully I won't be saying the same thing about Obama 8 years from now.


New Member
Here, perhaps we should contrast Bush with FDR

FDR, that great Socialist Incompetent

effectively imprisoned millions of citizens of the United States, that hardly gets scratched by what Bush has done.

GR, you are overly extreme, and overly stupid.

Med, Health Insurance isn't Health Care, a real solution would be to force the AMA and ADA to stop trying to manipulate supply through their ability to recognize doctors, and through their influence on college courses, and let the colleges graduate as many qualified doctors as possible.

The problem is that there is too much demand for the level of supply that exists.

Another problem are all the lawyers that have driven malpractice premiums up so high. It is not logical for a doctor to pay $144,000+ on malpractice insurance premiums, especially when that money comes out of the pockets of people at the bottom.

The only people that are winning under the current system are lawyers, and insurance companies.

The only people that will win under the stupid nationalized health care plan are the insurance companies. Doctors, and Patients are going to get bent over and raped.
TBT ...

I have nothing but respect for GR and Med. When one takes into account the numbers of times these two yokels have gotten their asses handed to them in this forum and then continue to come back for more shit-eating, ya just gotta respect them for it. :lol:



Well-Known Member
I hope not either. And I'm thanking more than God that his ass is almost gone.

YAY! Bush is almost gone.:clap:

quit whining about bush being a nazi and a criminal and all that crap

at worst, hes just a crappy president, and at best hes just an ok one. your reasoning is blinded by your political prejudice so you call for outrageous actions and get over-excited about........gossip really
Bush is almost gone, thank God, Hopefully I won't be saying the same thing about Obama 8 years from now.


Well-Known Member
TBT ...

I have nothing but respect for GR and Med. When one takes into account the numbers of times these two yokels have gotten their asses handed to them in this forum and then continue to come back for more shit-eating, ya just gotta respect them for it. :lol:

You're hallucinating again Vi ... when have you ever handing me my ass especially on my threads? I love to see a link.

You guys really get into projecting yourself into your opponents ... :bigjoint: