Another Federal Crime by the (I) bush regime


New Member
Come on VI, you can be more vile than that. Geeze, for a moment I thought you may have seen the light. The last eight years were the worst eight years of my life and what that asshole left us doesn't bode well. It will take a miracle to pull this one off, I hope Obama has a few miracles left in his bag. I also hope that Vincent Bugliossi does what he said and takes these criminals to felony court.


Well-Known Member
I would like to see all these groups that said they are going after these criminals to do so ... we simply can't allow war criminals to get away with war crimes ... it just isn't right. America need to do what is right for a change ...


Well-Known Member
Here's a great op-ed about why we can't allow these war criminal to roam the earth free ...
[URL=""]Harper's Magazine- Justice after Bush:Prosecuting an outlaw administration[/url]
This administration did more than commit crimes. It waged war against the law itself. It transformed the Justice Department into a vehicle for voter suppression, and it also summarily dismissed the U.S. attorneys who attempted to investigate its wrongdoing. It issued wartime contracts to substandard vendors with inside connections, and it also defunded efforts to police their performance. It spied on church groups and political protesters, and it also introduced a sweeping surveillance program that was so clearly illegal that virtually the entire senior echelon of the Justice Department threatened to (but did not in fact) tender their resignations over it. It waged an illegal and disastrous war, and it did so by falsely representing to Congress and to the American public nearly every piece of intelligence it had on Iraq...

There can be no doubt that torture is illegal. There is no wartime exception for torture, nor is there an exception for prisoners or “enemy combatants,” nor is there an exception for “enhanced” methods. The authors of the Constitution forbade “cruel and unusual punishment,” the details of that prohibition were made explicit in the Geneva Conventions (“No physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever”), and that definition has in turn become subject to U.S. enforcement through the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the U.S. Criminal Code, and several acts of Congress.1

Get it you bean head bushies? NO EXCEPTION ... I don't care what your asshole leader told you ... they lied and you of course fell for it ...

We can not abandon this rule of law ...


Well-Known Member
I would saw a mans leg off to find out where a bomb was planted or several other reasons.For a loved one id break out the drill!!!!!!!!!:bigjoint:


Active Member
oh yes, the old blame bush, just because hes the president hes responsible for everything
the only reason its illegitimate is because you got Repub. president with a Demo. congress


Well-Known Member
oh yes, the old blame bush, just because hes the president hes responsible for everything
the only reason its illegitimate is because you got Repub. president with a Demo. congress
Your gawd-damn right I blame Bush BECAUSE HE IS THE PRESIDENT. That guy is a criminal and he deserves to be treated like one. As far as I am concerned the president is the captain of the ship and whatever goes on is his responsibility. There was an AP article yesterday wherin some of Bush's former aides described him as being as clueless as Sarah Palin and how Dick Cheney operated with calculating impunity in the vacuum created by Bush's stupidity. To the people who voted for Bush: Thanks a fucking lot you idiots.


New Member
Your gawd-damn right I blame Bush BECAUSE HE IS THE PRESIDENT. That guy is a criminal and he deserves to be treated like one. As far as I am concerned the president is the captain of the ship and whatever goes on is his responsibility. There was an AP article yesterday wherin some of Bush's former aides described him as being as clueless as Sarah Palin and how Dick Cheney operated with calculating impunity in the vacuum created by Bush's stupidity. To the people who voted for Bush: Thanks a fucking lot you idiots.
Now there's a bit of truth if I ever heard it. Kudos, couldn't have said it better myself.


Well-Known Member
I would saw a mans leg off to find out where a bomb was planted or several other reasons.For a loved one id break out the drill!!!!!!!!!:bigjoint:
So I suppose it will be alright with you if someone arrested you and tortured you to get information they claim you have ... that would be a good thing right? Doesn't matter that you say you are innocent they say you know something ... it would be a fair thing to happen to you right? Because torture produces results ... right .... NOT
You obviously don't know what you are talking about ... come back when you are better educated ... :dunce:

oh yes, the old blame bush, just because hes the president hes responsible for everything
the only reason its illegitimate is because you got Repub. president with a Demo. congress
No ... the reason he is illegitimate is because his cronies suppressed votes ... purged voters ... caged voters ... which is a crime ... and rigged the voting machines ... starting in 2000 ... that's why he's illegitimate ... he ... along with Ford ... were never elected by the people ... that's a FACT ... you or any other repuke can't dispute ... this thread has COMPLETE documentions of the crimes committed by this illegitimate regime ... another one that doesn't know wtf they are talking about ... :sleep:

Your gawd-damn right I blame Bush BECAUSE HE IS THE PRESIDENT. That guy is a criminal and he deserves to be treated like one. As far as I am concerned the president is the captain of the ship and whatever goes on is his responsibility. There was an AP article yesterday wherin some of Bush's former aides described him as being as clueless as Sarah Palin and how Dick Cheney operated with calculating impunity in the vacuum created by Bush's stupidity. To the people who voted for Bush: Thanks a fucking lot you idiots.
I second that ... thanks for nothin' you dumb asses ... just keep your heads in the hold and pretend these monsters are not war criminals ... it only shows how stupid you really are ... :finger:


Well-Known Member
So I suppose it will be alright with you if someone arrested you and tortured you to get information they claim you have ... that would be a good thing right? Doesn't matter that you say you are innocent they say you know something ... it would be a fair thing to happen to you right? Because torture produces results ... right .... NOT
You obviously don't know what you are talking about ... come back when you are better educated ... :dunce:

Ever heard of S.E.R.E school its a escape/capture and torture school I went through at 29 Palms marine base in ca.Graduated in 89 I know more about torture than youll ever know.If i had something someone needed to know I expect torture And Im not afraid.Torture Produces Results!!!!!!!
Eat Shit you uneducated soap box jockey:finger:


Well-Known Member
I have been through SERE training as well and it is emphasized you are being prepared to handle situations where your captors do not follow the Geneva Conventions rules governing treatment of POWs. Sadly, we can no longer demand our soldiers be treated according to the 'rules of war' as we no longer follow them. Article I: I am an American fighting in the forces which defend our country and our way of life, I am prepared to give my life in it's recent years this statement has lost much of the dignity that once accompanied it. I find it incredulous that Dick Cheney has asserted his authorization of waterboarding is not torture. The problem with a democracy is that we must all take responsibility for Cheney's nitwit actions as we (well, some of you anyways) elected him...twice! And Bush. It's abundantly clear that fool was never in charge of the castle. But what I find most incredulous is the newly proclaimed 'Conservatives' (they called themselves Republicans as recently as Nov 3, 2008 ) insist Obama is wrong for our country and are whining relentlessly about Obama's intended plans. Someone call the fucking Waaahhhhhmbulance! Obama is currently the only visible figure in our executive branch and he isn't even part of it yet! Parting thoughts: "Conservatives": you had best un-fuck yourselves before Obama rips off your heads and shits down your necks (translation: there will be trials and people will be going to jail, conservative people).


Well-Known Member
So I suppose it will be alright with you if someone arrested you and tortured you to get information they claim you have ... that would be a good thing right? Doesn't matter that you say you are innocent they say you know something ... it would be a fair thing to happen to you right? Because torture produces results ... right .... NOT
You obviously don't know what you are talking about ... come back when you are better educated ... :dunce:

Ever heard of S.E.R.E school its a escape/capture and torture school I went through at 29 Palms marine base in ca.Graduated in 89 I know more about torture than youll ever know.If i had something someone needed to know I expect torture And Im not afraid.Torture Produces Results!!!!!!!
Eat Shit you uneducated soap box jockey:finger:
I told you to come back when you were better educated ... you didn't ... you're still stupid ... torture does nothing ... except give sadistic people like you a hard on ... you've already eaten shit ... :dunce::lol:


Well-Known Member
How many of you bought into the Al-Qaeda bullshit ... raise your hands:o ... my ... but there are a lot of you ... :dunce:

Unraveling The Myth of Al-Qaida
It is a CIA creation. It was shaped by the agency to serve as a substitute “enemy” for America, replacing the Soviets whom the Islamist forces had driven from Afghanistan.

It all makes sense when you take the time to:arrow: follow the money ... 911 ... the war ... torture ... all committed by the elite:fire: ... and many of you continue to fall for the bullshit? :spew:


Well-Known Member
I am sure torture does produce results!
But like bradlyallen said.
" Sadly, we can no longer demand our soldiers be treated according to the 'rules of war' as we no longer follow them."

The "do as I say not as I do" leadership will only last so long.
Cackmeat sandwich anyone?