Another first aerogarden!! Yay!!


Active Member
Alright, so I've spent the last four weeks reading every thread, post, and site I could find about this wonderful piece of technology. I've been using the MaroGarden (pro 100) for about a month now... I started out a little rough and burned the hell out of them with the provided nutes.... sad day for me. Then we had a scare and my roommate killed off most of them. I have three left right now, not sure what sex they are.. Gonna start flowering next week I think. Now my questions :D

1. The two that are REALLY short I topped off and cut off all the leaves. (TERRIBLE TO DO, I KNOW) - Is there any chance they'll mature or is it to late for them? What problems could you see happening to them?

2. How long does flowering take before I can harvest? (I know it depends on the strain, conditions, etc.. but just curious at a general time in the garden.)

3. ANY other comments or advice for me? Maybe tell me what kind of MJ I'm growing?



Active Member
I did top the all of the plants... the one clone that I just started on the 12th you can see looks alright........ I cut it (hopefully her) from the largest plant.


Active Member
fersher, like I've said I've read everything.. just curious if you think the little ones will make it to flower? or did I stress them out too much by cutting everything off?

oh, and I always thought male/female was genetic? anywho.... thanks again for the help from two pretty smart guys. I've read some of your other posts and you def. know what you're doing.


Well-Known Member
im not sure, there all kind awkward haha, seems like then need come more light, maybe you should start over


Active Member
ya they look like they might be stretching a bit. what are you using for light just those 2 cfls?


Active Member
3 cfls, the aero lights, and 2 2 foot tubes. i think they're alright... the short ones each have about 4 nodes, wheres as the larger one has 7 or 8 nodes.. its about five or six inches tall. the other two are three or so..


Well-Known Member
well unless they look different now then from the pics, i've never seen plants look like that, probably cause you trimmed them


Well-Known Member
To be honest with you, if you're a first time grower, aeroponics isn't the method I'd have suggested for you. Not to be condescending or anything, but the truth about aeroponics is, there is an EXTREMELY small margin for error with that method, and one must keep an an ever watchful eye on how things are going. Advanced growers tend to be more skilled with that particular method because they've encountered different problems before with other growing techniques and usually know how to deal with them. What lures most novice growers to aeroponics seems to be the speed in which it works, but like anything else, it has a catch.

For one, those tiny little lights are ok for now, but eventually you're going to need something that puts out more light. Personally, I don't recommend anything less than a 400W MH or HPS to flower with.

I could give you some pointers, but I'd need more information. There are a bunch of good stickies of information in each of the different forum sub sections that cover most of the basics, and even some advanced techniques. Take the time to review some of that material, and see where it takes you. Best of luck.


Active Member
Here they are 18 days later. The large one IN the Aero is a beautiful lady. Hopefully she does well. I need to get some more CFLs fersher.

The little one in the half-milk-jug survived quite well after I brutally removed all of the leaves. Not sure about the sex of it yet (as if it matters, it probably won't make much bud if any)

let me know what you guys think!!



Active Member
GUESS WHAT!?! TWO LADIES! haha the little one is kinda a joke but oh well.. its gonna be tight when they're done!!! i don't know how ill be able to keep my hands off of them


Active Member
alright, so i changed the res yesterday and after i got home from work today i found that the water was white and cloudy....

im using the aero nutes and i added a VERY small amount of sugar because i heard that molasses/sugar was good for flowering..

is that the problem? HELP :)


Active Member
found out what it was, i had an orange near the setup to help provide a little extra co2 turns out lights and nearby water make for moldy oranges haha, grossss anyway everything is looking good.. did a llittle pruning on the lower branches :)


Active Member
.. did a llittle pruning on the lower branches :)

Hey man im no expert but i've read alot on here and it seems that since you stressed your plants so much to start with you might not wanna prune anything unless its yellow and dying....its just going to add stress...i've read that people do it to the bottoms to increase air circ but i seems like more stress for the already stressed is not a good idea.

just my .02