Another Murder Of An African American Because of Fucked Up Laws At The Hands Of A Cop!

See how being a racist asshole narrows and distorts your perception of reality? When we practice aversion or avoidance
What evidence am I avoiding? I posted why I believe what I believe, with logical reasoning you however will not. I wonder why? Change my mind, I am open to it.
What do a large percentage of black people who were shot by cops have in common?
Well the vast majority were armed, almost 100% either had the cops called on them by concerned citizens (like the two minority shop owners who *requested* the help of the police to deal with a drugged up criminal acting erratically) or were criminals with warrants, and the vast majority either resisted or did not comply.

What did I miss?

What do a large percentage of black people who were shot by cops have in common?
Let's see, a black cop who is more blue than black, I looked at some of his other videos too and he was wearing a Trump tee shirt. About 30% of every country and group are assholes and this appears to be another one. Not a single video on the Jan 6th insurrection and the viscous attack on cops that killed some and injured hundreds, I wonder why.

This guy has an agenda, not a point of view, people like him exist though and will be shocked when their political "friends" march them into the gas chamber.

It's not his history that is the issue, it was the inappropriate use of deadly force and an incompetent arrest. The systemic problems, police reform and qualified immunity are the issues, not character assassination, or blaming the victim. The data makes his overall assertions wrong and the fact that he's a Trump supporter makes his character more than suspect, it makes him a moral failure, the fact that he is black and a Trump supporter indicates he has other personality issues too.
What evidence am I avoiding? I posted why I believe what I believe, with logical reasoning you however will not. I wonder why? Change my mind, I am open to it.
You are rationalizing your bigotry and racism, you are almost always in a negative emotional state and it afflicts your perception from the get go, the cherry pickings you post are indicative of this. Donald was gonna get the people you don't like, some how, I guess, but you are operating on feelings and not much else. I doubt if you can introspect to the depth required to know this for yourself or have the character and courage to confront it, more avoidance.
Well the vast majority were armed, almost 100% either had the cops called on them by concerned citizens (like the two minority shop owners who *requested* the help of the police to deal with a drugged up criminal acting erratically) or were criminals with warrants, and the vast majority either resisted or did not comply.

What did I miss?
You missed the part where your white nationalists beat police with Blue Lives Matter flags during the Jan 6 insurrection.

You guys are traitors and will say anything, any lie, any cheat to take this country down.
Poor life choices and a lack of responsibility for those choices.

If you reject social norms and you do not attempt to educate yourself and to improve yourself and instead engage in inappropriate behavior the odds of failure and a stupid pointless death increase dramatically. Until the attitudes towards education and acceptable behavior change, nothing else will change.
Poor life choices and a lack of responsibility for those choices.

If you reject social norms and you do not attempt to educate yourself and to improve yourself and instead engage in inappropriate behavior the odds of failure and a stupid pointless death increase dramatically. Until the attitudes towards education and acceptable behavior change, nothing else will change.
Policing will change and many cops will change careers to that of pushing a mop, police reform is coming, old habits will catch up with many and cameras will help, so will a national registry of bad cops, resigning gets you on it too, depending on circumstances. The thin blue line that is the battle line of white privilege is buckling and will break under reformed laws. A culture change is coming, good cops will be required to report bad cops and if the body cam and other footage shows they don't, they will be considered bad cops too and end up on the registry because they lack the courage to do the job professionally. Courage is the queen of all the virtues, for without courage none of the others are possible.
Poor life choices and a lack of responsibility for those choices.

If you reject social norms and you do not attempt to educate yourself and to improve yourself and instead engage in inappropriate behavior the odds of failure and a stupid pointless death increase dramatically. Until the attitudes towards education and acceptable behavior change, nothing else will change.
keep repeating the racist lies all you like.

Doesn't change the fact that Chauvin was convicted for deliberately killing Floyd. His police department lied about the incident in its report. So, the DOJ investigation of their police department is underway. Not that I should cast stones. Portland has a terrible problem with fascists on the police force and we are doing what we can to get city politicians to do their job and run a system that is equitable for everyone.
Sheep is the person who re-bleats what they were told and what they think their friends want them to say so they can hopefully remain their "friends". Do it, raise the fist/wear the mask/say sorry - not because it helps someone or is the right thing to do, but because it's expected of you and people will say mean things if you don't lol.

I hope you all find the freedom to speak candidly with your "friends" without being turned on one day. What's the saying? The left eats it's own.
lol at your 'the left'. Snowflake about 'being turned on one day' when it is generally in reality people just getting sick of the gas lighting lies that maybe you actually believe, but are very wrong and should be pushed back on.

Well irrational beliefs are one, amd any belief that goes against occams razor. Eg hannnimal believing that there is some vast conspiracy of white people with huge power rather than it being individuals acting in their best interest. He once posted that white people have a conspiracy causing invalids to bypass the towns to settle in the cities yet immigrants bypassing valid countries to claim refugee status in forbthe ones with the most benefits is just personal choice. Clearly both are caused by the actions of individuals acting in their best interest. This is cognitave dissonance at it's finest (or paid shilling, who can tell these days).

You are naive to think that those things are mutually exclusive.

And notice you say I said that but didn't actually show it, I call bullshit. Please prove me wrong about me not saying that I said anything about 'invalids' being sent anywhere. Unless you are being a troll and saying the homeless people in rural areas get a bus ticket out of town. Because that shit is not a 'conspiracy', it is reality.

The problem is that trolls like yourself pretend like this is not a issue that our cities become overburdened with no tax base to make the very real improvements that are needed in the crumbling infrastructure that is poisoning those communities children.

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Well the vast majority were armed, almost 100% either had the cops called on them by concerned citizens (like the two minority shop owners who *requested* the help of the police to deal with a drugged up criminal acting erratically) or were criminals with warrants, and the vast majority either resisted or did not comply.

What did I miss?
Most of the non racist cherry picking things that contribute to crime. Like those areas are mostly going to be low income neighborhoods. Highest levels of pollutants/poisons like lead that is proven to link to mental impairment. And also have by far the highest density of police.
Somewhat fair. Gotta separate opinion from official positon. He should have separated his tweets between potus and realdonaldtrump imo. That would have helped a lot.

Righties: It's fine if he golfs all the time because he's literally working 24/7 running an entire nation!!!

Lefties: Yeah but he says lots of dumb things.

Righties: He's not working all the time and those are just his personal opinions!!!
Trump had no problem with a hard days work. He can walk away from it to play golf and not feel the least bit guilty.
lol at your 'the left'
Lol at the left cancelling itself but largely failing to cancel the right. See indiginous artists cancelling their music festivals over threats of appropriation one indigenous group to another. That's where the saying comes from.

The problem is that trolls like yourself pretend like this is not a issue that our cities become overburdened with no tax base to make the very real improvements that are needed in the crumbling infrastructure that is poisoning those communities children.
Sounds like you need... Wait for it... Immigration controls. Maybe a wall, no?

The problem is that trolls like yourself pretend like this is not a issue that our states become overburdened (from immigration) with no tax base to make the very real improvements that are needed in the crumbling infrastructure that is poisoning our countries children. FTFY

PS, if the homeless are not really invalids, then why don't they contribute to fixing your crumbling infrastructure by paying taxes?
Most of the non racist cherry picking things that contribute to crime.
Oh come on, I never even mentioned how iq is the best indicator of life outcomes, and iq is primarily genetic not environmental (as you seem to imply)- see the many transracial adoption studies on the matter, also iq or sat scores ofchildren by parental income/parental education.
homeless people in rural areas get a bus ticket out of town. Because that shit is not a 'conspiracy', it is reality.
Want to talk about the caravans from the south too, or did that slip your memory. You simply cannot believe one is a conspiracy and the other a result of personal choices, that's nonsensical and ingenious. You can believe they are both a bit of each perhaps.
Lol at the left cancelling itself but largely failing to cancel the right. See indiginous artists cancelling their music festivals over threats of appropriation one indigenous group to another. That's where the saying comes from.

Sounds like you need... Wait for it... Immigration controls. Maybe a wall, no?

The problem is that trolls like yourself pretend like this is not a issue that our states become overburdened (from immigration) with no tax base to make the very real improvements that are needed in the crumbling infrastructure that is poisoning our countries children. FTFY

PS, if the homeless are not really invalids, then why don't they contribute to fixing your crumbling infrastructure by paying taxes?
You're just an antisocial asshole with a low empathy score, anything you say about social or political issues is just hate driven bullshit. You've made yourself irrelevant in Canadian and even in American politics. Most people here think you're an asshole without any point to make at all, even those who are republicans know this and that's saying something! Yer just here to meet malicious emotional needs, most people simply have you on ignore, except for those of us who like to shit on you.
Well the vast majority were armed, almost 100% either had the cops called on them by concerned citizens (like the two minority shop owners who *requested* the help of the police to deal with a drugged up criminal acting erratically) or were criminals with warrants, and the vast majority either resisted or did not comply.

What did I miss?
Ok, let's say that is true. And the cop gets there and in a instant without knowing everything that has been going on is put in a situation that they are overwhelmed and making life and death decisions.

They are only human, and mistakes happen.

We can do better.

As for thinking that just because these statistics don't show up (because we do not get anything near as good of data from our police) in the data, how many people do you think are on site at any rowdy bar across the US that are armed? How many times do you think crimes occur and the cops don't end up becoming a statistic by killing people? I wish I could give you better deep dive into all the relevant statistics, but that is the troll that is the racist numbers/stats rabbit hole.

Lol at the left cancelling itself but largely failing to cancel the right. See indiginous artists cancelling their music festivals over threats of appropriation one indigenous group to another. That's where the saying comes from.
LMAO. Right, by violence do you mean mother fuckers coughing out the plague in these extremely vulnerable areas?

You make me laugh trying to paint stupid shit in a false conflict.
Sounds like you need... Wait for it... Immigration controls. Maybe a wall, no?
Why so we can become North Korea? Fuck that.

Besides what does this have to do with what I said? Are you just looking for something to bring up your next troll check list item, is there some kind of bonus if you get x amount of propangada topics in your shift?

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Our cities not being able to clean up the lead and asbestos and crumbling buildings that the newly-wealthy white people left behind when they fled to the burbs, has nothing to do with immigration. People are not a bad thing, and given the same opportunity to succeed and thrive, the kids of those people coming to our country just make us that much stronger of an economy.

The problem is that trolls like yourself pretend like this is not a issue that our states become overburdened (from immigration) with no tax base to make the very real improvements that are needed in the crumbling infrastructure that is poisoning our countries children. FTFY
I am not pretending shit. If you want to come at me with something and you think there is something I should consider, quit being a troll and just say it. The need to 'one up' in a argument is unnecessary. If you actually want to be a human, and not a troll, and I am being too much of a dick because trolling is endless and it is impossible (like you did indeed say) to know if you are just trolling or not, just say something and I will refocus and dial down the dickery.

PS, if the homeless are not really invalids, then why don't they contribute to fixing your crumbling infrastructure by paying taxes?
So you were being a dick about homeless people?

There are a million reasons people end up homeless. It is a shame that people don't understand that since we closed down our mental health systems in the 80s (because Republicans wanted those tax cuts for the wealthiest in our nation) and we have been reeling from that bad policy ever since.

Oh come on, I never even mentioned how iq is the best indicator of life outcomes, and iq is primarily genetic not environmental (as you seem to imply)- see the many transracial adoption studies on the matter, also iq or sat scores ofchildren by parental income/parental education.
I am not necessarily saying that the stats you are posting are the really racist stats, maybe 'the I am not racist but' level, but not full on skull composition racist stuff.

But then I reread this and see you are talking about iq's and am not so sure anymore.

What are you saying that conditions of a school with a high level of students living in poverty doesn't have anything to do with how functional a kid is able to be in school?

Want to talk about the caravans from the south too, or did that slip your memory.
You mean it is springtime and people are about to start planting crops and that people will come here looking for work?

Yeah that shit happens every year. I remember in Michigan we had migrant workers every year. I also remember the town treated their kids like shit. It is a bummer, they were there every year up until high school then we never saw them again that I knew of.

How much do you actually know about migrating people in America? What is it that you are afraid of about them, or what do you think they hurt us with btw?

Feel free to show a link to these horrible acts that fox likes to highlight to scare their viewers into voting Republican.

You simply cannot believe one is a conspiracy and the other a result of personal choices, that's nonsensical and ingenious. You can believe they are both a bit of each perhaps.
You lost me here. If you mean homeless people, then yes, a lot of everything happens to people. I think of it like plants. When you fuck something up early on a plant you know its going to struggle and you will always have to keep doing something to try to take care of whatever you fuck up trying to fix the last problem, and it is a lot easier to just end its suffering and plant a new plant in its place.

When shit happens to people, that is it, they are dealing with it until they die. I don't claim to have knowledge of what others are going through and why whatever they find themselves in is because of some defect on their part and not just the way shit goes in the real world.

But we are talking about humans, and we are able to do better. We should stop thinking people need to suffer unnecessarily. We make enough food and its not that hard to figure out a living quarters for people. We can do better. And should expect our elected government officials to make sure it is.
Why is that people who admit to having no knowledge of what others deal with day to day, crow the loudest. Is it because they see so much more clearly the adversity others suffer.. Reminds me of a little rooster I had, he did nothing, but he strutted so proudly and crowed so loudly.. This , to me is just your rage of the day..