Another Murder Of An African American Because of Fucked Up Laws At The Hands Of A Cop!

Do you really need an explanation why the actual free market and what exists today a fucked up mix of crony capitalism / socialism / fascism are different ?

Stupid memes? I suggest you could learn a thing or two from Walter Williams. (the Marilyn Monroe video a few posts back)

Do you really need an explanation at how free markets become less free with low quality people?

Stupid meme, that's right. I don't know about the one a few pages back, all I know is that when you get cornered, you turn into a 12yo troll and posts pictures of cats instead of explaining yourself(probably because you can't).
the objective of Black Lives Matter movement is to reduce the high rates of cops harassing, brutalizing, shooting and beating of Black people
Absolutely, their goal is to increase the rates of black people harrassing, brutslizing, shooting and beating other black people.

Clearly the 20 or so unarmed black people that get killed by cops every year are much more important than the 8000 black people killed by other blacks!

FYI the seattle experiment failed and they are already refunding the police after a huge increase in homicides and other crime. Whoda thunk it?
Police reform seems pretty easy in my eyes. Abolish qualified immunity and make cops liable for 100% of civil lawsuits.
They will now have to operate like doctors. You fuck a few people up.... get sued, then your premium goes up.
If you you fuck up real bad, like say a doctor who operates while intoxicated, you become immediately a high risk and uninsurable.
So this will solve the Blue Line Gang keeping bad officers in rotation by bouncing them around departments.
Once the guy is a high risk and uninsurable I doubt he will risk his whole net worth on a job.

I hear you breathing hard....You're almost there. Except rather than polishing the coercion based turd. which is government funded policing, flush it entirely.

How would a person deriving their pay from an act of extortion, which is how cops are paid now, be able to protect others from those who would extort them ? In other words, cops must first take stolen money to prevent others from robbing you, that's a fact btw.
Do you really need an explanation at how free markets become less free with low quality people?

Stupid meme, that's right. I don't know about the one a few pages back, all I know is that when you get cornered, you turn into a 12yo troll and posts pictures of cats.

So you don't like Walter Williams then ?

By the liberal code, I believe I'm supposed to call you a racist now.
How would a person deriving their pay from an act of extortion, which is how cops are paid now, be able to protect others from those who would extort them ? In other words, cops must first take stolen money to prevent others from robbing you, that's a fact btw.
Paying for a service is not extortion. Private security is the alternative, meaning only some people are protected and inequality increases, see south america.
FYI I love you guys. I know you're all old white men working to keep the black man as slave class by touting progressive ideology. Selling harmful policies such as victimhood and lack of agency to the people you want to hurt most. Fkn brilliant.

Ooh snap, reducing the value of a person's voice because of their age and race.

Seems like white guys are rubbing off on you(hopefully just figurately speaking).
Absolutely, their goal is to increase the rates of black people harrassing, brutslizing, shooting and beating other black people.

Clearly the 20 or so unarmed black people that get killed by cops every year are much more important than the 8000 black people killed by other blacks!

FYI the seattle experiment failed and they are already refunding the police after a huge increase in homicides and other crime. Whoda thunk it?
Murder is wrong. But the State sanctioned killings of unarmed black men is inexcusable, yet here you are.
So you don't like Walter Williams then ?

By the liberal code, I believe I'm supposed to call you a racist now.

Couldn't post a meme because you got called out, but posted the verbal equivalent. I'd say, "well played", but really all you did was support my claim.
Police reform seems pretty easy in my eyes. Abolish qualified immunity and make cops liable for 100% of civil lawsuits.
They will now have to operate like doctors. You fuck a few people up.... get sued, then your premium goes up.
If you you fuck up real bad, like say a doctor who operates while intoxicated, you become immediately a high risk and uninsurable.
So this will solve the Blue Line Gang keeping bad officers in rotation by bouncing them around departments.
Once the guy is a high risk and uninsurable I doubt he will risk his whole net worth on a job.
And pay them like doctors too if this is the changes.
Ooh snap, reducing the value of a person's voice because of their age and race.
Not diminishing their voice, giving explanation to their reason to want to hold onto power. We are watching the progressives be overthrown by their creation just as we watched the liberals overthrown by the progressives. What will follow will be a fascist nationalist ethnostate lol.

State sanctioned killings
The state never sanctioned any killings. What you see is a very small number of accidents (100 total unarmed black and white people killed by police yearly) made by fallible individuals over a huge number of police stops (40 million including traffic stops).
Paying for a service is not extortion. Private security is the alternative, meaning only some people are protected and inequality increases, see south america.

You sometimes get things right. This isn't one of those times though.

South America has an overarching coercion based government in the instances you refer to. For that reason you are not rebutting, "free market", you are pointing at ANOTHER government doing it wrong, to try to prove a point of how the USA government does it wrong.

You also, use the word "service" loosely and erroneously. It's not really a service if there is duress and a coercion based system of exchange, which is EXACTLY how it works in the present gooberment policing systems.
You also, use the word "service" loosely and erroneously. It's not really a service if there is duress and a coercion based system of exchange, which is EXACTLY
I guess you're right and what I was trying to say is that sometimes coercion is ok if it benefits the majority. The whole country benefits by coercion to pay for roads for example, in economic and productive output and in standard of living for everyone, not just those who can pay for the best roads.

Similarly we benefit from the lower crime and unrest and higher productive/economic output of the nearby communities which may not have the resources to contribute as much to the police.
I guess you're right and what I was trying to say is that sometimes coercion is ok if it benefits the majority. The whole country benefits by coercion to pay for roads for example, in economic and productive output and in standard of living for everyone, not just those who can pay for the best roads.

Similarly we benefit from the lower crime and unrest and higher productive/economic output of the nearby communities which may not have the resources to contribute as much to the police.

So, like a gang rape could be okay then, as long as it benefits the majority ? :lol: