Another Murder Of An African American Because of Fucked Up Laws At The Hands Of A Cop!

Oh fuck me, how is this not so hypocritical.
You ever read any threads? You Americans, unless you are both of one party, Libs/Dems, you are threatening each other with all the military specs. I'm not up on weapons of mass destruction like you guys are.. what are they, they sound like dope strains..?? Ak47's, Mi 15's etc etc. Uzi's
What a lame ass arguement and most probably equivilent to your educational status, and yeah, if I was near you you would most proabably love to take a gun out and kill me.. Like all you seem to do. just sayin" Like over 800 this year so far... Perhaps i understated that amount. Regardless, you lot like killing each other. Undeniable..

You talk about us being nasty and spite filled? How about have a look at the Septic's murder record. (Yeah, we call Yanks, Septics, as in Tanks, Septic Tanks) a commodity we keep shit in in Australian in case you didn't know,) but then, you don't know much about anything outside your America, or most probably your home town.. That is why you have to attack anything that does not agree with your idiom. Trumpism.. I get it. A virus sweeping America. Thankfully contained to white people with low education.
Actually the only thing septic is your foul mouth
Welcome to IGNORE
Oh fuck me, how is this not so hypocritical.
You ever read any threads? You Americans, unless you are both of one party, Libs/Dems, you are threatening each other with all the military specs. I'm not up on weapons of mass destruction like you guys are.. what are they, they sound like dope strains..?? Ak47's, Mi 15's etc etc. Uzi's
What a lame ass arguement and most probably equivilent to your educational status, and yeah, if I was near you you would most proabably love to take a gun out and kill me.. Like all you seem to do. just sayin" Like over 800 this year so far... Perhaps i understated that amount. Regardless, you lot like killing each other. Undeniable..

You talk about us being nasty and spite filled? How about have a look at the Septic's murder record. (Yeah, we call Yanks, Septics, as in Tanks, Septic Tanks) a commodity we keep shit in in Australian in case you didn't know,) but then, you don't know much about anything outside your America, or most probably your home town.. That is why you have to attack anything that does not agree with your idiom. Trumpism.. I get it. A virus sweeping America. Thankfully contained to white people with low education.
Stay classy, Australia. Stay classy.
You talk about us being nasty and spite filled? How about have a look at the Septic's murder record. (Yeah, we call Yanks, Septics, as in Tanks, Septic Tanks) a commodity we keep shit in in Australian in case you didn't know,) but then, you don't know much about anything outside your America, or most probably your home town.. That is why you have to attack anything that does not agree with your idiom. Trumpism.. I get it. A virus sweeping America. Thankfully contained to white people with low education.
For such a well traveled and educated individual, you seem to have a rather narrow view of the intelligence and diversity of Americans. It's ok, Americans can be ignorant about other countries too.
i mentioned this strategy awhile ago and caught some from @Fogdog ..i wonder if he still feels the same?

(now Foggy you know i love you, but at least there's a chance of survival with the above. everyone keeps saying 'don't shoot' and concerned about saying it when just listening and complying- no one likes it not even a cop wife, but she does it anyway).

What kills me is that anyone is made to think like this.

Strategy? Why would I need a strategy to safely interact with someone who is employed and paid using our tax money.

The fact that people think you have to walk on egg shells to avoid being murdered on the side of the road is ridiculous.
IF you actually step out of your country and look at these arguements, here and on many other similar threads, one can understand why so many people are being killed in the USA by the hands of other civilians and the "Force." You guys are so angry. It only takes one or two posts and threats and swearing are flying everywhere. But then that is the standard you want to take to the world, (think Iraq, think Vietnam, think South America, and now if you have your wish, China.) You people just like being angry, killing people, war mongering and blaming eveyone else for your incompetence, especially if they are somewhat different from a white skinned christian. Heaven forbid if another countries system seems to be doing a whole lot better than the "greatest country in the world.." What gives you the right to profane that you are the land of the free, and are righteous in bringing freedom to the world.. Give me a fucking break. I travel China regularly, (well until a year or so ago) and I tell you, they are not shooting each other, and have already spent the billions on infrastucture that you so much envy. They, yes, they are happy, content and prospering like they have never before, since they got out of the yolk of imperialism.. Please, just go on shooting each other, (preferably white by white) but leave the rest of the world alone. Instead of pointing the finger at everyone else, look at the three that are pointing back at you. You are a disgrace.
Oh, yes, I am aware that it is a crime to be black in America, the so called land of the free, home of the brave, as long as you don't have bone spurs..
Ok totally real person and not another paid troll.
Anyone know why the people of Columbus are upset about the teen girl getting shot that was literally in the process of trying to kill someone with a knife?
Anyone know why the people of Columbus are upset about the teen girl getting shot that was literally in the process of trying to kill someone with a knife?
Originally, that story was misreported.

The original story was that the girl with the knife was being jumped by 4 people and trying to defend herself and the officer opened fire.

After release of the body came footage, that narrative was quickly abandoned.
In my experience, they seem a lot happier than those living in the "land of the free." Freedom is a conceptual thing, like, really, how free are you in the US? With that occupying force called "The Police" not to metnion the NSA, NSC, FBI, CIA, etc etc etc, etc etc., Not to mention if you are not white?

Whereas, my vast experiences in China, I could ask, What Police. What guns? Mass murders? What mass murders? Violent crime? What violent crime? Safety? Never ever, ever have I felt unsafe in China wherever and whenever I walked, and I can't even say that about my own country. +

Don't go dissing China, unless you have actually been there, otherwise you have only swallowed what your own Government wants you to think so as to promote their own agenda. Don't be a sheep, but being a sheep is mindless, easy. Then you just become the gullible most. Remember Weapons of Mass Destructions? Remember Xin Jiang? Same thing. Propaganda, so America can justify the slaughter of another couple of hundred thousand people.
America is afraid of China, not due to a physical threat, perhaps economically yes, but more so, that their system, CPC (Not as the West calls CCP) is perhaps more successful then the so call "democracy" that the last 12 months have made such a mockery of. Serious, you think the US democracy is worthy of promoting, with eg., the recent Republican laws enacted in Georgia.? Mind you, I am an Australian living in Australia, and my knowledge of the world, let alone American politics far outweighs 99% of the average American citizens knowledge of their own county.

It's a brand new world, and whilst you guys have been infighting, China has gone ahead with High Speed Rail (already done) 5G, Digital commerce, (try using cash in China now!) and a multitude of benefits that Chinese people now take for granted. Yes, they have pensions, superannuation, etc etc. The West is lagging behind.. But yet, none of you have been there hence none of you know just how backward the West truly is. Whilst you fight amongst yourselves, (Rep/Dem) China is going ahead in leaps and bounds, and your only answer is WAR. Gotta stop these commies being better than us.. Strange fact.. How can a Communist country have so may Billionaires? Duh? Like brain fart? And yet, you guys still fight and kill yourselves. It really seems that a One Party System can get things done better than the Rep vs Dem's. I heard a journalist the other day express an emotion that "the Chinese actually seem happy" Fuck me, the lot that I know, (my wife lectured there for 6 years,) are fucking doing better than I am. I only have one house, most have a couple, and business is booming. Forget Hong Kong as the Pearl of the Orient, HK is dull and drab and boring compared to any major tiered city in China. Shenzhen, (China's equivilent to Silicon Valley) on the other hand is a world beyond any other.. Open your eyes and do not belive what your Gov't wants you to believe, unless you want to think of yourself as being dumb. China is a go to destination and I am so grieving not being about to travel there It is a blast, and I don't even drink...
Regards Human Rights. Ask any Black American about Human Rights, and then give me any evidence of Genocide in Xin Jiang? Like anything.. Anything?? Please..
Imagine any other country being surrounded by American Missiles, like America has surrounded China. I have no respect for Amercia. How could I?
Below is a pic of a weeknight out in Chongqin. Reasonably sized city/municipality of 32 milion. Love it!
"What police?" (in China)

Originally, that story was misreported.

The original story was that the girl with the knife was being jumped by 4 people and trying to defend herself and the officer opened fire.

After release of the body came footage, that narrative was quickly abandoned.

Oh snap, I did not know that. Quite the turn of perception there. I heard something about someone being shot and people were upset, but just watched the clip this morning and was confused by the unrest.
What kills me is that anyone is made to think like this.

Strategy? Why would I need a strategy to safely interact with someone who is employed and paid using our tax money.

The fact that people think you have to walk on egg shells to avoid being murdered on the side of the road is ridiculous.
Agree that we shouldn't have to walk on egg shells around the police to avoid being murdered. What schuy is referring to is how to survive when a murderous cop is a clear and present danger. To me, its' two different topics. She conflates the two and casts part of the blame on the victim. I don't agree with her but I was raised by in an abusive family. I understand what she means about de-escalating a situation like that.

Still, though. When a person abuses another, the abuser is always wrong. Always.
Nope, no messages nothing. Guess you guys don't like facts too much.

All I posted in the other thread was the minute by minute play of floyds arrest. No personal attacks, no n words. I figured it wasn't you because you replied to me after being locked. Weirdest thing is that I try not to derail threads by continually posting or posting off topic I hadn't posted for several pages before being locked.

I guess protecting the propaganda section from truth is his imperative, I wonder if the boys in blue got dirt on him and he does their (or his blm/religious masters perhaps) bidding because he has to or if he really thinks he's improving the forum by squashing honest speech, or maybe he thinks you guys respect him because he protects his buds from "dangerous" truth lol.
A cop asks 10 people what the perp looked like. Those 10 people will all have different answers. It's called perspective. We all have our own. You have yours and others have theirs.

The problem with you is that you see it your way and ONLY your way. You are not open to other points of view or disagreements.

Therefore you get the :finger: and told to go on your way. It's quite simple really :eyesmoke:
Nope, no messages nothing. Guess you guys don't like facts too much.

All I posted in the other thread was the minute by minute play of floyds arrest. No personal attacks, no n words. I figured it wasn't you because you replied to me after being locked. Weirdest thing is that I try not to derail threads by continually posting or posting off topic I hadn't posted for several pages before being locked.

I guess protecting the propaganda section from truth is his imperative, I wonder if the boys in blue got dirt on him and he does their (or his blm/religious masters perhaps) bidding because he has to or if he really thinks he's improving the forum by squashing honest speech, or maybe he thinks you guys respect him because he protects his buds from "dangerous" truth lol.

If your posts are the ones I'm remembering from the other thread, your perception about Chauvin's moves being state approved and part of training were proven to be untrue.
Nope, no messages nothing. Guess you guys don't like facts too much.

All I posted in the other thread was the minute by minute play of floyds arrest. No personal attacks, no n words. I figured it wasn't you because you replied to me after being locked. Weirdest thing is that I try not to derail threads by continually posting or posting off topic I hadn't posted for several pages before being locked.

I guess protecting the propaganda section from truth is his imperative, I wonder if the boys in blue got dirt on him and he does their (or his blm/religious masters perhaps) bidding because he has to or if he really thinks he's improving the forum by squashing honest speech, or maybe he thinks you guys respect him because he protects his buds from "dangerous" truth lol.
Maybe you should not watch as much hate media made for racist suckers and while yer at it get yer head out of your ass. They know antisocial behavior when they see it and socially destructive false narratives too.

Canada must be a difficult place for someone like you to live in, a liberal socialist paradise with hate crime laws, human rights commissions and no real political home for fascists. Justin handing out cash and running left of the NDP while leading in the polls must burn your ass like battery acid.
Police kill about a hundred unarmed people of any race yearly. People kill 16000% more, it's fact.

Among unarmed victims, Black people were killed at three times the rate (218 total killed), and Hispanics at 1.45 times the rate of white people (146 total killed).

There are on average a total of 15,000 gun homicides on average each year.

There are on average a total of 40,000 deaths caused by guns on average each year.