Another soil thread - new to organics


I'm taking the liberty of starting a new thread for my soil mix. I've read many threads with different ingredients and mix ratios, and I don't have access to all the "american" ingredients, so I'll have to go with what I have..

From what I understand, organic soil should settle before use. I have soil leftovers from an outdoor grow in pots, so I guess these should have all the bacteria and fungi up and going already? I grew autos which yielded 2-3 grams each, so I guess there's alot of nutrients left. I mixed in 20% rabbit poo with organic bag soil w/natural fertilizers.
I suspect the mix might have been too strong, because the growth of the plants were stunted, and when I pulled them 2 months later, I could still pull the plant with the rootball from the sprouting container still intact. Maybe the mix was so strong that the roots didn't go too much into the surrounding soil?

I'm making a 16 gallon mix. If I mix 8 gallons of my used/"used" soil with 8 gallons of bag soil, how much blood meal and bone meal should I mix in?
I have some lots of half finished compost, but I guess this is no good in a soil mix? Perhaps I can put an inch of this in the bottomn?
Unfortunately, I don't have access to wormcastings...

Any thoughts? =o)



I'm kinda in a hurry to repot.. my girls don't look very healthy... :(

And is there any moderator who can move my thread to the organics forum? =o)