Anti MMJ Politicians

Off the top of my head.
and a whole bunch more.

Almost all of them brother.

I think this is why our support of a PAC is so important. All districts will go back and forth, sometimes they support us others they don't. A PAC on the other hand will chase our issue, not the politics of these fools. We cannot accept geographic or party lines here if we have any chance of being successful with our efforts.
Almost all of them brother.

I think this is why our support of a PAC is so important. All districts will go back and forth, sometimes they support us others they don't. A PAC on the other hand will chase our issue, not the politics of these fools. We cannot accept geographic or party lines here if we have any chance of being successful with our efforts.
Yep just like gay rights (Which I'm not for) but I'll use as an example. They kept public pressure on and made themselves look like victims who weren't being heard, I'm just saying (My opinion) but they have been successful in getting what they wanted simply because they organized and kept the pressure on Washington.
Yep just like gay rights (Which I'm not for) but I'll use as an example. They kept public pressure on and made themselves look like victims who weren't being heard, I'm just saying (My opinion) but they have been successful in getting what they wanted simply because they organized and kept the pressure on Washington.
Prohibition is prohibition brah :bigjoint: ... and I'm not pitching or catching either :hump::hump:
lol@ not for gay rights...who cares what 2 adults do in their bedroom?.......too many rules in this nice to see a candidate embrace all the smokers and people who want less gov in their life and run for office...I would show up and vote.
I was going to run for public office and preach less government, but opted to lead by example instead and not do it. I hope it worked.
I'm no Snyder apologist; but we made this mistake already and it cost us dearly.

The community assumed AG Cox would not do the right thing because he was a GOPher.
We were wrong and our inaction with him out of fear led to inaction on his part.

Snyder said he would not take on 'Social Issues' during his campaign when asked about MM.
It was his standard for anything not connected to State finances and good government.

He does not like MM from all appearences; but he will not lead, or enable, a crusade against it.
That Emergency Manager law is something he promised in the campaign.
He always was whatever that makes him and we should have known that before casting our votes.

Point being that is is sometimes more harmful to us when we lable them because of Party.
Or when we lable them because of other personal feelings about OTHER policies they adhere to.
A PAC, or activist Org, should only concern itself with whatever the PAC's stated purpose is.
A Marijuana PAC should not concern itself with anything but marijuana related issues.
LoL Nope :-P

Can you run it by them Stump? Plz & Thx

I just dropped a blackout map, no copy issues ...

I was just noting where one may find this thread while pimp'n RIU.

I was thinking about dropping off some 200s to G3C with some of these stickers on them.
Well I'm not quite understanding what your trying to do with this, I can almost guarantee the answer to using this website to promote anything is going to be no.
Well I'm not quite understanding what your trying to do with this, I can almost guarantee the answer to using this website to promote anything is going to be no.

Even the (currently fictional) CannaPAC?!? You can get them to man up for the cause ;)
The rollitup with michigan logo is pretty sweet. I am not big on politics though.

Me either brother, that's why I'm just waiting for an able individual to step up here ... We'll give them 110% they just need to let us know who they are (and a JD).

Progress is a slow process bro, let's just roll ;) (maybe a slogan)

Anti over at ICMag may have further input here also.
200k + card holders in Michigan you would think that with that much clout we can get anyone in office we want. Do it Glad....
200k + card holders in Michigan you would think that with that much clout we can get anyone in office we want. Do it Glad....
Add the 400k here on RIU and however many over at ICMag and I think we're in the game ;) Dropping the word at G3C only adds a possible 65k more.
As far as anyone in GOV. supporting cannabis they are few and far between, and those like Obama that say they are for it, quickly change their position once their corporate masters tell them to fall in line. I mean pre election he said he wasn't going to touch Medicinal Marijuana, but has been cracking down harder than Bush.

It's not just BIG Pharma keeping cannabis illegal, but alcohol companies donate tons of money to the anti-legalization effort. Anyone that really wants cannabis legal should not only avoid big pharma, but boycott alcohol until cannabis is legal, as I have chose to do.

All of that said, I have seen public opinion change drastically since I first started visiting NORML as a highschool freshman. Within the last few years I have seen multiple documentaries about cannabis and seen cannabis all over television on the news etc. I honestly think that cannabis will be legal within 10 years. It is just a way different vibe around cannabis than when I first started using it. And I've got alot of hope as a result.
@ Stump Any word from rolli, I'm looking at G3C on Tuesday. I added the G3C logo before printing, I hope that is not an additional issue. Maybe with approval we could start a new "sticky"? I would suggest "Support CannaPAC today!"
