Any advice for a lost soul?

Is it not enough to just be? If not, then maybe now is a good time to learn how to just be.
I don't know, I get what you're saying and I've read books on Taoism and Stoicism but since I failed, I really need to succeed in something. Or maybe I don't get what you're saying.
Yoga and meditation. In that order. And perhaps you need a small spark to ignite what your looking for. I don't advocate drug use, but responsible dosing of lsd or mushrooms can help to bring possibilities closer to your grasp.
My son was born when I was 24. I went from child to grown man at 24. Not saying have a kid by any means. Just, saying that sense of purpose happened quick for me when it did happen.
Wow, that's great. How old is your son now? You must be good buddies. I actually never had a healthy relationship with my parents and I wanted this NOT to happen with my children. I remember myself saying that I would really try to connect with my future children and try to be not only a good father, but a good friend. Surely more complicated than it sounds.
Yoga and meditation. In that order. And perhaps you need a small spark to ignite what your looking for. I don't advocate drug use, but responsible dosing of lsd or mushrooms can help to bring possibilities closer to your grasp.
Hello. Like I said before, I medidate 1 hour per day(30min. Focus meditation+30min. Chakra) but never tried yoga but I was interested in Kundalini Yoga. What type of Yoga are you doing and for how long? I actually take acid every other weekend and it's the reason I learned to grow weed. I don't smoke weed daily, only on saturdays and when I'm tripping to enhance my trip. If you combine LSD with medidation, it's truly remarkable but lately I've just been listening to music when tripping. I ran out of tabs, so i'm waiting for some valhalla trufflea from Zamnesia. It would the first time taking truffles for me. Any tips?
I think you have to be serious and even unhappy to MAKE CHANGE. I could light a joint right now and listen to some music or play a videogame and feel much better, but when I wake up tomorrow morning I will say "Congratulations, you wasted one more day of your life".
Well , then don’t say that to yourself . Concentrate on a peaceful state of mind when you wake up by finding a loving morning meditation to guide you in a better direction.
I don't know, I get what you're saying and I've read books on Taoism and Stoicism but since I failed, I really need to succeed in something. Or maybe I don't get what you're saying.
You can always try to succeed in just being. I totally know what it feels like to rebound from failure as I've spent a good portion of my life doing just that. I'm reminded of a story and I'll see if I can type it out real quick in this poorly lit room that I'm in.

A lonesome young kitten used to see the older cats in the park running around with each other and playing their special brand of 'cat grab-ass'. He was once told by one of those particular cats that happiness was in their tails which is why they used to chase each other around. The young kitten decided that he'd start practicing catching his own tail so that he could obtain that happiness.

Every day after cat school, he'd go to a nice shady tree in the local park and he'd begin chasing his tail. Day after day, month after month the kitten kept chasing his tail but he could never catch it. One day he went to the shady tree and saw an old cat sitting up in the tree enjoying himself. Not wanting to disrupt the old cat, the younger cat moved his tail chasing exercises a few meters away. After about an hour of tail chasing, the older cat came down from his perch in the tree and asked the kitten what he was doing. When he heard that the kitten was trying to capture the happiness in his tail the old cat replied.. "I, too used to chase my tail around trying to capture that happiness but then I realized that I had been wasting my time and energy because when I stopped chasing after it I realized that the happiness in my tail followed me every where I went."
Wow, that's great. How old is your son now? You must be good buddies. I actually never had a healthy relationship with my parents and I wanted this NOT to happen with my children. I remember myself saying that I would really try to connect with my future children and try to be not only a good father, but a good friend. Surely more complicated than it sounds.

13, which is challenging at times. Your still young and your 20's are a rollercoaster of finding your footing in life. It never stops though I promise you.
You can always try to succeed in just being. I totally know what it feels like to rebound from failure as I've spent a good portion of my life doing just that. I'm reminded of a story and I'll see if I can type it out real quick in this poorly lit room that I'm in.

A lonesome young kitten used to see the older cats in the park running around with each other and playing their special brand of 'cat grab-ass'. He was once told by one of those particular cats that happiness was in their tails which is why they used to chase each other around. The young kitten decided that he'd start practicing catching his own tail so that he could obtain that happiness.

Every day after cat school, he'd go to a nice shady tree in the local park and he'd begin chasing his tail. Day after day, month after month the kitten kept chasing his tail but he could never catch it. One day he went to the shady tree and saw an old cat sitting up in the tree enjoying himself. Not wanting to disrupt the old cat, the younger cat moved his tail chasing exercises a few meters away. After about an hour of tail chasing, the older cat came down from his perch in the tree and asked the kitten what he was doing. When he heard that the kitten was trying to capture the happiness in his tail the old cat replied.. "I, too used to chase my tail around trying to capture that happiness but then I realized that I had been wasting my time and energy because when I stopped chasing after it I realized that the happiness in my tail followed me every where I went."
Thanks for taking the time to not only read my posts, but replying with a very touching and eye-opening story. I really appreciate it. I will write down this story to my journal.
You can always try to succeed in just being. I totally know what it feels like to rebound from failure as I've spent a good portion of my life doing just that. I'm reminded of a story and I'll see if I can type it out real quick in this poorly lit room that I'm in.

A lonesome young kitten used to see the older cats in the park running around with each other and playing their special brand of 'cat grab-ass'. He was once told by one of those particular cats that happiness was in their tails which is why they used to chase each other around. The young kitten decided that he'd start practicing catching his own tail so that he could obtain that happiness.

Every day after cat school, he'd go to a nice shady tree in the local park and he'd begin chasing his tail. Day after day, month after month the kitten kept chasing his tail but he could never catch it. One day he went to the shady tree and saw an old cat sitting up in the tree enjoying himself. Not wanting to disrupt the old cat, the younger cat moved his tail chasing exercises a few meters away. After about an hour of tail chasing, the older cat came down from his perch in the tree and asked the kitten what he was doing. When he heard that the kitten was trying to capture the happiness in his tail the old cat replied.. "I, too used to chase my tail around trying to capture that happiness but then I realized that I had been wasting my time and energy because when I stopped chasing after it I realized that the happiness in my tail followed me every where I went."
Like this?
"Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. ....get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed."
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
Honestly dude there's a lot here to unpack. And I mean a lot. There is one thing I can say to finding something you're passionate about; no one can tell you what you're passion is. You have to do the soul searching and trying things out.

I'll be honest though if you're depressed you need to address that first and foremost. As someone who has struggled with depression for 2/3 of my life I can honestly say it takes time. And you know what? That sucks. I can remember people telling me the same thing and after years I felt worse and lost faith that it would ever get better and after many more years things finally got a little better and that grew, and grew and now I feel like a different person. It took forever. I know how it felt, and I can relate to how you feel. I had to do a lot of work and it took a long time and in the in between I gave up a few times and almost gave up on life but here I am.
Before I continue this novel I'll just end it here and wish you the best of luck.
Ps. On the flip side I have also been know to be very social. Go figure.
Best of luck and know that you always have support here. Keep in mind that happiness is on one end of the spectrum. Anger, frustration etc are at the other end. If you can find yourself in the middle (at peace) more often than you find yourself at the extreme ends of the spectrum then you're doing okay.
Go and help someone that has nothing and get out of your head how ever you can do good and good thing will be happening all around you all you can do as always thank you for your time and the best wishes to you and your family
What's up Buddy..

I can recommend something for your hunger pains...
I can relate to pretty much all of your symptoms...
I too Workout a lot to release tension, stay in shape, and to increase muscle size (at the moment...looking for a little size)
Normally I'm a Super Cardio person on my ProForm HIIT Pro...

I'm a US Veteran with PTSD...
I talk to myself A LOT...Sadly...I catch myself speaking out loud about what I'm supposed to be thinking..
I don't answer myself though..lmao
Now..Being that I know my temperament, I'm standoffish unless I feel you are Drama free and I'll invite you into my inner circle.
Now, what you sound like is happening is you are Benging.
If you haven't, you should reward yourself on Weekends to have something to look forward to as a reward for working out so hard.

Have a little extra sweet or whatever. This will kill your desire to have what you shouldn't be having.
Now there's the hunger that kicks in after you medicate.
To kill that at ALL times...
I normally workout in the early morning when I'm not working...

I take HELLFIRE by Innovative Labs

Don't ask me if this is the Legit EPHEDRA...No it's the Extract that Serves the EXACT same purpose..
Many people are skeptical that it works and I am a former Boxer who needed to train intensely while fighting at Kronk's Gym in Detroit back in the day. Ephedra KEEPS and KEPT the hunger at bay.
This works EXACTLY like the Pure Ephedra I took.
I promise you...You will ONLY eat when you REMEMBER you have to feed your body/muscles to recuperate. Most of the time even WHILE BLAZED you will forget to EAT. I have to remind myself that eating only 1 meal isn't healthy for my muscles cause it works that well.

1 pill curbs the appetite from 4 am to 6 pm...I take another at 2 pm to last me 24 hours.

That's all I can suggest for appetite control, my friend. It WORKS and if you don't want ALL that boosted energy?! (I say why not cause it comes with a Nice surge. for one pill though it says to take 2 you don't need 2 and my body has a HIGH tolerance for Thermogenics)

I suggest buying the Cheapest Alternative which they BANNED from the High dosage over the counter as EPHEDRA

They can't BAN PRIMATENE. It also contains Ephedrine, which is a form of Ephedra.

Take the tablet form. I have them as well. You would need to take 2 tablets with 1 250 mg Asprin with caffeine.

This is a catalyst for the Ephedra to draw it out and deliver it faster into the system.
The 2 tablets form is all you need to curb your appetite and also burn calories cause that's another thing that Ephedra does.

You can purchase this at your local drug store but not on the counters anymore. You have to ask the pharmacist for the 24 counts of Primatene.

Gluck with the rest of your symptoms and I hope you find my information helpful.